  • 我最愉快的经历是,当我怀着一种好心去观览一些活动时,友好的泰国人民给我以欢迎和鼓励,结果我就成了积极的参与者。
    Some of my fondest experiences have been the times when I've come to these occasion our of curiosity only to find myself an active participant, welcomed and encouraged by friendly Thai hosts.
  • 有的则认为,既然给刘少同志平反,就说明毛泽东思想错了。
    Others think that the rehabilitation of Comrade Liu Shaoqi shows that Mao Zedong Thought is wrong.
  • 她说:"我听说许多外国人认为我们外出的交通工具还是骆驼,如果人们都这样想,那么我们被美国人认作是恐怖分子也就不足为了。"
    "I have heard that a lot of foreigners think that we go around on camels," she said. "Considering their people think this, it doesn't matter that the American government thinks we are terrorists."
  • 喂?我是托马斯。奥康纳。请佩来听电话好吗?
    Hello? Thomas O'connor speaking. Can I talk to Page, please?
  • 怪,冬天住避暑别墅;我这样想着。
    Strange, I though, in winter.
  • 次日---我能看的第二天---我会随黎明一道起来,看那黑夜转成白昼的激动人心的迹,
    The next day- the second day of sight-I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is transformed into day.
  • 次日---我能看的第二天---我会随黎明一道起来,看那黑夜转成白昼的激动人心的迹,
    The next day- the second day of sight-I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is transformed into day.
  • 紧紧的打褶的毯子;一件特的打褶的t恤。
    tightly tucked blankets; a fancy tucked shirt.
  • 马车驶过时,车上的铃铛叮当叮当地响起,直到渐渐消失在远处。对于嘉莉来说,这铃声不仅新而且令人愉快。
    To Carrie, the sound of the little bells upon the horse-cars, as they tinkled in and out of hearing, was as pleasing as it was novel.
  • 蹄的有数个脚趾的
    Having an uneven number of toes.
  • 法国波尔多警方日前接报一件案:一名7岁的女孩被其兄墓碑上掉落的石十字架压死。
    A 7-year-old French girl died after being crushed by a cross that fell from a tombstone as she and her family visited her brother's grave, police say.
  • 在光维仪器的灯光下,兰佐·吉阿提用一把手术刀将细微的沉淀物从躯干的后背上小心地刮下来。
    Under fiber-optic light Renzo Giachetti uses a scalpel to scrape minute deposits from the back of the torso.
  • 那天晚上,他向儿子讲起了聪明的乌龟和高山,以及珍珠和灰烬的神故事。
    That night,he told him some fantastic stories about wise tortoises and mountains,about pearls and ashes.
  • 中国有十亿多人口,几十个民族,建国后三十多年又经历了曲折的历史,所以,发生这样的事情也不怪。
    China is a country which has more than one billion people and dozens of nationalities and which has traversed a tortuous road over the more than 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic. So it is not surprising that such disturbances should have occurred.
  • 除对亲日派破坏抗日、袭击人民军队、发动内战之滔天罪行,另有处置外,兹特任命陈毅为国民革命军新编第四军代理军长,张云逸为副军长,刘少为政治委员,赖传珠为参谋长,邓子恢为政治部主任。
    In addition to the adoption of measures to deal with the towering crime of the pro-Japanese clique in sabotaging the War of Resistance, attacking the people's armed forces and launching civil war, the Commission hereby appoints Chen Yi as Acting Commander of the New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, Chang Yun-yi as Deputy Commander, Lai Chuan-chu as Chief of Staff, and Teng Tzu-hui as Director of the Political Department.
  • 伯比,理查德1567?-1619英国演员和剧院经理,是同时代最负盛名的悲剧演员。他是第一个扮演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,《李尔王》,《奥赛罗》和《理查三世》的主角
    English actor and theater manager. The foremost tragedian of his day, he was the first to play the title roles in Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Richard III.
  • 美国在线时代华纳公司旗下的美国新线电影公司日前宣布,备受瞩目的影片《指环王第二部:双城谋》的宣传预告片即将在美国在线(aol)的网站上正式登场。
    Film studio New Line Cinema, a unit of AOL Time Warner Inc., has said it will debut the promotional trailer for "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on sister company AOL.
  • 这个妇女称能同死者对话,她会阴魂附身,并且会发出怪的声响。
    The woman claimed to be able to speak with the dead, and would go into a trance and make strange noises.
  • 这笔交易完全是一个迹。
    This transaction is nothing less than a miracle.
  • 我找警卫局的同志谈了一下,他们说,把我前些日子和意大利记者法拉的谈话向战士们宣读了,还组织了讨论,干部、战士都觉得这样讲好,能接受。
    I talked to some comrades from the Guards Bureau under the General Office of the Central Committee; They told me they had read to their soldiers the transcript of my recent interview with the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci and had organized some discussions on it. All the officers and men felt that what I had said was appropriate and acceptable.
  • 这些罪过的性质极其古怪:是我以前从没想象过的一些古怪离的罪过。
    They were of the most curious character: odd transgressions that I never imagined previously.
  • 如果没有作为近代技术迹之一的晶体管,我们的收音机、电视机、电话等就不可能做得像现在的这样校
    Were there 30 transistor which is a wonder of modern technology , our radios , television sets , telephones , etc. , could not be as small as they are.
  • 美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》白皮书和艾逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。
    The White Paper on United States Relations with China released by the Department of State in 1949 and Secretary of State Dean Acheson's letter of transmittal to President Harry S.Truman had to admit this.
  • 美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》白皮书和艾逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。
    The White Paper on United States Relations with China released by the Department of State in 1949 and Secretary of State Dean Acheson's letter of transmittal to President Harry S. Truman had to admit this.
  • 在那件事中特伦跟他们一致行动吗?
    Did Trench pull in with them in that deal?
  • 的小物件创新大量生产的小物件,如玩具或小装饰品
    A small mass-produced article, such as a toy or trinket.
  • 城市的旁路和支线的标号都是三位数,是数还是偶数,取决于它们各自的走向。
    City bypasses and spurs have triple digits and are numbered odd or even depending on their directional orientation.
  • 我对离心分离机铝管的用途没有什么专门研究,但是作为一名陆军老兵,我可以告诉你两件事:第一,令我非常怪的是这些铝管的耐力将远远超过美国相同级别的火箭弹弹体材料,也许伊拉克比美国制造常规武器的标准更高,但我不这样认为。
    I am no expert on centrifuge tubes, but just as an old Army trooper, I can tell you a couple of things: First, it strikes me as quite odd that these tubes are manufactured to a tolerance that far exceeds U.S. requirements for comparable rockets. Maybe Iraqis just manufacture their conventional weapons to a higher standard than we do, but I don't think so.
  • 那个故事煞尾处峰突出。
    The story had an odd twist at the end.
  • 但我怎么也料不到的是,他会成为信息时代的才:比尔·盖茨,微软公司的巨头,也是美国最富有的人。
    What I could not have guessed, however, was that he would become a wizard of the Information Age: Bill Gates, tycoon of Microsoft and America's richest man.
  • 但我怎么也料不到的是,他会成为信息时代的才:比尔·盖茨,微软公司的巨头,也是美国最富有的人。
    What I could not have guessed, however, was that he would become a wizard of the Information Age: Bill Gates, tycoon of Microsoft and America's richest man.
  • “因此我相信保卫祖国,支持宪法,遵守法律,尊重国旗,反抗敌人是我的责任”(威廉姆·泰勒·佩
    "I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies?William Tyler Page).