  • 真菌特有的密实的菌丝块形成的根状结构。
    a dense mass of hyphae forming a rootlike structure characteristic of many fungi.
  • 长于北美洲的一种无毛的年生矮草本植物,叶互生,分裂,主轴鲜黄色。
    low-growing perennial of North America woodlands having trifoliate leaves and yellow rootstock and white flowers.
  • 一种产于美国东北部的年生草本植物,地下茎厚,瘤状,黄色,叶大,圆形。
    perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves.
  • 北美东部和亚洲的高的药草,有兰色的象浆果似的果实和粗的节的根茎,原来被用在医学上。
    tall herb of eastern North America and Asia having blue berrylike fruit and a thick knotty rootstock formerly used medicinally.
  • 黄精属的种植物之一,花黄绿色、对生、下垂,其根状茎有六角星形魔符状疤痕。
    any of several plants of the genus Polygonatum having paired drooping yellowish-green flowers and a thick rootstock with scars shaped like Solomon's seal.
  • 血根草一种年生的野生植物(美洲血根草),,原产于北美洲东部的森林,根茎鲜艳,叶汁红色且有毒,叶单生,早春开白色单花
    A perennial wildflower(Sanguinaria canadensis), native to forests in eastern North America and having a fleshy rootstock exuding a poisonous red sap, a single lobed leaf, and a solitary white flower in early spring.
  • 原产于北美林地的年生植物,具红根和红色汁液,早春开白花;根茎被用作刺激物和化痰剂。
    perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leave and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties; rootstock used as a stimulant and expectorant.
  • 沼泽地的年生植物具有匍匐的根状茎和长线性叶。
    perennial marsh plants with creeping rootstocks and long linear leaves.
  • 年生于陆地或附生的植物一个大科具有根块球茎状或块茎状和非寻常花。
    enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers.
  • 水龙骨属植物一种分布广泛的水龙骨属植物,有简单的或复合的厥叶,沿中脑以一行或行排列的圆形囊群,和爬行的根状茎
    Any of various ferns of the widely distributed genus Polypodium, having simple or compound fronds, round sori arranged in one or more rows along the midrib, and creeping rootstocks.
  • 北美年生高草,匍匐根状茎,叶窄,粉紫色花穗,燃烧过的地区或空地大量出现;一种重要的蜜源植物。
    tall North American perennial with creeping rootstocks and narrow leaves and spikes of pinkish-purple flowers occurring in great abundance in burned-over areas or recent clearings; an important honey plant.
  • 绞痛根一种百合科粉条儿菜属年生草本植物,特别是北美粉条儿菜,产于北美东部,长有白色小花的总状花序,根茎最初用于药中治疗疝痛
    Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
  • 蔷薇,玫瑰任一种蔷薇科属灌木或藤本植物,茎干刺,有羽状复叶,花朵色泽繁且气味芳香
    Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genus Rosa, having prickly stems, pinnately compound leaves, and variously colored, often fragrant flowers.
  • 一种热带树,结大而刺的豆荚,种籽与豆相像,用来作珠宝和念珠。
    tropical tree with large prickly pods of seeds that resemble beans and are used for jewelry and rosaries.
  • 玫瑰是多刺的植物。
    Rose is a briar.
  • 那位女演员接受了许献花。
    The actress received numerous floral tributes.
  • 长有球茎的小型年生植物,玫瑰花形,汁的叶片和花序以及略带粉红的白花;分布于北美东部。
    small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America.
  • 加莱草一种产于美国东部的年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯加腊克斯属),具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白花
    A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters.
  • 无干的年生草本植物,叶子带刺下边长绒毛,莲座丛中开有白色或紫棕色单个花组成的大花;阿尔卑斯山地区或欧洲东部。
    stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and eastern Europe.
  • 美洲的一种热带植物,具很硬直而尖的永存叶,大数生着莲座状基部,高的总状或穗状的花序;有些被栽种是为了用于装饰或获取纤维。
    tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber.
  • 芦荟一种主要产于的非洲芦荟属植物,有肉质浆的莲座丛,通常叶的边缘带刺并有黄、桔黄或红色管形花的长茎,
    Any of various chiefly African plants of the genus Aloe, having rosettes of succulent, often spiny-margined leaves and long stalks bearing yellow, orange, or red tubular flowers.
  • 尽管当前还没有一种树木已经灭绝,但是在许地区热带阔叶林的快速消失是由于高经济需求、低比例的有效补充和必需品的长期增长,要求产生新的市场化的资源所引起的对某些物种的过度开采,例如红木。
    The current and rapid loss of tropical hardwoods in many regions due to high commercial demand, low rates of successful replacement, and the long periods of growth necessary to produce new, marketable resources has raised concern about over-exploitation of some species, such as rosewood, although none of the trees are known to have been driven to extinction.
  • 直立的横卧的东半球的年生植物,有腋生的玫瑰紫色的花丛;传入美国。
    erect or decumbent Old World perennial with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers; introduced in United States.
  • 落日的余晖、虹影和轻雾,今日不再笼罩在村落上了吗?世界上不再有直泻的瀑布、潺潺的流水,和荫的树木了吗?
    Are there no rosy sunsets today and no rainbows and no haze nestling over villages, and are there no falling cataracts and gurgling streams and shady trees?
  • 课外活动太,占去了我们很宝贵的学习时间。
    Too many extracurricular activities take up too much of our precious time for study.
  • 数的失踪案都是恐怖分子造成的.
    Most disappearances are the result of the terrorist activity.
  • 水太多会使根腐烂。
    Too much water will rot the roots.
  • 数植物寄生虫导致干的腐烂形态属;对人来说可以造成角膜的发炎以致失明。
    a form genus of mostly plant parasites some of which cause dry rot; in humans a species can cause inflammation of cornea leading to blindness.
  • 换镜旋座显微镜一部分,通常为可为围的,连接一个或个物体透镜
    The part of a microscope, often rotatable, to which one or more objective lenses are attached.
  • 在绕着一个公共轴旋转的一片或片磁盘的平面上用磁记录法存储数据的磁性存储器。同magneticdiskstorage。
    A magnetic storage in which data are stored by magnetic recording on the flat surfaces of one or more disks which, in use, rotate around a common spindle.
  • 半个世纪以来,西藏的生态建设和环境保护事业从无到有,不断发展,实现了从自发到自觉,从被动到主动,从盲目到科学的质的飞跃。
    Ecological improvement and environmental protection work, which had nothing to start with in Tibet, has grown incessantly in the past half century or more, and has undergone a process from voluntariness to conscientiousness, from passiveness to activeness, and from an unplanned to a scientific approach.
  • 数学生积极参加学校内部的运动项目。
    most of the students participated actively in the college's intramural sports program.