  • 解放思想决不能够偏离四项基本原的轨道,不能损害安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面。
    In emancipating our minds, we should never deviate from the four cardinal principles or impair the political situation marked by stability, unity and liveliness.
  • 他还着手进行削减政府开支和减税方案,国防开支造成赤字时也不偏离这个原
    He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit.
  • 我们贯彻这条思想路线,就要反对教条主义,反对修正主义,坚持四项基本原
    In implementing this ideological line, we must oppose dogmatism and revisionism and stick to the four cardinal principles.181 If we deviate from the four cardinal principles, we will lose the essence, lose our bearings, and then it will be impossible to implement the Party's ideological line.
  • 它要求人们根据它的基本原和基本方法,不断结合变化着的实际,探索解决新问题的答案,从而也发展马克思主义理论本身。
    It calls on people to proceed from its basic principles and methodology and apply them to changing conditions so as to devise solutions to new problems. By this process, Marxist theory itself is further developed.
  • 如选举总统的权利转移到众议院,而该院在次年三月四日前尚未选出总统时,由副总统代理总统,与总统死亡或宪法规定的其他丧失任职能力的情况相同。
    And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.
  • 现在我国的经济管理体制权力过于集中,应该有计划地大胆下放,否不利于充分发挥国家、地方、企业和劳动者个人四个方面的积极性,也不利于实行现代化的经济管理和提高劳动生产率。
    Under our present system of economic management, power is over-concentrated, so it is necessary to devolve some of it to the lower levels without hesitation but in a planned way.Otherwise it will be difficult to give full scope to the initiative of local as well as national authorities and to the enterprises and workers, and difficult to practise modern economic management and raise the productivity of labour.
  • 斜纹的有不规的、横向或斜向木纹的,与平行木纹相对称
    Having an irregular, transverse, or diagonal grain, as opposed to a parallel grain.
  • 共产主义的宇宙观是辩证唯物论和历史唯物论,三民主义的宇宙观是所谓民生史观,实质上是二元论或唯心论,二者是相反的。
    The world outlook of communism is dialectical and historical materialism, while the Three People's Principles explain history in terms of the people's livelihood, which in essence is a dualist or idealist outlook;the two world outlooks are opposed to each other.
  • 二十年的历史教训告诉我们一条最重要的原:搞社会主义一定要遵循马克思主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,也就是毛泽东同志概括的实事求是,或者说一切从实际出发。
    But the experience of the last 20 years has taught us one very important principle: to build socialism we must adhere to Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism or, as Comrade Mao Zedong put it, in everything we do we must seek truth from facts -- in other words, we must proceed from reality.
  • 时机未熟,擅自写作,是泻痢腹痛误为分娩,投药打胎,胎死。
    When a man rushes into print before his ideas go through this period of gestation, that is diarrhoea, mistaken for birth pains.
  • 正如任何一种游戏,参加者依据一套规玩游戏,这些规说明游戏进行的方式。
    Just like any game, the players play by a set of mies and these rules dictate how play is done.
  • 自此,韦伯斯特的正式声明就被遵为国际法原
    Ever since,Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law.
  • 他死後若无继承人,其财产归国家所有。
    If he dies without an heir, his property reverts to the state.
  • 大型柴油车辆必须符合euroii废气标准,而小型柴油车辆须符合euro第一期废气标准,这些均为欧盟正在实施的标准。
    Large diesel vehicles must meet Euro II standards and small ones Euro phase I standards, which are currently enforced in the European Union.
  • 中国则不同。
    China is different however.
  • 一大片地区分了的,而又是环境许可群众要求的,领导群众继续完成分地工作,同时正确地划分阶级和补救缺点;
    For distribution carried out over a vast area, if conditions permit and the masses demand it, we should lead them in completing land distribution and, at the same time, correctly differentiate the classes and remedy our shortcomings.
  • 现代意义上的爱国主义明确的把对领袖个人的忠诚和对“国家”这一政治共同体的忠诚区别开来,只有当领袖和政府的利益与全体人民的利益相一致时,当他们能够真正代表“国家”时,爱国主义才延及他们。
    Today, however, a different perspective of nationalism has been taken. People can now differentiate between loyalty to the individual ruler and loyalty to the country. They would not rise to calls for nationalism unless the interests of the ruler and theirs are identical, that is, they truly reflect the interests of the country.
  • 现代意义上的爱国主义明确的把对领袖个人的忠诚和对“国家”这一政治共同体的忠诚区别开来,只有当领袖和政府的利益与全体人民的利益相一致时,当他们能够真正代表“国家”时,爱国主义才延及他们。
    Today, however, a different perspective of nationalism has been taken. People can now differentiate between loyalty to the individual ruler and loyalty to the country. They would not rise to calls for nationalism unless the interests of the ruler and the interests of the nation are identical, that is, they truly reflect the interests of the country.
  • 运算按照一定规和一定顺续进行的计算或过程,如加法、替换、移项、微分等
    A process or an action, such as addition, substitution, transposition, or differentiation, performed in a specified sequence and in accordance with specific rules.
  • romano说:"每个公司用来给音乐进行分类的法和分类的结果有所不同,而且他们都取得了不错的效果,但这些分类的法和结果并没有大的不同之处。"
    "The matching algorithms and how each company produces results is different," says Romano. "I think they all come up with good results, but there isn't as much differentiation among them."
  • 到目前为止,人们通常以为动物细胞一旦通过神秘的分界过程,成为特定的细胞后,无法逆转为未分异状态。
    Up to now it had been assumed that once animal cells go through the mysterious process of differentiation, and become a particular type of cell, they cannot go back to being undifferentiated.
  • 我自己看问题颇不相同。
    I see thing rather differently myself.
  • "他突然插进一粗俗不堪的笑话,使当时的庄严气氛丧失殆尽。"
    The dignity of the occasion was lost when he cut in with an unrefined joke.
  • 两方面的事实使政府左右为难:既希望缔造一个全民融洽无间的新加坡,又认识到,如果超越各族群的意愿而令其快速融合,足以引发怨恨、抗拒而加深彼此的疏离。
    These realities create a dilemma for the Government. While the Government aspires for a more integrated Singaporean Singapore, it also realizes that attempts to bring communities together quicker than they are ready to will only generate resentment, resistance and further entrench divisions.
  • 勤俭节约的原适用于一切事业。
    The principle of diligence and frugality applies tooall undertakings.
  • 勤俭节约的原适用于一切事业。
    The principle of diligence and frugality applies too all undertakings.
  • 但少数好书需要认真细致地通读。
    and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.
  • 有些县完成得很好,有些县完成得很差,而同志们都是很努力的。
    In some counties the work proceeded well, but not in other counties, even though all the comrades worked diligently there.
  • 此外,为了协助教育机构遵行《残疾歧视条例》的规定,委员会制定了一套《残疾歧视条例教育实务守》。该守于七月开始生效。
    In July, the Code of Practice on Education under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance came into operation. The code was proposed by the commission with the aim of assisting educational establishments in fulfilling the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance.
  • 没有人会不同意这样崇高的原
    no one can disagree with this lofty principle.
  • 红松鼠藏到树里面去了;青蛙钻入泥土的深处。而许多其它的动物,在地里挖坑道。
    Red squirrels disappear inside trees, frogs go deep under the mud, and many other animals dig tunnels in the earth.
  • 中国政府声明说,对伊拉克的军事行动违反了《联合国宪章》和国际法的基本准;国际社会普遍认为,通过和平方式和严格执行联合国安理会的决议来解除伊拉克的武装本来是可能的。
    Chinese government stated that the military action against Iraq was a violation of the basic principles of the United Nations Charter and international law,and it was the universal view of the international community that it would have been possible to disarm Iraq through peaceful means,through the strict implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions.