  • 一种薄薄的、细颈的、可气膨胀的橡皮包。
    small thin inflatable rubber bag with narrow neck.
  • 玩具气球一种形状多样、色彩明快、可用作玩具的气橡胶囊
    Any of variously shaped, brightly colored inflatable rubber bags used as toys.
  • 由于钓线缠绕在鲸鱼的头部,拯救人员将乘坐气艇靠近鲸鱼的头部。而鲸鱼的头部通常是最危险的部位,因为这里经常是鲸尾袭击的对象。
    Since the line is around the head, rescuers would approach the whale in a small inflatable boat at its most perilous spot, easy targets for the tail.
  • 使膨胀;使充气
    To cause to puff up; inflate.
  • 篮球运动中用到的满气的球。
    an inflated ball used in playing basketball.
  • 英式足球运动中使用的气球。
    an inflated ball used in playing soccer.
  • 排球运动中使用的气球。
    an inflated ball used in playing volleyball.
  • 足球,橄榄球比赛中用的气的椭圆形球
    The inflated oval ball used in this game.
  • 排球这种运动中用的大气球
    The large inflated ball used in this game.
  • 美式橄榄球运动中使用的长方形的气球。
    the inflated oblong ball used in playing American football.
  • (一种类似口袋的垫子)不用时可扁平存放,用时可气使用。
    mattress that can be stored flat and inflated for use.
  • 拳击训练中悬挂的可以冲打的气的球或袋子。
    an inflated ball or bag that is suspended and punched for training in boxing.
  • 前胎每平方英寸需气30磅。
    The front tyres should be inflated with thirty pounds of air to the square inch.
  • 他有足的理由警告人们防止通货膨胀。
    He has good reason for his anti-inflationary warning.
  • 满信息的;内容实的
    Full of news; informative.
  • 和哈德尔一样,另一些美国科学家的研究也得出了类似的结论。但研究所的分析认为,他们的调查"信息不够分",一方面跟踪调查的时间太短,癌症患者的人数太少,另一方面调查方法也存在着局限性。
    The review said Hardell's study and some U.S. research with similar findings were "non-informative, either because the follow-up was too short and numbers of cancers too small, or because of serious methodological limitations."
  • 第五,分运用财政政策,促进基础建设。
    -Making full use of the financial policy to promote infrastructure construction.
  • 如果证据分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出公诉。
    We take suitable legal action against such infringement if sufficient provided.
  • 如果证据分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提出公诉。
    We'll take suitable legal actions against such infringement if sufficient evidence is provided
  • 来自世界不同国家、不同地域的奇花异草、珍稀植物、园林园艺精品、庭院建筑及相关科技将在本届博览会上得到分展示。
    Exotic flowers and herbs, rare plants, exquisite garden arts, ingenious garden constructions and relevant science and technology from different countries and all parts of the world will be shown fully at the exhibition.
  • 西方天主教、基督教在中国近代史上被利用来当这些不光彩角色的同时,还操纵、控制中国教会,使中国教会变成西方修会、差会的附庸。
    While playing an inglorious role in modern Chinese history, Western Catholicism and Protestantism manipulated and controlled Chinese churches turning them into the appendages to Western religious orders and mission societies.
  • 一个冰冷、满敌意的声音
    A cold, inimical voice.
  • 一个精力沛、主动性比较强的人。
    an energetic person with unusual initiative.
  • 他们应当分发挥他们的积极性。
    They should give the fullest expression to their initiative.
  • 所以雇员需要采取主动,分利用他们职业上的各种关系。
    therefore,employees need to take initiative to maximize their professional relationships.
  • 共产党和红军不但在现在当着抗日民族统一战线的发起人,而且在将来的抗日政府和抗日军队中必然要成为坚强的台柱子,使日本帝国主义者和蒋介石对于抗日民族统一战线所使用的拆台政策,不能达到最后的目的。
    Not only are the Communist Party and the Red Army serving as the initiator of a national united front against Japan today, but in the future too they will inevitably become the powerful mainstay of China's anti-Japanese government and army, capable of preventing the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek from carrying through their policy of disrupting this united front.
  • 我们希望使我们的业务工作满朝气。
    We hope to inject new life into our business.
  • 我们希望使我们的工作满朝气。
    We hope to inject new life into our work.
  • 为此,我们将制订全面的计划,投入分资源,以达致提高教育质素的目标。
    We shall draw up a comprehensive plan to improve the quality of education, and inject sufficient resources to achieve this goal.
  • 霍巴特澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛东南部一城市,位于塔斯曼海的一个海湾旁。1804年作为罪犯的军地建立。人口47,920
    A city of southeast Tasmania, Australia, on an inlet of the Tasman Sea. It was founded in1804 as a penal colony. Population,47, 920.
  • 她的心溢着真纯的爱情。
    A heart whose love is innocent!
  • 作家若元气不足,素养学问思想不足以实之,则味同嚼蜡。
    A writer whose thoughts lack depth and originality may try to write a simple style and end up by being insipid.