  • 但是確實,計算機然很貴。
    But surely, computers are still quite expensive.
  • 但是確實,計算機然很貴。
    But surely, computer is still quite expensive.
  • 後來兩條鯨又分開了,但是鰭挨着鰭,肩並肩慢慢地遊着,動作完美而和諧,忽而潛入水中,忽而遊出水面,直至它們從視野中漸漸消失。
    The whales then depart, flippers touching, and swim slowly side by side, diving and surfacing in perfect unison until they disappear from sight.
  • 當時,康柏然把視綫集中在超越ibm,這被認為是一個非常有野心的目標。
    at that time, Compaq still had its sights set on surpassing IBM, and it was considered a very ambitious goal.
  • 我們然對我們兒子能幸存下來抱有一綫希望。
    We were hoping against hope that our son was among the survivors.
  • 但不像恐竜,今天的鰐魚與1億多年前一樣,然非常善於伏擊獵物,然是地球上幸存下來的最頑強者之一。
    Yet unlike dinosaurs, crocs today are much as they were more than a hundred million years ago -- masters at ambushing prey and one of Earth's most persistent survivors.
  • 他離開了醫院,腿裹在綳帶中。
    He came out of hospital with his leg still swathed in bandages.
  • 儘管像微軟那樣作出了努力,但大公司信息係統部門不買帳,甚至10億次交易(能力)也沒有動搖任何人。
    But try as Microsoft might, corporate IT just isn't buying the story.Even 1 billion "transactions" doesn't seem to sway anyone.
  • 雖然條件艱苦,安特衛普奧運會上出現了一係列成為後來奧運傳統的創新,如帶有五色環的奧運五環旗,以及奧林匹剋格言——更快、更高、更強。
    Austere as its conditions were, Antwerp was rich in giving birth to a number of innovations that would be come Olympic traditions. Among them, Olympic flag with its five colored rings and the Olympic motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius (Swifter, Higher, Stronger).
  • 孩子們說他們然餓着,於是我放了一盤蛋糕在桌子上,結果蛋糕一下子就不見了。
    The children said they were still hungry so I put a plate of cakes on the table and at one fell swoop they vanished.
  • 當地人被稱作薩米人,自古以漁獵為生。甚至在科技發達的今天,他們然過着與自然共生共存的生活。
    The native population is the"Sami" who live traditionally from hunting and fishing, in symbiosis, even if nowadays in a technological version, with their environment.
  • 但是看來每個人在超級男孩樂隊說了“再見”之後很長時間內然會記住披頭士樂隊。
    But it seems that everyone will remember the Beatles long after 'N Sync has said bye, bye, bye.
  • 香港然是西非犯罪集團進行貸款手續費騙案的活躍地點。他們的對象包括本港及海外投資者,其中重判的案例引起廣泛的報道。
    Hong Kong remained a popular location for West African crime syndicates to conduct Advance Fee Frauds against both local and overseas investors. Major convictions received widespread publicity.
  • ip多播仍在等待騰飛
    IP Multicast Is Still Waiting for the Takeoff
  • 泰米和洛瑞眼裏含着淚。
    Tammy and Lori still had tears in their eyes.
  • 伊斯蘭教成為維吾爾等民族信仰的主要宗教後,原來主要由這些民族信仰的祆教、摩尼教、景教在新疆隨之逐漸消失,但佛教、道教然存在。
    After that, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism, the main religions of the Uygur and other ethnic groups, gradually went out of the picture in Xinjiang, but Buddhism and Taoism continued to make themselves felt there.
  • 據我所知,迄今為止,在美國的學校裏沒有真正開設有關“金錢”的基礎課程。
    Money is not taught in schools.
  • 埃德現在研究彩色印刷術嗎?他沒有開始寫他醖釀已久的電影發展史?
    Is Ed still with Technicolor? Did he ever get started on that history of the movies he was going to write?
  • 他十幾歲的兒子的舉止然顯得很幼稚。
    his teenage son still behaves very immaturely.
  • 父親在工作,但是兩個十幾歲的男孩子卻難於找到工作。
    The father's still in work, but the two teenage boys are finding it hard to get jobs.
  • 以信息作戰來說,打擊“重心”的方式可能會有不同。“時機”和“節奏”是我們經常使用的術語,在形成一方對於另一方的優勢時非常重要。
    And there might be, back to the information operations, different ways of attacking those centers of gravity, Timing and tempo are terms that we use frequently and we think are very important in the sense of relative advantage of one side over the other.
  • 他的傷口仍然疼痛。
    His wound is still tender.
  • 但是,成千上萬接受過訓練的恐怖分子然逍遙法外。
    yet tens of thousands of trained terrorists are still at large.
  • 順便想到我們新加坡,即便是一些華文精英,對中文裏科學技術詞彙的掌握然受到客觀條件的限製,因為專業課程還不可能用中文開課,我的家庭醫生華語極好,然而說到病,我們衹能講英語,這的確是個難題。
    This discussion of scientific terminology reminds me of something in Singapore: even some of the Chinese elite still find it difficult to master scientific terminology because of practical constraints, as it is not easy to run technical courses here in the Chinese language. My family doctor speaks perfect Mandarin, but when it comes to terms related to my sickness, we had to communicate in English. This is indeed a difficult problem.
  • 有關在天然山坡發生的山泥傾瀉的分佈、性質及起因研究在進行。
    Research into the distribution, nature and causes of landslides on natural terrain is continuing.
  • 多數電信公司目前在對adsl進行測試之中。
    Most of the telcos are still testing ADSL.
  • 兩年前撒切爾夫人來談,當時她堅持歷史上的條約按國際法然有效,一九九七年後英國要繼續管理香港。
    When Mrs Thatcher came to hold talks with us two years ago, she insisted that according to international law a treaty once signed remains valid and that Britain would continue its administration of Hong Kong after 1997.
  • 托馬斯·阿奎那創建於世紀的廣泛的神學教義,多明我會教士在教受。
    the comprehensive theological doctrine created by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century and still taught by the Dominicans.
  • 對於思想理論方面“左”的錯誤觀點,然需要繼續進行批評和糾正。
    We should continue to criticize and correct "Left" views in the ideological and theoretical sphere.
  • 該提議以一票之差而未獲學院委員會三分之二通過,男學生舊被拒之門外。
    The decision by Fellows of the college fell one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to change the status quo.
  • 他好一點了, 雖未痊愈。
    He is better, though not yet cured.
  • 我們在這樣的背景下展開了一九九八年的工作,但我相信,衹要政府和全體香港市民共同努力,香港經濟然能夠逆流而上,邁嚮更高的目標。
    It is under such circumstances that we have started our work for the year 1998. I am sure that with the joint efforts of the government and the whole community, our economy will be able to thrive through adversities and scale new heights.