Chinese English Sentence:
  • 几家出版公司正在同一市场上进行竞.
    Several publishers are competing in the same market.
  • 我们与另几家公司角逐取这项合同.
    We're in competition with (ie competing against) several other companies for the contract.
  • 几家公司正为取一项合同而互相竞.
    Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract.
  • 令她们振奋,催她们奋发。
    These women were exhilarated and motivated by competing.
  • 他与其他人一起夺奖牌。
    He was competing with the others for a prize.
  • 这意味着他们之间的竞是非常激烈的。
    That means they're all competing for exclusive stories.
  • 为了竞相取一个姑娘的欢心,往往使朋友成了冤家。
    Competing for the favours of a girl often set friend.
  • 为利益或奖品的竞行为。
    the act of competing as for profit or a prize.
  • 往往为了取一个女人的欢心,朋友变成了冤家。
    Competing for the favours of a woman often sets friend against friend.
  • 这把微软置于一种不舒适的追赶竞对手技术的境地。
    This puts Microsoft in the uncomfortable position of playing catch-up with competing technology.
  • 可惜,由于存在两个相竞的标准,所以围绕这种modem存在着不确定性。
    Unfortunately, there was some uncertainty surrounding those modems because of two competing standards.
  • 这些对象模型竞的结果是用户需要对这两种模型都要做好计划。
    The upshot of these competing object models is that users need to plan for both.
  • 我们的基金有限而相申请的却有几处,因此难於做出决择
    We have limited fund and several competing claim, so it is hard to choose between them
  • 垄断性联营互相竞的企业之间达成的协议,涉及共同控制生产、市场营销及产品价格
    An agreement between competing business concerns to establish controls over production, market, and prices for common profit.
  • 取得…的资格在较早的回合中,通过成功地竞而达到竞选过程或竞赛的最后阶段
    To reach the later stages of a selection process or contest by competing successfully in earlier rounds.
  • 我们公司不曾有过厉害的竞对手。但是,现在其他的所有公司都在进行激列的竞
    Our company once had no serious competitors. But now all the other companies are competing with a vengeance.
  • 此时此刻,起码有4个选手在为夺得全能冠军的桂冠进行着激烈的竞
    At this point, there are at least four contenders competing neck and neck for the all-round title.
  • 现有两种主要的、相互竞着的密码术,被称作秘钥(即对称)系统和明钥(即不对称)系统。
    The two main competing cryptography schemes are known as the secret-key (symmetric) system and the public-key (asymmetric) system.
  • 令人悲哀的事实是:只要花10分钟,随便看一下竞对手的销路,就能明白问题所在。
    The sad truth is that 10 minutes of casual scrutiny of the competing outlets would have made the problem clear.
  • 换句话说,就是以只求效率,不择手段的方式来为竞而竞
    In other words, he is merely an unscrupulous person who stresses efficiency and competes only for the sake of competing.
  • 进行审理的正确方式是将被告与竞体制作同等比较。
    The correct way to conduct the trial would have been a side-by-side comparison between the defendant and the competing system.
  • 掠夺对竞对手采取的掠夺式的行动,尤指目的在于吸引走竞组织的人员或成员
    A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.
  • 这句话是蒙代尔借用了一则汉堡包的广告词,这句广告词暗示说,那些与之竞的产品偷工减料,欺骗了消费者。
    Mondale borrowed the line from a hamburger commercial that had used the phrase to suggest that competing products shortchanged the consumer.
  • 遇到[面临着]来自... 的挑战[竞
    meet [be facing] competition from ...
  • 你的竞者提出的条件是什么?
    What is your competition offering?
  • 为得到这份工作他与10个人展开竞
    He was in competition with 10 others for the job.
  • "由于失业如此众多,求职的竞十分激烈。"
    "Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce."
  • 为竞第一名激烈角逐。
    Keen competition for first place.
  • 社会主义制度下的竞
    competition under socialist system
  • 垄断竞争论
    theory of monopolistic competition
  • 难以经受竞争。
    Unable to stand competition.
  • 从竞争中退出
    Withdrew from the competition.