  • 整天呆在里使孩子们很厌烦,也使母亲烦恼。
    Having to stay indoors all day long is tiresome for the children and wears on their mother's nerves.
  • 根据美国科学协会(fas)编写的“美国核力量的早期发展”资料,美国“大力神”导弹计划是根据1953年10月成立的美国空军“战略导弹评审委员会”(后称vonneuman委员会)的建议确定的。1955年美国有关部门才正式签订研制合同。
    According to the Early Development in Nuclear Force Guidance compiled by the FAS, the US Titan missile program was determined in October 1953 based on the suggestion of the US Air Force Strategic Missile Evaluation Committee (later called the VON NEUMAN Committee), but related government departments formally signed contracts for development only in 1955.
  • 但是,不同的国也在用他们自己的方式看待《泰坦尼克》现象。
    Still, different countries have viewed the phenomenon of "Titanic"in their own ways.
  • 以捍卫法国文化为己任的评论和知识分子通常会很快地表现出对好莱坞大片的蔑视,但即使这些人也称赞《泰坦尼克》,因为对他们来说,这部电影不单纯是娱乐片。
    The critics and intellectuals who serve as guardians of French cultural correctness are usually quick to dump on Hollywood blockbusters, yet even they endorsed "Titanic" because, for them, the movie is more than simple entertainment.
  • 夜晚、周末或假日,在楼下洗车、遛狗、带小孩到游乐场玩耍,平时在巴士车站等车、到附近小食店买东西吃,都有机会碰到左邻右舍。
    One still has lots of opportunities for meeting fellow residents in the evening, on weekends or holidays when taking his kids to the playground, walking his dog, washing his car, or buying titbits at the corner shop.
  • 他的两粒进球帮助俱乐部和国队获得世界冠军,同时也为自己在上周一赢得了"年度欧洲足球先生"的称号。
    His two goal scoring feats to win world titles for both club and country have also earned him the title of "European Footballer of the Year" last Monday.
  • 1992年9月,中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室发表《西藏的主权归属与人权状况》白皮书,以大量事实,全面介绍和阐述了西藏地方与祖国大庭关系的历史,以及现代西藏人权发展与进步的情况。
    In September 1992 the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued a white paper titled Tibet -- Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation. Drawing on a rich store of facts, the white paper introduced and expounded on the historical relations between Tibet and the big family of the motherland in a comprehensive way, as well as the progress in human rights in modern Tibet.
  • 家庭名义上的家长
    The titular head of the family.
  • 这样的人是他国的光荣。
    Such a man is an honor to his country.
  • 器具,用具,装置设计用来执行特殊功能的装置或器具,尤指如庭用烤箱的电器设备
    A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use.
  • 器具,用具,装置设计用来执行特殊功能的装置或器具,尤指如庭用烤箱的电器设备
    A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use.
  • 还是听听烟草批评们的说法:
    Here's what tobacco's critics say:
  • 我散步到朋友家。
    I toddled round to my friend's house.
  • 我这就溜达着去玛丽,你为什么不一起去呢?
    I'm juse toddling of to Mary's, why don't you come?
  • 现在码分多址在亚洲只是刚刚起步,但是一旦在中国取得成功,它将在这个国成为标准技术。
    Right now CDMA has only a toehold in Asia,but it could become the standard there if it's successful in China.
  • 团圆饭显示了庭在华族文化里的重要地位。它可以加强凝聚力和庭成员们团结一心的感觉。
    It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aimed at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.
  • 他看到他全都很健壮;但是在服装方面,他们个个都穿得破破烂烂的。
    He found all his family well and hearty; but they all shook a cloth in the wind with respect to toggery.
  • 我看到我全都很健壮;但衣服都穿得破破烂烂的。
    I found all my family well and hearty; but they all shook a cloth in the wind with the respect to toggery.
  • 发达的资本主义国有许多工人的工作就是按电钮,一站好几小时,这既是紧张的、聚精会神的脑力劳动,也是辛苦的体力劳动。
    In developed capitalist countries, the job of a good number of workers is just to stand and press buttons for hours on end. This is intense and concentrated mental labour as well as toilsome manual labour.
  • 这点礼物是我们大的一点心意。
    This little gift is a token of our regard.
  • 那名船员从东京打电报通知了他的人。
    The sailor cabled his family from Tokyo.
  • 在任何治理得较好的国,这些官吏为生产提供的服务,都远远超过其开销所值。
    and in any tolerably governed country they render to its operations a service far more than equivalent to the cost.
  • 我们国的原则是人们应该容忍,彼此团结,不是彼此对立。
    The principles of our nation are that people should be tolerant and work with each other, not against each other.
  • 在这个里我无法容忍听到骂人的话。
    I will not tolerate bad language in this house.
  • 在这个国有完全的宗教信仰自由。
    Complete religious toleration exists in this country.
  • 在我的癌症重压之下全人都开始出现问题。
    The strain under which the family was living was already taking its toll.
  • 我们推测这给他们的庭和彼此的关系敲响了警钟。
    We gathered that this was taking a toll on the family and their relationship.
  • 汤米早上离,自那以后我就再没见到他的踪影。
    Tommy left the house this morning and I haven't seen hide or hair of him since.
  • 汤米早上离,自那以后我就再没见到他的踪影。
    Tommy left the house this morning and I haven't seen hide or hair of him since.
  • “汤米过生日得到了一台庭电脑。”“那有啥了不起的!他班级里的其他孩子已拥有庭电脑好几年了!”
    "Tommy got a home computer for his birthday." "Big deal! Some other children in the class have had home computers for years!"
  • 惠斯勒,詹姆斯·艾博特·麦克尼尔1834-1903一位美国画,他的精细微妙的色彩及色调的和谐,受音乐美学和日本艺术的影响。他的作品包括一幅他母亲的肖像,标题为艺术的母亲(1872年)
    American painter whose subtle coloring and tonal harmony were influenced by musical aesthetics and Japanese art. His works include a portrait of his mother, entitled Arrangement in Grey and Black(1872).
  • 报纸缓和了他们的攻击。
    The newspaper toned down its attack.