  • 然后你就触及了某种未可名之的事物,曾经是每位真正伟大的思想、领袖、艺术、音乐、作、政治心中驱动启发的力量。
    Then you will have felt the touch of that unknown "something" which has been the moving spirit of every truly great thinker leader, artist, musician, writer, statesman.
  • 从整个国或整个世界的观点来看,学者或思想的劳动,在非常狭窄的意义上,同实际技艺发明的劳动一样,也是生产的一部分;
    In a national, or universal point of view, the labour of the savant, or speculative thinker, is as much a part of production in the very narrowest sense, as that of the inventor of a practical art;
  • 有创见的思想很少随波逐流。
    Original thinkers seldom swim with the stream.
  • 宗教思想也许想重新解释生活的真谛。
    Religious thinkers may work out a new interpretation of life.
  • 美国许多军事思想都研究过去的历史。
    I think many American military thinkers have studied the older history.
  • 由法国政府扶持的法国作和思想的名誉团体。
    an honorary group of French writers and thinkers supported by the French government.
  • 由于相似的风格或老师而互相联系在一起的创造性的艺术或作或思想团体。
    a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers.
  • 这是亚细安的思想和决策者鼓起勇气,超越老一套的典范规则,为长期发展动脑筋的历史时刻。
    This is a moment in history for Asian thinkers and decision-makers to summon the courage to think long-term and transcend the old paradigm.
  •  但是,使完整的科学端端正正地从个别思想的脑海里一下子涌现,看来并不是造化的计划。
    It does not, however, appear to be the plan of nature that complete sciences should spring already perfected from the brain of individual thinkers.
  • 王充分(一)“儒生”(能通一经),(二)“通人”(博览古今),(三)“文人”(能作上书奏记),(四)“鸿儒”(能精思著文连接篇章)。(一)与(二)相对,言读书;(三)与(四)相对,言著作。“鸿儒”即所谓思想
    Wang Ch'ung (A. D. 27-c. 100) distinguished between "specialists" and "scholars, " and again between "writers" and "thinkers.
  • 由于冼多人流向城市,我乡的人口越来越少了。
    The population of my home town is thinning down now that so many people are going to the cities.
  • 对台湾的主权,属于包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民,而不属于台湾一部分人。第三,历史上台湾从未曾成为一个国;一九四五年以后,台湾既不是外国的殖民地,又不处于外国占领之下,不存在行使民族自决权的问题。
    Thirdly, at no time in history has Taiwan been a state in its own right, and since 1945 Taiwan has not been a foreign colony, nor has it been under foreign occupation.
  • 第三,中国又是一个很大的国,地大、物博、人多、兵多,能够支持长期的战争,这同日本又是一个相反的对比。
    Thirdly, and again by contrast with Japan, China is a very big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, and is capable of sustaining a long war.
  • 这是这个国中最重要的城市。
    This is the most important city in this country.
  • 意大利的歌剧演唱、德国的庭女教师、法国的芭蕾舞演员等在国外的收入,在他们回国时,便成为本国财富的一个来源。
    The gains of Italian opera singers, German governesses, French ballet dancers, &c., are a source of wealth, as far as they go, to their respective countries, if they return thither.
  • 等了一段时间后,大都拿到了自己的行李,只有洛伊丝·汤普森小姐没有取到行李。
    After some time, all have got their baggage except Miss Lois Thompson.
  • 要是没有麦雷尔一赏识的话,弗兰西斯汤普森也许会虚度一生,怀才不遇而死去。
    Francis Thompson might have lived a wasted life and died with his genius unrecognised, had be not been taken up by the Meyrell family.
  • 关于国权利的棘手问题。
    the thorny question of states' rights.
  • 一些作在下笔之前就完全打好了腹稿。
    Some writers make thorough mental preparation, before they put pen to paper.
  • 我们过去做了许多事,有的并不登报,不登报不等于不普遍深入地宣传,如整顿社会治安、社会风气,都做到喻户晓。
    In the past, we accomplished a great deal. Sometimes we got things done without publicizing them in newspapers. This did not mean that we failed to conduct extensive and thoroughgoing publicity. For example, we made known to every household our effort to improve public security and the general mood of society.
  • 夜来了。打开您的门吧,之世界呵。
    The night comes. Open thy gate, thou world of the home.
  • 我本来准备原谅她轻率的话语,而她却接二连三地辱骂我,于是我请她离开了我的
    I was prepared to forgive one thoughtless remark, but she kept heaping insult on insult, so I asked her to leave my house.
  • 成千上万的人被洪水赶出了园。
    Thousands of people were flooded out.
  • 环境学指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。
    Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.
  • 如果那些在国境外从事或可能以侵略相威胁的国继续使用陆海空武器装备,则未来的和平将无法维持;所以他们相信,在一个更普遍和更持久的全面安全体系建立之前,解除这些国的武装是必要的。
    Since no future peace can be maintained if land, sea or air armaments continue to be employed by nation which threaten, or may threaten, aggression outside of their frontiers, they believe, pending the establishment of a wider and permanent system of general security, that the disarmament of such nations is essential.
  • 此后又明确承诺无条件不对无核武器国和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。
    Later, China undertook unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
  •  国对民族贸易实行优惠政策,扶持其发展,如1963年开始实行利润留成照顾、自有资金照顾和价格补贴照顾的“三项照顾”政策等。
    The state adopts preferential policies toward ethnic trade. For instance, since 1963 it has adopted a threefold policy in this regard. This ensures a portion of reserved profits, self-owned capital and price subsidies for minority peoples.
  • 科学即将作出新发现。
    Scientists are now on the threshold of a new discovery.
  • 科学们很快就会有一项重大发现。
    Scientists are now on the threshold of an important discovery.
  • 科学们现在对人脑的功能开始有更进一步的了解
    Scientists are now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain works
  • 科学们现在对人脑的功能开始有更进一步的了解。
    Scientist is now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain work.
  • “泰德邀请我们大参加他举办的聚会。”“有啥了不起的!你要去就去吧,可我宁可呆在里看电视还更开心。”
    “Ted has invited us all to his party.” “Big thrill! You go if you want, but I’ll be happier watching television at home.”