  • 那个嘴的妇人总是爱插嘴。
    The talkative woman is always barging in other people's conversation.
  • 夜渐深,她的话也渐渐起来。
    She become more and more talkative as the evening go on.
  • 那个嘴的妇人总是爱插嘴
    The talkative woman is always barging in other people 's conversation
  • 几杯酒下肚,他的话就起来了。
    He is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt.
  • 卡西迪一定是酒喝了。一向沉默寡言的他变得健谈起来。从某种意义上来说,这倒是个好事。
    Cassidy had certainly drunk enough. From being very silent he had become extremely talkative. To some extent it was a turn for the better.
  • 一个话的男人经常被一个一声不响的女人所控制。
    A silent woman has always the whip hand of a talker.
  • 售票员:他们有多高?
    How tall are they?
  • 你身高多少?
    How tall are you?
  • 她有多高?
    How tall is she?
  • 一个高大的北美年生草本属。
    tall North American perennial herbs.
  • 赵:我只能说,别处的报价比你的低很,而且他们供货的质量也不是好的。
    I can only say that the prices from other sources are much lower than your and that their quality of tallow is very good.
  • 葛:如果你能说服你们用户接受桶装兽脂的话,我们可以尽力供一些,比如说三千吨吧,桶和装桶费,每吨加收45美元。
    If you can get your end users interested in drummed tallow, we'll do our best to offer more, say 3 000 tons, with an additional charge for the drums and the drumming cost at US $ 45 per ton.
  • 葛:你是知道的,商品市场行情变,就兽脂供应来说,世界其他地区客户的需求量很大,行市形势看涨,十分坚挺。
    As you know, situations are apt to change in the commodity market. As far as tallow supplies are concerned , there are most pressing demands from clients in other parts of the world. The upward trend is quite strong.
  • 当英国队的积分在记分板上一路攀升时(记分板最后显示英国以145枚奖牌名列第一,比第二名的美国出98枚),叫屈不平的声浪迭起。
    British victories mounted on the scoreboard the final tally showed Great Britain with 145 medals, 98 ahead of the second-place United States team-the cries of unfavorable treatment mounted.
  • 加击非正式比赛的高尔夫球游戏中,由于击球不好特允许再打一次,但不为得分,尤指在发球处进行
    A golf shot not tallied against the score, granted in informal play after a poor shot especially from the tee.
  • 据不完全统计结果显示,来自内陆地区的印第安人绝大数倾向托莱,而西班牙人后裔占数的西部沿海地区人口则是加西亚的支持者。
    With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highlands voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendants of the Spanish conquistadors.
  • 它创立的由协商一致、自主自愿等原则构成的"亚太经合组织方式",符合本地区样性的客观实际,是各成员加强合作取得成功的关键所在。
    The APEC Approach, featuring such principles as consensus and voluntarism, tallies with the reality of diversity of the region and holds the key to the success of its member economies through closer cooperation.
  • 我想,特龙是最适合的布料了。
    Te talon would be just the thing, I think.
  • 种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。
    Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame.
  • 她把黄河好好看了一下,说道:"瞧它变得么驯服了!"
    She took a long look at the Huanghe River and said,"See how tame it has become!"
  • 我们那时听话——说什么就是什么。可如今的年轻人却过于自以为是。
    We were a tame lot, really –ours not to question why. The young idea is a little more sure of itself today.
  • 要治好这些河流,还要做很的工作。
    We have a long way to yet before the rivers are tamed.
  • 因此,我觉得新加坡或可在大学华文专业水准之下,中学华文水准之上,开设高级语言学院,让有志于双语的学生或在职人士修读相关语言课程(也包括马来文、淡米尔文等),并举行相当程度的语言考试,合格者可授予证书,以证明其双语能力。
    Therefore, it is necessary for Singapore to set up an advanced language institute, perhaps at a level between tertiary and secondary standards, so as to enable students or working adults to study and become effectively bilingual (it may including Malay and Tamil languages as well). Examinations should be held and those who passed, their bilingual abilities should be fully recognised.
  • 南希半是在星期六来。
    Day more often tan not.
  • 数党将与少数党合作。
    The majority party will be functioning in tandem with the minority party.
  • 随着经济的发展,城乡居民家庭财产日益增
    In tandem with the development of the economy, the household property owned by both urban and rural people in Tibet has increased steadily.
  • 他们将航线改变为差不与地球呈正切的方向
    They changed their course to something like a tangent to the earth
  • 这五年,在经济较快增长、物价水平较低的情况下,人民群众得到了更实惠。
    In these five years, the economy grew relatively fast and prices remained fairly low, resulting in more tangible benefits for the people.
  • 人们公认,这十三年是我国综合国力大幅度跃升、人民得到实惠最的时期,是我国社会长期保持安定团结、政通人和的时期,是我国国际影响显著扩大、民族凝聚力极大增强的时期。
    As is universally recognized, the 13 years have been a period in which China's overall national strength has risen by a big margin, the people have received more tangible benefits than ever before, and China has enjoyed long-term social stability and solidarity and had a good government and a united people. China's influence in the world has grown notably, and the cohesion of the nation has increased remarkably.
  • 数信息系统的经理宁愿与后台数据库打交道,而不愿与挖土机打交道;宁愿与硬盘控制器打道,而不愿与市政控制人员打交道。
    Most IS managers would rather tangle with backend databases than backhoes, hard-drive controllers than city controllers.
  • 因为世界上这里那里有很疙瘩,很难解开。
    There are so many issues all over the globe that are tangled in knots and very difficult to solve.
  • 探戈舞也许比任何其他舞蹈传播得更远,而且经历的变化更
    The tango has probably travelled further and gone through more changes than almost any other dance.