  • 你這件上衣手工少?
    How much did you pay for the tailoring of this coat?
  • 假如說西歐共産黨帶有若幹社會民主黨的不良傳統,則中國黨或或少帶有一些國民黨的不良傳統。
    If we say that the Communist Parties in West European countries are tainted with some undesirable traditions of the social-democratic parties, the Chinese Communist Party is more or less tainted with the undesirable traditions of the Kuomintang.
  • 在臺北下很多的雨。
    It rains a lot in Taipei.
  • 臺北有多少人囗?
    What is the population of Taipei?
  • 臺北是否有很犯罪行為?
    Is there a lot of crime in Taipei?
  • 臺北是否有很犯罪行為?
    Is there a lot of criminal action in Taipei?
  • 臺北很酒店賣臺灣生啤酒。
    There are many pubs in Taipei that serve draft Taiwan beer.
  • 當你從臺北飛到美國時就得到了一天。
    You gain one day when you go from Taipei to the U.S.
  • 你不能在臺北待一會兒,我感到很遺憾。
    I'm sorry you're unable to stay in Taipei a little while longer.
  • 謝謝,從這裏搭公車到臺北要久?
    Thank you. how long does it take to go from here to Taipei by bus?
  • 在這方面,嚴格說來我們剛剛開步走,需要思考的問題和需要采取的措施還很,必須認真去做。
    Strictly speaking, we are only taking our first steps in this regard. There are many problems to be studied and many measures to be taken, but we must act carefully.
  • ip多播仍在等待騰飛
    IP Multicast Is Still Waiting for the Takeoff
  • 航空公司提出了在機場要有更的起降時間的要求。
    The airline has requested more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 航空公司提出了在機場要有更的起降時間的要求。
    The airline have request more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 都幾乎記不清這三天裏我經歷了少起飛和降落了。
    I could hardly remember how many takeoffs and landings I've been through for these three days.
  • 接管的事談論很,但沒有成為事實。
    There was a lot of talk about the takeover, but it never came off.
  • 取得方花更的錢購買控股所需要的股票的接收出價。
    a takeover bid where the acquirer offers to pay more for the shares needed to gain control than for the remaining shares.
  • 因為他們不走,把機關、學院、科學研究機構保護得較好,甚至在渡江以前許人就為保護機構做了很事情,使接收工作減少了很睏難。
    As a result, their offices, colleges and scientific institutions were in fairly good repair, and many of them had done a great deal to protect these institutions even before we crossed the river, making the takeover much easier.
  • 我們笑着談論此則故事, 但對人類來說, 情形也差不一樣。
    We laugh over this tale, but it's becoming almost as true of people.
  • 藝的格倫·剋洛斯
    The Talented Glenn Close
  • 培正在1950、1960年代培養了極人才。
    Pui Ching produced many talented people in the Fifties and the Sixties.
  • 數兒童對童話故事感興趣。
    Fairy - tales intrigued most children.
  • 數孩子都對童話故事感興趣。
    Most children are intrigued with fary-tales.
  • 吉姆因說謊話過而受處罰。
    Jim was punished for telling too many tales.
  • 在政治方面嚮來是說得做得少。
    In politics there is too much talk and not enough action.
  • 言多必失。
    He who talks much cannot always talk well.
  • 令人厭煩的人,是把那麽時間花在講他自己的事情而使你沒有時間講自己的事情的人。
    A bore is a man who spends so much time talking about himself that you can't talk about yourself.
  • 令人討厭的人,是把那麽時間花在講他自己的事情而使你沒有時間講自己事情的人。
    A bear is a man who spends so much time talking about himself that you can not talk about yourself.
  • 夜漸深,她的話也漸漸起來。
    She became more and more talkative as the evening went on.
  • 非常能吹噓誇耀和話的人。
    a very boastful and talkative person.
  • 她說話太,不能保密。
    She is too talkative to keep her own counsel.
  • 空話連篇的人,誇誇其談的人說話內容無實質性東西或趣味的嘴的人
    A talkative person who communicates nothing of substance or interest.