  • “小女人综合症”:现在,许家庭中夫妻双方都工作。
    The "Little Woman" Syndrome: Today, there are many couples in which both husband and wife work.
  • 美国40岁的人有3500万,谁也不知道其中究竟有少人患有斯通综合症。但有位医生宣称,每年有数千人可能死于该综合症。
    Nobody knows how widespread Stone syndrome is among America's 35 million 40-somethings, but one doctor claimed thousands could be dying each year.
  • 综合征是几种疾病的综合,当这些病出现在一个免疫功能受损者身上时(记住,当一个人的免疫系统忙于与入侵的微生物作战时,他即成为免疫功能受损者),这些病就会发展为一种或种传染病,导致机体死亡。
    A syndrome is a collection or group of diseases which,when appearing in a person who is " immunocompromised" (remember,when a person's immune system is busy fighting off biological attackers) will develop into one or more infectious diseases which will kill the body.
  • 在旧中国,绝大数大学生毕业等于失业。
    The situation is a far cry from old China, when graduation was synonymous to unemployment for college students.
  • 短语,词组形成一个句法单位的有顺序的两个或更的词语,它比一个完整句子要小
    Two or more words in sequence that form a syntactic unit that is less than a complete sentence.
  • 式综合的;词合成的属于或关于象爱斯基摩语或莫霍克语这类语言的,特征是带大量前后缀的、形态上复杂的长词语,在其它语言中,表示复合的关系和通常作为短语或句子表示综合意思
    Of or relating to a language such as Eskimo or Mohawk, characterized by long, morphologically complex words with a large number of affixes that express syntactic relationships and meanings usually expressed as phrases or sentences in other languages.
  • 从她的手指揪桌布边的样子,可以看出她是少紧张。
    You can tell how nervous she is by the way her fingers worrying at the edge of the tablecloth.
  • 不用。别傻了。你不要在说了。这张桌布很旧了,没有必要换。
    No. Don't be silly. I won't hear of it. The tablecloth was very old to begin with.
  • 从小姑娘用手指揪桌布边的样子,可以看出她是么的紧张。
    You can tell how nervous the little girl is by the way her fingers worrying at the edge of the tablecloth.
  • 桌子多为木制的.
    Tables are usually made of wood.
  • 小报上刊登的大数消息也是假的,但是你很难辨别真伪。
    So are most of the tabloid stories, but it's hard to know which ones.
  • 的体毛是禁忌,尤其对妇女来说,更是如此。
    Excess body hair is taboo, especially in females.
  • 对大数人来说,节制生育已不再是那麽一个禁忌的话题。
    For most people, birth control is no longer such a taboo subject.
  • 也有很人对我说,我们还有更短期而重要的工作要做。不过,正如张教授刚才所讲,我们要克服短期的经济困难,我可以向你们保证,我们会竭力去克服这些困难,我们会用心去应付,我们会慎密地解决这些问题,但同时也要把整个社会的注意力放在我们日后的长期发展上。
    Many have said to me there are far more important short-term tasks to tackle but as Professor Chang just said, while we tackle the short-term economic difficulties and I want to assure you, we are tackling them as hard as we can, as calculated as we can, as thoughtful as we can, we got to focus the whole community on our long-term future.
  • 10、中国解决人口与发展问题的基本出发点是:坚持立足于人口、人均资源少、经济和科技水平都比较落后的基本国情,借鉴世界各国的管理经验和科学成果,结合中国实际解决人口与发展中不断出现的问题,走有中国特色的人口与发展道路;
    Main guidelines for tackling the population and development issue: Taking into consideration its basic national conditions, including big population, inadequate per-capita resources and low level of economic and scientific development, China would persistently follow its own path in tackling the issue of population and development. It would draw on other countries' managerial expertise and scientific achievement and tackle its own population and development issue in accordance with its own specific conditions.
  • 关於他的爱情生活,他们散播了许不堪的闲言闲语。
    They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life.
  • 再加上好女子项目又起步相对较晚,自身的技战术水平有待进一步提高;
    In addition, many women's events start relatively late and their own technical and tactical levels need further improvement.
  • 这些特点,规定了中国革命战争的指导路线及其许战略战术的原则。
    These characteristics determine the line for guiding China's revolutionary war as well as many of its strategic and tactical principles.
  • 毛主席提出的策略原则是:利用矛盾,争取数,反对少数,各个击破。
    The tactical principle put forward by Chairman Mao is: make use of contradictions, win over the many, oppose the few and crush our enemies one by one.
  • 如果那个人此时正忙,许善于运用时间的人就会约个时间再回电话。
    If the person is busy,many time-tacticians make an appointment to call back.
  • 刚毛,触须,嘴须绝大数哺乳动物的长在嘴附近或头部其它位置的长而硬的触觉硬髭或毛发
    One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.
  • 就算不再有更的孩子缠着,光照顾这一群就够我们忙的了。
    I'm busy enough looking after this group without having any more children tagging along behind me.
  • 他在讲话结束前附带提出要求更的钱。
    He tagged a request for more money to the end of his speech.
  • 鸟儿展开多彩的尾巴
    The bird fanned its colorful tail.
  • 北半球的各种短尾小型啮齿动物,身体上部为灰色软毛,下部为白色,尾部毛,耳朵大;一些身上寄生有太平洋硬蜱或肩胛。
    any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur gray above and white below with well-furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks).
  • 裁缝做完上衣后把余的线剪去了。
    The tailor sniffed off the surplus thread of the coat after he finished it.
  • 裁缝做好一件上衣并把它卖掉时,钱从顾客那里转移给裁缝,除此之外还出了一件以前没有的上衣;
    When a tailor makes a coat and sells it, there is a transfer of the price from the customer to the tailor, and a coat besides which did not previously exist;
  • 定制的和现成的在价格上没有大差别。
    There's not much difference in the price between a ready-made suit and a tailored one.
  • 你们做工要多少钱?
    What's the charge for tailoring?
  • 你们做工要多少钱?
    What's your charge for the tailoring?
  • 你们做工要多少钱?
    What 's your charge for the tailoring?
  • 这件上衣连工带料合少钱?
    How much will this coat cost, including material and tailoring?