  • i/o交换减少了服务器cpu和操作系统的很i/o处理开销,优化了交换机到服务器的i/o传输。
    I/O switching off-loads much of I/O processing overhead from the server CPU and operating system to optimize switch-to-server I/O transfer.
  • 在交换的网络互连模型中,服务器只是被简单地当作主干交换机的最终节点,此模型与企业应用被分布在台服务器的环境不相衬。
    The switched internetwork model, in which servers are treated simply as end nodes on a backbone switch, doesn't scale for environments in which enterprise applications are distributed across any servers.
  • 选举人改投工党的票。
    Many voters switched to Labour.
  • 一般而言,永久性虚拟电路建在个主干网交换机之间和交换机与网络信息流量大的设备之间。
    Typically, permanent virtual circuits are set up between multiple backbone switches and between switches and devices with heavy network traffic.
  • 层交换机的生命力依赖于支持的协议。
    The viability of multilayer switches depends on the protocol supported.
  • 越来越的工厂正在将一周工作时数改短。
    More and more factories are switching over to a shorter working week.
  • 瑞士产的、硬的、孔的、淡黄色干酪。
    hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from Switzerland.
  • 在瑞士经历了许的第一次。
    I HAD many first-time experiences while touring Switzerland.
  • 拉自从获得那笔奖学金以来一直妄自尊大。
    Dora has been so swollen-headed since she won that scholarship.
  • 只手猛扑下来抢抓肉块。
    A dozen hands swooped down and snatched the pieces of meat.
  • 多言伤人胜刀剑。
    Many words hurt more than sword.
  • 生物学家发现,每年有10万只信天翁被捕捉旗鱼或金枪鱼的渔船杀死。
    Biologists have discovered that swordfish and tuna fishing fleets are eliminating more than 100,000 of these birds every year.
  • 男人上个月都立誓当了兵。
    Many new men were sworn into the army last month.
  • 少数学生力图在学习成绩和受人欢迎之间找到一条中间道路,但那些聪明而用功的孩子半会被戏称为“读书狂”或“老师的宝贝儿”。
    While a handful of pupils manage to walk the fine line between academic achievement and popularity, it is more likely for the clever, hard-working child to be picked on as a "swot" or "teacher's pet".
  • 我到全世界各地跟执行人员讲课,则次用它来辩论,说一般所讲的swot分析法,并不是西方世界的现代"发明",而是源自2000年以前的中国。
    In my lectures to executives around the world, I have often used this phrase to argue that what we now commonly called SWOT analysis is not a modern "invention" from the Western world. Rather, it originated in China more than 2,000 years ago.
  • 这次行动为他拉拢了很的选票。
    This action swung many votes over to his side.
  • 虽说课业内容减轻了,实际上功课更、更深了。
    While the syllabus has been reduced, students are getting more and tougher homework.
  • 看课外书,写课外文,并鼓励与协助他们把佳作与其他同学们分享,或送往华文报,学生报刊与教师会的刊物投稿。
    Teachers should also encourage them to do more reading and writing outside the school syllabus, and help them share what they have written with their classmates. Teachers could also send these works to the Chinese press, as well as to students' and teachers' publications.
  • 由单个音节或个音节组成的;构成音节或音节的核心;(成音节的)某一个辅音无需元音即构成一个音节的。
    consisting of a syllable or syllables; constituting a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable; (of a consonant sound) not accompanied in the same syllable by a vowel sound.
  • 用来表明一个字段、一个字、一个数据项或诸如一个文档、一个记录或块的一组数据的开始或结束的一个或个符号。
    A symbol or symbols that indicate the beginning or the end of a field, of a word, of an item of data, or of a set of data, such as a file, a record, or a block.
  • 海伦同情地看了看希拉,笑着说:“希拉,我也曾经和她一起度过了许难熬的夜晚。
    Helen smiled sympathetically."I've had my share of rough nights with her, too.
  • 她想以某种方式让我们知道,她么同情我们。
    She wanted to show in some way how much she sympathized with us.
  • 他们在许时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。
    Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or even praising their shortcomings.
  • 又一方面,积极发展全国党政军民学各方面的统一战线,力争国民党中的大数,力争中间阶层,力争抗战军队中的同情者,力争民众运动的深入,力争知识分子,力争抗日根据地的巩固和抗日武装、抗日政权的发展,力争党的巩固和进步。
    On the other hand, it must actively develop the united front of the political parties, the government organs, the armed forces, the civilian population and the intellectuals;it must do its utmost to win over the majority of the Kuomintang, the intermediate classes and sympathizers in the armies fighting against Japan, to deepen the mass movement, to win over the intellectuals, to consolidate the anti-Japanese base areas, expand the anti-Japanese armed forces and the organs of anti-Japanese political power, and consolidate our Party and ensure its progress.
  • 近处来,中国各宗教已与世界70个国家和地区建立、发展了友好关系,次派代表团出席国际宗教会议和宗教学术会议。
    In recent years, Chinese religious organizations have established and developed friendly relations with more than 70 countries and regions and sent delegations to many international religious conferences and symposiums.
  • 此外,各地区、各有关部门也从工作需要出发,举办了各种类型的环保培训班、研讨班,据统计,10年来共举办上万次各类培训班,培训人员达40万人次。
    Moreover, proceeding from the actual needs, various types of environmental training classes and symposiums have been held by various localities and departments concerned. Statistics show that over the past decade, more than 10,000 training classes have been held attended by over 400, 000 persons.
  • 发烧是许疾病的症兆。
    Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.
  • ldap通过提供一个公共接口,方便了分布在电子邮件和其他数据服务器上个目录的同步。
    By providing a common interface, LDAP facilitates synchronization of directories across distributed E-mail and other database servers.
  • corba对象的分布式本质意味着应用程序可以共享信息和同步台机器上动作,以获得更好的性能、可扩展性、容错性能和灵活性。
    The distributed nature of CORBA objects means that applications can share information and synchronize activity across multiple machines for better performance, scalability, fault tolerance and flexibility.
  • 这些同步特性在今天显得更为重要,因为ip也越来越运载实时应用。
    These synchronous properties are more important today, as IP is also carrying more real-time applications.
  • 一直以来,内地在本港筹集的资金,以银团贷款形式筹措。
    So far, most of the Mainland's fund-raising activities in Hong Kong have taken the form of syndicated loans.
  • 当局成功瓦解了个活跃年的集团,并使有关成员入罪及判处监禁。
    Some syndicates which had been active for several years were successfully neutralised, with their members being convicted and imprisoned.