  • 我国的双语精去了哪儿?
    Where is our bilingual elite?
  • 这可使双语人才在经济上得到应得的优待,这样或许有助于培养更多双语精
    Giving bilingual talent the financial rewards they deserved may be the way to nurture and develop more bilingual talent.
  • 除1:1000比例基本地图系列地图外,所有地图都以中文说明,而1:1000比例系列地图也将于一九九九年转为有中文说明。
    All topographic maps except the 1 to 1000 basic map series are bilingual and the latter will be bilingual by 1999.
  • 新加坡所培养的双语精去了哪里?
    Where are our bilingual elite that Singapore has brought up?
  • 新加坡所培养的双语精去了哪里?
    Where is the bilingual elite that Singapore has brought up?
  • 海道测量部负责进行海道测量和制作兼备中、文的海图。
    The Hydrographic Office carries out hydrographic surveys and produces bilingual nautical charts.
  • 香港现行的条例均为双语法例,中文本同为真确版本。
    All ordinances in force in the HKSAR are bilingual, and their Chinese and English texts are equally authentic.
  • 全市公交、地铁系统适时推广中文电子报站系统。
    Bilingual electronic stop reporting systems shall be promoted at appropriate times among the city’s bus and metro systems.
  • 新加坡的金融机构可以选择吸引一些这样的人才,但长期还是需要培养自己的金融双语精
    Financial institutions in Singapore can consider attracting such talent. But in the long run, we still need to cultivate our very own bilingual financial experts.
  • 也就是说,大多数的精,要不是语强过母语,就是母语强过语,无法达到每个精都精通双语的理想。
    Ideally, of course, all members of the elite should be perfectly bilingual. Realistically, most members would be dominant either in English or the mother tongue.
  • 双语精是国家迈向21世纪经济发展的宝贵财富,愿新加坡华文教学改革取得成功!
    Bilingual talents are a great asset in a nation's economic development in the 21st Century. I sincerely wish Singapore's new approach to the teaching of Chinese language success!
  • 政府已经决定改善华文的教学方法,并培养对中国的文化、历史和现代发展有深刻了解的华文精
    There are already plans to improve the teaching of Chinese and to develop a core group of bilingual Chinese elite who understand China's culture, history and contemporary developments.
  • 双语精是国家迈向21世纪经济发展的宝贵财富,愿新加坡华文教学改革取得成功!
    Bilingual talents are a great asset in a nation's economic development in the 21st Century. I sincerely wish Singapore's new approach to the teaching of Chinese language a success!
  • 中文学院的设立不只能培养精通双语的人才,也能更好的培养中文比文强的人才。
    Not only would the School of Chinese Studies train bilingual talent, it would also cultivate a group of people who are more proficient in their Chinese vis-a-vis their English.
  • 帐单上的总数为五磅。
    The bill amounted to
  • 尼科尔松,哈罗德·乔治1886-1968国外交家兼作家,以文学批评及丁尼生·斯漫伯恩和乔治五世军的传记著名
    British diplomat and writer noted for his literary criticism and his biographies of Tennyson, Swinburne, and George V.
  • 梅达瓦系,彼得·布赖恩1915-1987巴西裔国生物学家。因其对后天免疫耐性的研究而获1960年的诺贝尔奖
    Brazilian-born British biologist. He shared a1960 Nobel Prize for his work on acquired immunological tolerance.
  • 肯德鲁,约翰·考德里生于1917国生物学家。他因确定血液成分的分子结构而获1962年诺贝尔化学奖
    British biologist. He shared the1962 Nobel Prize for chemistry for determining the molecular structure of blood components.
  • 克里克,弗朗西斯·亨利·康普顿生于1916国生物学家,他与詹姆士·d。沃森一起为脱氧核糖核酸的分子结构提出了双螺旋这种螺旋模型。他因在遗传学研究方面的进展而获得1962年诺贝尔奖
    British biologist who with James D. Watson proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
  • 生物圈二号位于图森市以北30里处,沿着驶往奥雷克尔的77号高速公路可以开车直达。整个行程需要90分钟。
    Biosphere 2 is located about 30 miles north of Tucson, a straightforward drive along Highway 77 toward Oracle, the trip takes about 90 minutes.
  • 格兰水域中带黑色的鱼。
    blackish fish of New England waters.
  • 欧洲越橘、笃斯越橘指长有可食黑色浆果的欧亚大陆的国产欧越橘,或北美洲东部的伞房花月橘两种落叶灌木中的一种
    Either of two deciduous shrubs, Vaccinium myrtillus, of Eurasia, or V. corymbosum, of eastern North America, having edible blackish berries.
  • 用敲诈方法他们从总经理那儿获得25000镑。
    They get £25, 000 from the managing director by blackmail.
  • 敲诈者向他勒索500镑。
    The blackmailer bled him for??500.
  • 方圆几里之内,就他一个铁匠,又因为他活儿做得好,他的铺子里常常聚集着邻居、老朋友和村里其他店铺的老板。
    He was the only blacksmith for miles around and since he did very good work, his shop was frequently crowded with neighbors and old friends and other shopkeepers from the village.
  • 简心里难受,以为他要娶布兰奇·格兰姆。
    Jane, miserable, assumes he intends to marry Blanche Ingram.
  • 然而她的希望遇到挫折,因为罗切斯特开始去邻里参加聚会,并向漂亮轻浮的布兰奇·格兰姆献殷勤。
    But her hopes are thwarted when Rochester begins going to parties in the neighborhood where he is courting the beautiful, frivolous Blanche Ingram.
  • 不论是日本的引诱和国的引诱,都应该给以坚决的拒绝,中国决不能参加东方慕尼黑。
    China must firmly reject any blandishments, whether from Japan or from Britain, and must never take part in an Eastern Munich.
  • 他们就在几百尺远的正前方。
    He blasted warning signals to the kids,just a few hundred feet directly ahead.
  • 阿波罗16号宇宙飞船于1972年4月16日被一枚360尺高的火箭送上太空。
    Apollo16 was blasted off by a 360--feet- tall rocket, April 16, 1972.
  • 由于布莱船长对待国舰船博恩梯号船员如狗狗,所以最后他们都叛变了。
    Because Captain Blight treated the crew of HMS Bounty like dogs, they eventually mutinied.
  • 士兵明日将启航返国本土。
    The soldier are sailing for old Blighty tomorrow.