Chinese English Sentence:
  • 吗哪在旧约中奇迹出现的食物,提供给从埃及逃出在荒凉的沙漠中游荡的以色列人
    In the Old Testament, the food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness during their flight from Egypt.
  • 足球仅仅于19、20世纪之交流传到巴西,但这项运动如野火燎原迅速发展,红遍了全国。
    Soccer game arrived in Brazil Just before the turn of the 20th century, but the sport soon spread across the nation like wildfire.
  • 来说,先胜六局的运动员算胜一盘。
    Generally speaking, set is won by the first player is to win six games.
  • 杰夫:一参加夏季奥运会,就不会再参加冬季奥运会了。
    Jeff:Generally speaking, an athlete won't participate in the Win-ter Games if he/she participated in the Summer Games.
  • 来说我们那儿风沙没这么大,夏天也没这么热。
    Usually we don't have so many windy and dusty days.Also, the summer is never so hot as this is.
  • 在地富中,特别在知识分子中,并不是没有开明士绅和左翼分子,如安徽有反对国民党桂系的力量,河南有反对国民党汤恩伯的力量,我军刚到时,一中小地主都没有跑等等。
    Among landlords and rich peasants, especially among intellectuals, there were enlightened gentry and left-wingers. For instance, there were forces opposed to the warlords of the Kuomintang Guangxi clique in Anhui, there were forces opposed to Tang Enbo, the Kuomintang general, in Henan, and when our army entered these areas, middle and small landlords stayed.
  • 原生于西印度群岛的草,但在美国南部很常见,有簇生的金属丝一的茎,通常和黑色真菌共生。
    grass native to West Indies but common in southern United States having tufted wiry stems often infested with a dark fungus (Helminthosporum_ravenelii).
  • 货轮可不停靠码头作环球持续航行。
    This freighter can sail around the world without doing.
  • 进动当受到外力作用时旋转体轴的运动,如旋转陀螺的摇摆
    The motion of the axis of a spinning body, such as the wobble of a spinning top, when there is an external force acting on the axis.
  • 草一种茎部由非木质的、非宿存的组织组成的,一在每段生长期末死亡的植物
    A plant whose stem does not produce woody, persistent tissue and generally dies back at the end of each growing season.
  • 木头的热带草,有空空的木质茎;成熟的竹竿用于建筑和家具。
    woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems; mature canes used for construction and furniture.
  • 别说,这个方法真的奇迹的成功了。
    And miraculously, it worked.
  • 大家一也都忍了,不忍也不行,因为他的手艺好;
    People generally tolerated old John because they had to and because he was a good workman.
  • 我们车间的机床有他们车间的一多吗?
    Are there as many machine tools in our workshop as in theirs?
  • 我们车间的机床有他们车间的一多吗?
    Be there as many machine tools in our workshop as in theirs?
  • 如虫地移动以使人联想到蠕虫的方式移动
    To move in a manner suggestive of a worm.
  • 欧洲的一种洋艾,特征类似一的洋艾。
    European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties.
  • 著名的独唱歌星演唱的歌都是别人专门为他们写的,但披头士乐队却迟然不同,他们自己作词谱曲。
    Unlike the famous solo stars who had their songs written for them, the Beatles wrote their own words and music.
  • 打一声呵欠;一是由于体内缺氧或是人感到累了。
    utter a yawn; as from lack of oxygne or when one is tired.
  • 说来,年轻人经验少一些,这是事实。
    Yes, younger people generally have less experience.
  • 说来,18岁的青年干这工作还太年轻。
    To speak generally, youths of eighteen are too young for such work.
  • 一般十块钱以上。
    Anything from ten yuan up.
  • 300英镑左右的数码相机一配有一个3倍的光学变焦镜头,相当于普通35毫米相机37mm~117mm的镜头。
    Spend around £300 on a digital camera and you should expect it to come with a 3x optical zoom lens, that's the equivalent of a 37mm~ 117mm zoom in a 35mm camera.
  • 他们奇迹地逃脱了。
    They escaped by a miracle.
  • 年内,职业训练局的20个训练委员会和五个一委员会,包括新成立的美容护理训练委员会,继续协助推行训练计划。
    During the year, 20 training boards and five general committees, including a newly established Beauty Care Training Board, continued to help the VTC implement its training programmes.
  • 女王的女王的、似女王的或适于女王的;高贵庄严的
    Of, resembling, or befitting a queen; majestic and regal.
  • 女王的女王的、似女王的或适于女王的;高贵庄严的
    Of, resembling, or befitting a queen; majestic and regal.
  • 他们一是在特定场合因特定的事而发作的。
    They blow up on particular occasions over particular issues.
  • 这可不是一的旧床--是莎士比亚的.
    This isn't any old bed it belonged to Shakespeare.
  • 这些分数远在一水平以上[以下].
    below average.
  • 尽管我们竭力讨好新经理, 但她仍然对我们的工作百挑剔. know sth backwards => know.
    Although we bent over backwards to please her, our new manager was still very critical of our work.
  • 水如瀑布自山边下泻.
    Water cascaded down the mountainside.