  • 為了防止水進入船內而在艙口的周圍建的起的欄板。
    a raised frame around a hatchway on a ship to keep water out.
  • 看上去他會然吻那個姑娘一下。
    Look like he's going to haul off and kiss the girl.
  • 老鷹然嚮小雞撲去。
    The hawk pounced on the chicken.
  • 鷹突然嚮小鳥撲去。
    The hawk pounced on the little bird.
  • "然我拐了一個彎,就看見兩個孩子正在玩耍,"司機吉姆·海斯回憶說。他嚮孩子們拉響了警笛。
    “ Suddenly I came around a curve and saw two children playing,” recalls Jim Hayes,the engineer.
  • 彼得裏後來被取消了冠軍資格;海斯被宣佈為獲勝者。但這之前,英美兩國官員為名次已經爭吵了一個小時,觀衆臺上還爆發了衝
    Pietri was later disqualified in favor of Hayes,but only after British and U.S.officials argued for an hour and fights had broken out in the stands.
  • 在迷蒙的過去,當中石器時代讓位於新石器時代時,有一些在地理上相隔遙遠的地區,然出現了人類迄今所瞭解的最為成功的發明群體和革命者。
    In the misty, hazy past, as the Mesolithic Age gave way to the Neolithic, there suddenly appeared in widely separated geographic areas the most highly successful group of inventors and revolutionaries that the world has ever known.
  • 他突然一陣頭痛。
    He was taken with sudden headache.
  • 我的怒氣然消失了,頭痛最終好了
    My anger suddenly passed. The headache finally passed.
  • 主教冠基督教主教的禮拜儀式的頭飾,是其標志的一部分,在西方教堂中,是一個高而尖的帽子,在前和後有尖狀出,在隆重的慶祝儀式上佩戴
    The liturgical headdress and part of the insignia of a Christian bishop. In the Western church it is a tall pointed hat with peaks in front and back, worn at all solemn functions.
  • 危崖一組構成部分多岩峭壁或岬的陡峭兀的石塊群
    A steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or headland.
  • 然轉身,在人群中消失了。
    She turned on her heel, and disappeared in the crowd.
  • 其間最令人擔憂的不是表象問題,而是許多個案在面對如其來的打擊時,所呈現的無力感及沮喪心態。
    But what is more worrying is that, in many of these cases, the people involved show a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness.
  • 不過火地選擇出你優點的套裝--不要穿緊身衫或讓你整晚都要留意裙邊的超短裙。
    Choose an outfit that accentuates your positives without going overboard -- don't wear that too-tight blouse, or that really short skirt that will make you self-conscious about your hemline all night.
  • 丹毒由一種溶血性鏈球菌引起的皮膚或皮下組織發性疾病,其癥狀是局部發炎和發燒
    An acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a species of hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever.
  • 出,咽囊腫通過咽壁的粘膜上的出;咽的出部分
    Protrusion of mucous membrane through the wall of the pharynx; hernia of the pharynx.
  • 軍隊毫不遲疑,襲占領了那個城市。
    The army did not hesitate. They took the city by storm.
  • 我們藏在灌木叢後,準備嚮來犯者發起然襲擊。
    We hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.
  • 然躲到哪裏去了?
    Where the hell have you been hiding?
  • 為…中最突出的事物
    To be a highlight of.
  • 必須把黨的思想理論建設擺在更加出的位置。
    We must highlight the Party's ideological and theoretical building.
  • 金融風暴不僅給報業普遍帶來短期的財政壓力,而且還顯了經濟全球化和科技發展所帶來的嚴峻挑戰。
    The financial turmoil has not only exerted short-term financial pressure on the press at large, but also highlighted the great challenges that came along with economic globalisation and rapid advancement of technology.
  • 要加強首都優勢資源的開發,加快發展出體現首都資源優勢和特點的信息服務及中介服務業、旅遊及會展業、科技教育業、文化體育業,形成新的經濟增長點;大力發展金融業、商貿流通業、房地産業、運輸郵政業,完善城市綜合服務功能。
    The development of information and consultant services, agent services, tourism, convention and exhibition industry, science and technology education, culture and sports will be highlighted. Other elements of the service sector, including financing, commodity circulation, real estate services, transportation, post and telecommunications, will also be fostered so as to further improve the city's overall service capacity.
  • 沿着露在地面的下水道溝徒步行走,背上綁着汽車輪胎全速奔跑,在冰冷刺骨的海水中漂流半個小時,在泥漿中像擊隊隊員那樣摸爬滾打,這些金都都能應付自如。
    Kim easily dealt with hiking along an open sewage ditch, spring with a car tire strapped to her back, floating for half an hour in frigid ocean waters and rolling commando?style in mud.
  • 尖削的小山,出的小山
    A sharp, ridged hill.
  • 然醒悟到是她出賣了他。
    It dawned on him that she had betrayed him.
  • 北半球的蟾蜍,其每衹後腳上有出的鏟狀角。
    burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spade-like projection on each hind foot.
  • 他保持沉默,序詩朗誦倒沒有遇到什麽麻煩。倒黴的是學子約翰從柱頂上發現了這個乞丐及其裝腔作勢的花招,假如不是如此,本來不會如其來發生什麽亂子的。
    The silence he preserved allowed of the prologue proceeding without let or hindrance, nor would any noticeable disturbance have occurred if, as luck would have it, the scholar Jehan had not, from his own high perch, espied the beggar and his antics.
  • 迄今一直晴朗溫暖的天氣然變冷了
    The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold.
  • 希特勒的擊部隊在敦刻爾剋港(法國)海邊完全停止不前了。
    Hitler's sudden attacks come to a grinding halt at the water's edge in Dunkirk.
  • 不安分的德國人和如果有人然發現希特勒等人的屍骨使安德羅波夫非常擔心會導致難以估量的後果。
    Restless Germans and the sudden discovery of Hitler's body could have added up to an unpredictable mixture in Adropov's view.
  • 嗓音發劈由於聲音嘶啞或情緒激動而造成的音高或音質的變。用於指嗓子
    To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.