  • 由被挖的圆木做成的独木舟。
    canoe made of a hollowed log.
  • 一段木头来做独木舟
    Hollow out a log to make a canoe
  • 独木舟一段中间挖的木头制成的船
    A boat or canoe made of a hollowed-out log.
  • 独木舟将树干挖做成的小舟;独木舟
    A canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk; a piragua.
  • 独木舟将树干中心挖制成的独木舟;独木舟
    A canoe made by hollowing out a tree trunk; a dugout.
  • 印第安人过去常挖圆木制成独木舟。
    The Indians used to hollow out a log to make a canoe.
  • 福塞的第四次尝试是在1998年,当时来自澳大利亚东北海岸的一场风暴撕裂了气球的罩蓬,结果他从29000英尺(9000米)的高垂直掉进了太平洋的珊瑚海,万幸的是他并没有受伤,这次失败的尝试差点成了一次灾难。
    Fossett's fourth solo bid ended in near disaster in 1998, when a thunderstorm off Australia's northeastern coast shredded his canopy and sent him plummeting 29,000 feet (9,000 metres) into the Coral Sea. He was unhurt.
  • 文明的大道,是铺满了罐头。
    The path of civilization is paved with tin cans.
  • 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里。
    They separate their garbage into wet refuse, dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on.
  • 这种纸板加聚丙烯编织带的包装大大促进了对罐的回收。
    The design of the cardboard packaging with its narrow polypropene strip facilitates the collection of empty cans.
  • 我们不能在课堂里把全部预定的课文读完,你们得在有的时候自己读一些。
    We cant't read all the set texts in class, you will have to do some in your own time.
  • 他有一点就到食堂帮忙。
    He helped in the canteen whenever he had a spare moment.
  • 布朗宁-费里斯垃圾场同意协助这个不同寻常的计划,并立即在洛杉矶郊区的桑夏恩-坎宁垃圾场边缘找到一处没有垃圾和异味的地,堆上几堆干净的尘土,供82只小脚丫尽情地玩闹。
    Landfill operator Browning-Ferris Industries agreed to the unusual plan, and set about preparing an odor- and trash-free spot on the edge of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill in suburban Los Angeles, wheeling in piles of fresh dirt to accommodate 82 little feet.
  • 这就节省了空间。
    This leaves some spare capacity.
  • 从《京都议定书》的签署到修改《气洁净法》已有31项决议、修正案和法案有待国会讨论。
    Already some 31 resolutions, amendments and bifis -- from endorsements of Kyoto to modifications of the Clean Air Act -- are kicking around Capitol Hill.
  • 在去年七月七日的宣言中则说:“前的投降危险和前的抗战困难,已经到来了。”
    Its Manifesto of July 7, 1940 stated, "The danger of capitulation has never been so serious and the difficulties in the war have never been so great as they are today."
  • 但同时,日本帝国主义正在准备向南洋侵略,加紧向中国进攻,势将勾引中国一部分动摇分子对其投降,投降危险是前地加重了。
    But at the same time the danger of capitulation is more serious than ever before because Japanese imperialism is intensifying its attacks on China in preparation for its aggression against Southeast Asia, and this will certainly induce some of the vacillating elements to surrender.
  • 晶石红柱石的一种矿物质,沿着晶体的长晶轴上有规律地排列着含碳杂质
    A mineral variety of andalusite with carbonaceous impurities regularly arranged along the longer axis of the crystal.
  • 全国上下,那些有家室的人会把他们的“韦伯”烤架打扫干净,给孩子们打开一袋袋的热狗,给大人们则准备了一盘盘的鸡、牛排和猪排,把一块块的煤浸在气味难闻的易燃液体里,接着把肉炭化,污染气,刺激人们的胃。
    All across the country homeowners dust off their Weber grills, open packs of hot dogs for the children and trays of chicken, steak, or ribs for the adults, douse lumps of charcoal in evil-smelling flammable liquids, and proceed to carbonise the meat, pollute the air, and irritate their stomachs.
  • 文丘里管汽化器气通道中的一段喉管,导致压力减小从而把燃料的蒸气抽出汽化器的碗状部分
    A constricted throat in the air passage of a carburetor, causing a reduction in pressure that results in fuel vapor being drawn out of the carburetor bowl.
  • 控制气流入发动机的汽化器的阀。
    a valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine.
  • 阻塞气门减少进入汽化器的气以得到更浓的燃料混合物
    To reduce the air intake of(a carburetor), thereby enriching the fuel mixture.
  • 安在发动机顶部上面的气化器是用来混合汽油和气的。
    The carburetor, which sets on top of the engine, is used to mix gasoline and the air.
  • 阻塞门内燃机上通过减少流向汽化器的气量使燃料混合物浓度提高的装置
    A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the fuel mixture by reducing the flow of air to the carburetor.
  • 如果发动机转得太慢或太快,应该调整汽化器。
    If an engine ticks over slowly or too fast an adjustment must be made to the carburettor.
  • 职业发展和职位晋升阶梯,升职
    career ladder
  • 吉姆用真吸尘器把地毯弄干净。
    Jim hoovered the carpet.
  • 我想我要用真吸尘器打扫地毯。
    I reckon I'll vacuum the carpet.
  • 他把空瓶拿走了。
    He carried the empty hottles off.
  • 飞机飞回了航母航。
    The plane homed to its carrier.
  • 那艘航母舰配备有核子武器。
    The carrier is armed with nuclear weapons.
  • 这架鬼怪式飞机从航母舰弹射起飞。
    The Phantom was catapulted from the carrier.