Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这位游客带着许多愉快的回忆开了中国。
    The tourist left China with a wealth of delightful memories.
  • 让我开这些讨厌的人们吧。
    Deliver me from such tiresome people.
  • 愿上帝拯救我们脱罪恶。
    May God deliver us from evil.
  • 愿上帝使我们脱一切邪恶。
    May God deliver us from all evil.
  • 结果表明,在孵卵期开会导致尚未孵化的后代死亡。
    It turns out that desertion during incubation is likely to result in the demise of the unhatched offspring.
  • 这些猎人就在熊穴不远的地方走了过去。
    These hunters passed within a stone's cast of the bear's den.
  • 超高密度高温等子体诊断
    super-dense high temperature plasma diagnostics
  • 橡皮障防止液体或松散物质的坝状物,如牙科用的橡皮障,把一颗或几颗牙齿与口中的其它牙齿隔
    A barrier against the passage of liquid or loose material, as a rubber sheet used in dentistry to isolate one or more teeth from the rest of the mouth.
  • 1967年冬天,我和妻子从城市搬到丹佛东南25英里远的科罗拉多州的帕克,打算趁我在一家目录商店当管理人之机饲养一些良种马,以便维持收支相抵的生活。
    In the winter of 1967, my wife and I moved from the city to Parker, Colo. , 25miles southeast of Denver. We were going to breed and raise Thoroughbred horses, while I worked as a supervisor in a catalogue house to help make ends meet.
  • 简对愤世嫉俗的罗切斯特满怀同情,但意识到此时她必须开。
    Jane is filled with sympathy for the misanthropic Rochester. Nevertheless, she realizes she must now depart.
  • 他似乎不愿离去。
    He seemed somewhat loath to depart.
  • 离开或分离
    To leave or depart.
  • 离去;离开
    To go away; depart.
  • 动身;离开
    To start off; depart.
  • 得到正式允许后开。
    depart after obtaining formal permission.
  • 我允许他离开。
    I permitted him to depart.
  • 逃亡秘密地或突然地
    To depart secretly or suddenly.
  • 火车将离开上海。
    The train will depart from Shanghai.
  • 使离去;离开
    To make one's exit; depart.
  • 上路;离开
    To be on one's way; depart.
  • 急忙离开;跑走
    To depart in haste; run away.
  • 从…撤出或撤;使空
    To withdraw or depart from; vacate.
  • 她有意提早一周开。
    Her intention was to depart a week earlier.
  • 出航开,如口岸或港口;出发
    To leave, as a port or harbor; depart.
  • ;背设定的路线或常规;
    To depart from a set course or norm; deviate.
  • 几分钟以后,李先生就要开了。
    In a few minutes , Mr. Li was ready to depart.
  • 在这种情况下,我们不能背一般的作法。
    We cannot depart from our regular practice in such cases.
  • 但艾莉准备家去上大学时,她把情感隐蔽起来。
    But as she prepares to depart, Allie's feelings have gone underground.
  •  (三)规定报到的日期是7月23日,会日期是7月28日。
    9.3 They are required to arrive on July 23 and depart on July 28.
  • 或者导致偏垂直或者水平。
    departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal.
  • 玛丽到她家时她正要开进城。
    Mary went to her home when she was ready to depart for the city.
  • 常规,偏一个目标或目的;偏
    To depart, as from a norm, a purpose, or a subject; stray.