  • 丁勤时市长削减10亿余元市府预算的努力,昨天在好几面遭遇阻碍。
    Mayor David N.Dinkins' efforts to cut the city's budget by more than $1 billion ran into roadblocks on several fronts yesterday.
  • 这些系统基本上是基于tcp/ip,并与实现法有关,它们能实施安全路障并为管理人员提供对下列问题的答案:
    Primarily these systems are TCP/IP based and, depending on the implementation, can enforce security roadblocks as well as provide administrators with answers to the following questions:
  • (道路)在双向的道路口有一条单行道的;当车辆相遇时一必须离开道路让另一通过的。
    (of roads) having a single lane for traffic in both directions; when vehicles meet one must pull off the road to let the other pass.
  •  第三十五条民族自治地的人民代表大会可以根据本法的原则,结合当地民族财产继承的具体情况,制定变通的或者补充的规定。
    Article 35 The people's congress of a national autonomous area may, in accordance with the principles of this Law and the actual practices of the local nationality or nationalities with regard to property inheritance, enact adaptive or supplementary provisions.
  • sybase公司今年四月公布的自适应组件体系结构(aca)代表了该公司产品的统一和今后该公司产品系列在cbd面的进展。
    The Adaptive Component Architecture (ACA) framework, which Sybase unveiled in April, represents both a unification of the company's products and an ongoing evolution of its product families in the direction of CBD.
  •  采矿作业不得擅自开采保安煤柱,不得采用可能危及相邻煤矿生产安全的决水、爆破、贯通巷道等危险法。
    No safety pillars shall be mined without authorization and no dangerous methods, such as water bursting, blasting and breaking through roadways, which may threaten the production safety of adjacent coal mines shall be adopted.
  • 我们要赶搭中国的顺风车,除了要晓得去哪里买车票之外,也应该知道这部车是从哪里开来的,要开到什么地去。否则,我们就是既不聪明、精明,也不高明。
    Besides knowing how to “hitch a ride” from China, we need to be more knowledgeable than what we are now about the roaring economy - we need to know both where the juggernaut comes from and where it is heading.
  • 作为世界最大的水帘,有着无穷无尽游玩式的维多利亚瀑布在我们的排名表上位居第七。
    For being the largest curtain of falling water in the world and providing endless ways to enjoy it,Victoria Falls roars onto our list at number seven.
  • 用手枪或其他威胁式抢劫。
    rob at gunpoint or by means of some other threat.
  • 挫败了强盗的计画。
    The police balked the robber's plans.
  • 派探员盯住那个抢劫疑犯。
    The police put a shadow on the suspected robber.
  • 逮到正闯入银行的强盗。
    The police surprised a robber breaking into the bank.
  • 有人事先向警报告了要有抢劫的消息。
    Someonetipped off the police about the robbery.
  •  (五)未经著作权人许可,以表演、播放、展览、发行、摄制电影、电视、录像或者改编、翻译、注释、编辑等式使用作品的,本法另有规定的除外;
    exploiting a work by performance, broadcasting, exhibition, distribution, making cinematographic, television or video productions, adaptation, translation, annotation, and compilation, or by other means, without the permission of the copyright owner, unless otherwise provided in this Law;
  • 那是施米特的一贯手法。他的律师执照已被吊销,因为他执业法多半是用张三的钱还李四,然后再吞没李四的钱。
    It was a common tack for Mr.Schmidt, not disbarred for dipping into clients' funds, whose practice consisted largely of robbing Peter to pay Paul, and then robbing Paul as well.
  • 他对于东奔西逃感到疲倦,招认了打动马里兰州一家珠宝店。可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个神经病。
    He got tired of running and confessed to robbing a jewelry store in Maryland. But because of a computer foulup, Greenwich Village police didn't believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball.
  • 有些地主虽然已破产了,但破产之后仍不劳动,依靠欺骗、掠夺或亲友接济等法为生,而其生活状况超过普通中农者,仍然算是地主。
    A bankrupt landlord shall still be classified as a landlord if he does not engage in labour but lives by swindling or robbing others or by receiving assistance from relatives or friends, and is better off than the average middle peasant.
  • 她在根据阿加莎·克里斯蒂的经典小说改编的影片"东快车谋杀案"中扮演一个角色,只拍一次,镜头总长度只有四分半钟,她的片酬高达十万美元。
    She was offered one hundred thousand dollars to play one four and a half minute scene in a film adaptation of Agatha Christie' classic, Murder on The Orient Express.
  • 手术服在手术室里和医院的其他地为防止感染或传染而穿的长袍或罩衫
    A robe or smock worn in operating rooms and other parts of hospitals as a guard against contamination.
  • 披巾穆斯林妇女戴的一种宽松的通常为黑色的长袍,从头盖到脚并遮住脸的大半部
    A loose, usually black robe worn by Moslem women that covers the body from head to toe and most of the face.
  • 保持摩西律法中的一些要求,但是为适应现代环境允许改变其他要求(如一些食物面的规定)。
    Jews who keep some of the requirements of the Mosaic Law but allow for adaptation of other requirements (as some of the dietary laws) to fit modern circumstances.
  • 报告说,在人们设计机器人以及和机器人一起工作的地应建立特殊的“机器人中心”。
    The report says that special 'robot centre' should be set up where people who de sign robots and people who will use them work together.
  • 去年他们在制速机器人面合作过。但失败了。
    They collaborated on making a robot last year and they failed.
  • 这个没有腿的机器人名叫“西格”,是由官出资的日本科学技术公司的一个研究小组研发的。
    The legless robot, called "Sig," was developed by a research team at the government-funded Japan Science and Technology Corporation.
  • 在生产这种家用机器人面我们对所有的问题有所设想。
    There are no problems in the production of such a domestic robot to which we do not have already the glimmering of a solution.
  • 在整个过程中,机器人通过一根光缆将视频信号传输给主计算机。同时,主计算机也通过这根光缆对机器人进行全位的控制。
    During the exploration it was linked to a main computer by a fibre-optic cable that carried video signals and controlled all aspects of the robot's movement.
  • 宇航员可以派出机器人在这颗陌生的行星上工作,收集岩石和矿物;建立永久性观察站,或向四面八走动。
    The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown plant, collecting rocks and minerals, putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide.
  • 这项研究的目标之一就是研发一种法,通过它,严重瘫痪的病人可以单用思维能力控制机器人的手臂和其它装置。
    One aim of the research is to develop a means whereby severely paralysed patients could control the movements of robot arms and other devices by the power of thought alone.
  • 香港特别行政区政府的针,是确保本港拥有干劲十足、勤奋上进、适应力强且水准不断提升的工作人口,以提高本港经济的竞争力。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government aims to ensure that there is a dynamic, well-motivated, adaptable and continuously upgraded workforce contributing to Hong Kong's economic competitiveness.
  • 塔尔沃博士认为,关于老鼠机器人的最新研究还通向一种在触觉的辅助作用下控制机器人手臂的法。
    According to Dr Taiwar, the latest work on Ratbot could lead to a way of controlling a robotic arm with the extra help of the sense of touch.
  • 香港特别行政区政府的针,是确保本港拥有干劲十足、勤奋上进、适应力强且具备熟练技能的工作人口,以提高本港经济的竞争力。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government aims to ensure that there is a dynamic, well-motivated, adaptable and skilful workforce contributing to Hong Kong's economic competitiveness.
  • 实体基建无论如何完备,仍须配合合适的人才,可妥善运作。
    A robust physical infrastructure cannot function effectively without the input of the right calibre.