  • 那个著的游泳健将突然抽筋,不得不退出比赛。
    The famous master swimmer had an attack of cramp and had to give up the contest.
  • 500骑兵引导了这次进攻。
    500 horse led the attack.
  • 林诺随即勇敢地对袭击她的人提出强烈控诉,凶手是以色列旅行社的一工作人员,她曾向他预订去罗马的机票。
    Bravely, Linor went on to press charges against her attacker, an Israeli travel agent whom she had asked to book a flight to Rome.
  • 发惩罚性角球时,进攻队的一球员带球站在端线的一个指定地点,向进攻队等着射门得分的其他球员开球。
    To take a penalty corner, one attacker stands with the ball on a designated spot on the back line. The player pushes out the ball to other attackers, waiting to take a shot at goal.
  • 他想出名没成功。
    He tried in vain to attain to fame.
  • 我不知道教授是不是已经点了
    I wonder if the prof. takes attendance already.
  • 总统有六警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫。
    The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance.
  • 教师找不到他的点册。
    The teacher can't find his school attendance register.
  • 我不知道教授是不是已经点了
    I wonder if the prof. has taken attendance already.
  • 内侍罗马教皇的誉侍从
    An often honorary papal attendant.
  • 会场会替每位出席者准备文件夹,跟牌一起摆在会议桌上。
    Folios will be prepared for each attendee and left by their namecards on the conference table.
  • 记者「马可逊」,访问过不少风云成人物,他曾经告诉我们:「有些人不能给人留下好印象的原因,是由于不注意倾听别人的谈话。
    Isaac F. Marcosson, a journalist who interviewed hundreds of celebrities, declared that many people fail to make a favorable impression because they don’t listen attentively.
  • 添加上某人的署在另一个人之后来证明确实性。
    add one's signature to after another's to attest authenticity.
  • 他仔细查看了签,证明它是真的。
    After examining the signature, he attested to its genuineness.
  • 笔迹专家作证该签无讹。
    The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.
  • 我们总是希望在某位老太太的小阁楼里找到某幅被遗忘了的艺术作,有时候运气还不错。
    We are always hoping to find some forgotten masterpiece tucked away in a little old lady's attic. Sometimes we are lucky.
  • 他子承父业,当上了一律师。
    He followed in his father's footsteps and became an attorney.
  • 父亲的那个世界对她产生了一种难以状的磁力。
    She had an indescribably magnetic attraction to her father's world.
  • 根据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第22.1条,"地理标识"指的是能表明一货物来源于一成员领土或该领土内一地区或地方,该货物的某种特征、声或其它特征本质上归因于其地理来源。
    According to the Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement, the term of "geographical indications" refers to the indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
  • 这个属性被命为“generic”,并且将出现在所有的消息中。
    This attribute is named “generic ” and is present on all messages.
  • 属格词用作修饰成分。
    the genitive noun is used attributively.
  • 这个词仅作修饰形容词用。
    This noun is used only attributively.
  •  首先把研究扩展到全人类、不以国家概念为考虑对象的是魁奈,普通自由贸易这个概念也是从他开始的,他把他自己所写的那本书命为《重农主义,或最有利于人类的支配力量》,他要求我们必须具有这样的想法:所有各个国家的商人是处于一个商业联邦之下的。
    Quesnay (from whom the idea of universal free trade originated)was the first who extended his investigations to the whole human race, without taking into consideration the idea of the nation. He calls his work 'Physiocratie, ou du Gouvernement le plus avantageux au Genre Humain,' his demands being that we must imagine that the merchants of all nations formed one commercial republic.
  • 他呼叫我的字;拍卖人呼叫投标。
    He called my name; The auctioneer called the bids.
  • 说什么我也要得到她一件遗物,我就赶到拍卖估价人那儿,请他让我查一查售出物品的买主单。
    I was absolutely determined to have something that had been hers, and I went directly to the auctioneer's to ask if I might inspect the list of items sold and of the buyers' names.
  • 三千听众挤满了音乐大厅。
    Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.
  • 同时它也将显示所拨的字与号码及所使用的音频和视频模式。
    It also displays the name and number dialed, and the audio and video mode used.
  • 道尔贝降噪系统一种能从录音或声音信号中消除噪音的电子装置的商标
    A trademark used for an electronic device that eliminates noise from recorded sound and audio signals.
  • 同时它也将显示所拨的字与号码及所使用的音频和视频模式。
    It also display the name and number is dial, and the audio and video mode used.
  • 他们检查了审计记录,找到了这两学生的ip地址、姓及地点。
    They checked the audit and found the students' IP addresses, names and location.
  • 我是一广播电台的听众。
    I am a broadcasting auditor.
  •    (九)在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,根据国务院总理的提,决定部长、委员会主任、审计长、秘书长的人选;
    To decide, when the National People's Congress is not in session, on the choice of Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions or the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council upon nomination by the Premier of the State Council;