  • 威灵顿新西兰的首都,位于新西兰北岛最南端的库克海峡的小港内。建于1840年,在1865年它代替奥克兰成为首都。人133,200
    The capital of New Zealand, on an inlet of Cook Strait in extreme southern North Island. It was founded in1840 and supplanted Auckland as capital in1865. Population, 133,200.
  • 威灵顿新西兰的首都,位于新西兰北岛最南端的库克海峡的小港内。建于1840年,在1865年它代替奥克兰成为首都。人133,200
    The capital of New Zealand, on an inlet of Cook Strait in extreme southern North Island. It was founded in1840 and supplanted Auckland as capital in1865. Population,133, 200.
  • 快板,顺溜滔滔不绝的、快速的言语,如拍卖商、小商贩或喜剧演员等的言语
    Glib, rapid speech, as of an auctioneer, a salesperson, or a comedian.
  • 令人不解的是,许多大公司的管理者被管理时尚和号所左右,迷恋于胆大妄为、突飞猛进、富有创意的领导行为,拒绝改变路线,全然不顾已经完全改变了的形势。
    It's amazing how many executives are driven by management fads and slogans big hairy audacious goals ( BHAGs), quantum leaps, inspirational leadership--and then refuse to deviate from course even when the environment changes dramatically.
  • 去年八月二日,伊拉克士兵用了不到4小时越过伊拉克与科威特之间80英里的沙漠。可是,那一大胆的行动导致了现今认为是有史以来一次最大、最快速和分布最广的人迁徙。
    It took Iraqi soldiers less than for hours to cross the 80 miles of desert between Iraq and Kuwait City last August 2. But that audacious move set off what is now regarded as one of history's largest, fastest and most widespread migrations.
  • 时之所尚,甚至打着风雅情趣的旗号招摇过市,厚颜无耻地在峨特艺术的伤上敷以时髦一时的庸俗不堪的各种玩艺儿,饰以大理石饰带,金属流苏,形形色色的装饰,卵形的,涡形的,螺旋形的,各种各样的帷幔、花彩、流苏、石刻火焰、铜制云霞、胖乎乎的小爱神、圆滚滚的小天使,总之,真正的麻风病!它先是开始吞噬卡特琳·德·梅迪奇斯小祈祷室的艺术容颜,两百年后,继而在杜巴里夫人小客厅里肆虐,使其建筑艺术在经受折磨和痛苦之后,终于咽气了。
    They have audaciously adjusted, in the name of "good taste," upon the wounds of gothic architecture, their miserable gewgaws of a day, their ribbons of marble, their pompons of metal, a veritable leprosy of egg-shaped ornaments, volutes, whorls, draperies, garlands,fringes, stone flames, bronze clouds, pudgy cupids, chubby-cheeked cherubim, which begin to devour the face of art in the oratory of Catherine de Medicis, and cause it to expire,two centuries later, tortured and grimacing, in the boudoir of the Dubarry.
  • 现在已经进入社会主义时期,有人居然对这些庄严的革命号进行“批判”,而这种荒唐的“批判”不仅没有受到应有的抵制,居然还得到我们队伍中一些人的同情和支持。
    We have now entered the socialist period, yet some people have had the audacity to criticize these high-minded revolutionary slogans. What is worse, this preposterous criticism, which should have been rejected, has found sympathy and support among some people in our own ranks.
  • 他的才说服了听众。
    His eloquence won the audience.
  • 她的口才说服了听众
    Her eloquence won over the audience.
  • 使话剧迎合观众的
    Suit the play to the audience
  • 审计进行得挺顺利,而我总算松了一气。
    The audit had gone well, but I was relieved it was over.
  • 按照"关前移,重在预防,全程介入,严格监督"的原则,建立健全各项规章制度,从体制、制度、机制上预防腐败现象的发生。
    In accordance with the principle of "precaution, prevention, interruption, and strict supervision", various rules and regulations shall be formulated and effective supervision and auditing mechanisms shall be set up.to prevent corruption from happening.
  • 让我们在礼堂入处见。
    Let's meet at the entrance of the auditorium.
  • 大礼堂满满的,门述挤了几百人。
    The auditorium was so full that about hundreds of audiences were squeezed up against each other at the door.
  •  马尔萨斯希望限制人增加,查默斯和托伦斯则近来有一种奇妙的想法,认为资本的累进与生产的无限制扩张都是要不得的,社会福利所严格要求的是制止这方面的进展,西斯蒙第说工业发展是对社会有害的;他们所以会发生这类错误见解,只是由于抹煞了生产力发展的世界性趋向。
    Only by ignoring the cosmopolitical tendency of the productive powers could Malthus be led into the error of desiring to restrict the increase of population, or Chalmers and Torrens maintain more recently the strange idea that augmentation of capital and unrestricted production are evils the restriction of which the welfare of the community imperatively demands, or Sismondi declare that manufactures are things injurious to the community.
  • 博格斯法国中部一城市,位于奥尔良东南偏南。是奥古斯都时期的罗马首府。路易九世于1463年在此地创办了一所著名的大学,但该校在法国大革命中被取消。人76,432
    A city of central France south-southeast of Orl閍ns. It was a Roman provincial capital under Augustus and the site of a notable university that was founded by Louis XI in1463 but abolished during the French Revolution. Population,76, 432.
  • 还有,随处可见人群拥挤的十字路,某街角的耻辱柱,菲利浦——奥古斯都时代留下来的一段漂亮的石板路,正中划明供驰马的箭道,不过到了十六世纪改成乱七八糟的碎石路,名为同盟路;
    and then, in places, a square crowded with people; a pillory, erected at the corner of a street; a fine fragment of the pavement of Philip Augustus, a magnificent flagging, grooved for the horses' feet, in the middle of the road, and so badly replaced in the sixteenth century by the miserable cobblestones, called the "pavement of the League;"
  • 在使用web服务中,使用这样的调用模式,那么使用uddi操作入站点(operatorsite)的商业实体就得以在不加重通信与协调开销的情况下自动完成与大量合作伙伴的服务恢复。
    By using this pattern with web services, a business using a UDDI Operator Site can automate the recovery of a large number of partners without undue communication and coordination costs.
  • 传统上,人们利用他们知道的东西,如令,或者他们具有的东西,如安全卡或银行的自动提款机卡,来获得对保密地方的访问。
    Traditionally, people gain access to secure places using something they know, such as passwords, or something they possess, such as security cards or bank automated teller machine (ATM) cards.
  • 目标操作入自动取消了这次迁移操作。
    The target operator automatically cancelled the transfer operation.
  • 她的丈夫开始一个劲儿地打喷嚏。“大吉大利!”她脱而出地说道。
    Her husband started sneezing violently. "God bless you!" she said automatically.
  • (四)在一个大的少数民族自治地方内,人较少的少数民族聚居区建立自治地方,如广西壮族自治区的恭城瑶族自治县等;
    4) autonomous areas are established within a larger autonomous area where people of an ethnic minority with a smaller population live in concentrated communities, such as the Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;
  • 加工贸易是指一国从国外进主要原材料、零部件,加工装配后复出的一种贸易方式。
    Processing trade means a country importing main raw materials and auxiliary parts to be processed or assembled and re-exported.
  • 但由于主要原材料、零部件来自进,该国从中获得的实际收益往往并不高。
    Due to the fact that main raw materials and auxiliary parts are imported, however, the processing country often profits little from the trade.
  • 善辩的才对你没有益处。
    Eloquence will avail you little or nothing.
  • ip网络的可用性是基于ip接的物理状态。
    IP network availability is based on the physical status of the IP interface.
  • atm作为一种面向连接的服务,支持对接和连接可用性的优异跟踪。
    ATM, as a connection-oriented service, supports excellent tracking of interface and connection availability.
  • 可用性应该通过附着在广域网接上的服务等级证实装置,如智能dsu/csu,进行系统监测。
    Availability should be systematically monitored through service-level validation devices attached to WAN interfaces, such as intelligent DSU/CSUs.
  • 中国可供出的商品种类繁多。
    Chinese commodities available for export are varied.
  • 过去10年间,人的平均每年增长率为1.7%。
    The annual population growth rate over the decade averaged 1.7 percent.
  • 从1962年至1972年,中国年平均出生人2669万,累计出生了3亿。
    From 1962 to 1972, the annual number of births in China averaged 26.69 million, totaling 300 million.
  • 近几年来,每年的出生人数都在2100万左右,每年净增人1400万左右。
    Over the past few years, the annual births have averaged about 21 million, with a net annual increase of 14 million.