  • 中国各级政府在纠正“文化大革命”错误的过程中,也为恢复、落实宗教信仰自由政策,作了巨大努力,平反了宗教界人士蒙受的冤假错案,恢复开放了宗教活动场所。
    But in the course of correcting the errors of the "cultural revolution" governments at all levels made great efforts to revive and implement the policy of freedom of religious belief, redressed the unjust, false or wrong cases imposed on religious personages, and reopened sites for religious activities.
  • 皱纹显示年岁在增加。
    Wrinkles index advancing age.
  • 装运单据未收到,何时寄的,请复
    SHIPNG DOCMNTSUNRCVD WHN U SNT REP-shipping documents not received, when did you send, reply immediately
  • 股份有限公司的所有权属于股东,他们分享的所有权通过股票的形式体现来。
    The owners of a corporation are its stockholders whose shares of ownership are rep-resented by stock certificates.
  • 信用证延期通知未收到,何时发的,请复
    EXTNSNL/CUNRCVD WHNUSNT REP-extension( of) L/C not yet received, when did you send, reply
  • 装箱指示未收到,你何时发的,请复。
    PACKING INSTRCTNS UNRCVD WHN U SNT REP-packing instructions not yet received, when did you send, reply.
  • 检疫证书还未收到,你何时寄的,请复
    QUARANTINE CRTFCTE UNRCVD WHN U SNT REP-quarantine certificate not yet received, when did you send, reply( immediately)
  • 这个利差,就是投资者接受了福特债券比新加坡政府债券多一些风险的回报。
    This rep-resents the reward to the investor for ac-cepting the somewhat higher risk attached to Ford as opposed to the government of Singapore.
  • 在我们看来,目前福特和新加坡政府债券的利差是1.2%左右。这个利差,就是投资者接受了福特债券比新加坡政府债券多一些风险的回报。
    At the moment, as we see, the spread between Ford and Singapore gov-ernment bonds is around 1.2%. This rep-resents the reward to the investor for ac-cepting the somewhat higher risk attached to Ford as opposed to the government of Singapore.
  • 结论;做迁居;做评价;做评论。
    make a decision; make a move; make advances; make a phone call.
  • 他还向好莱坞发展,和朱莉安娜·穆尔共同演了《九月怀胎》。
    He made advances to Hollywood, starring with Julianne Moore in Nine Months.
  • 要求推销员每月提交一次他们的支需要。
    The reps are asked to submit their expenses claim once a month.
  • 要求推销员每月提交一次他们的支需要。
    The reps is asked to submit their expenses claim once a month.
  • 想像一下一组业务代表开会的情形,他们可能会对共同目标做决议,但是,如果能以一天或一个周末的时间,听取并采纳他们对计划的意见,以加强他们的坚毅信念,就能使他们免除情绪的压抑,并渴望达到目标。
    Think about a group of sales reps brought together for a conference.They may arrive in general agreement about their goals,but a day or a weekend spent reinforcing their determination,listening to and incorporating their suggestions for the plan at hand,will send them away fired up and eager to achieve their goals.
  • 国防和军队现代化建设迈新步伐。
    New advances were made in modernizing national defense and the army.
  • 抵押物来获得以后再归还的钱的人。
    the person who gives a mortgage in return for money to be repaid.
  • 债券发机构将在这一天付还面值的金额。
    The date on which the principal is required to be repaid is called the maturity date;
  • 以提建议或提议的方式接近某人。
    make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion.
  • (棒球)比赛中为追球的一个局。
    (in baseball) an out that advances the base runners.
  • 财政储备并非永久拨供外汇基金使用,而是在政府需要履行一般收入所须承担的支时拨回一般收入账目中。
    The fiscal reserves are not permanently appropriated for the use of the Exchange Fund, but are repaid to the General Revenue Account when they are required to meet the obligations of the general revenue.
  • 另一种类型的风险称为购买能力风险,这是由意外的高通货膨胀率所引起的风险,即最后还贷时的本金和利息的购买力比惜者当初放款时所期望的购买力要低。
    Another type of risk, called purchasing-power risk, is the risk that, due to an unexpectedly high inflation rate, the future interest payments, and the principal of the loan when finally repaid, will have less purchasing power than the lender anticipated at the time the loan was made.
  • 我休息了一个星期,但我没有去度假,我粉刷了屋子的外墙,不管怎么说,换一种活儿干就等于休息。
    I took a week off work but instead of going on holiday I repainted the outside of my house. Still, a change is as good as a rest.
  • 补偿为某一伤害或错误行为而做的纠正或补救;补偿
    Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong; expiation.
  • 他们仍在努力作某些补偿
    They are still trying to make some sort of atonement and reparation
  • 他们仍在努力作某些补偿。
    They is still trying to make some sort of atonement and reparation.
  • 赔偿作为支付或补偿给或接受的某物(例如金钱),如对服务或损失
    Something, such as money, given or received as payment or reparation, as for a service or loss.
  • 最后,父亲的去世,全家被逐家门,这件事终于决定了苔丝的命运。作为对无依无靠的母亲和妹妹们的最后无可挽救的补偿,她屈服了,以平静地听天由命的心情,走上了不可避免的道路。
    Finally her father's death, resulting in the eviction of her family from their home, precipitates Tess's doom, and as a last desperate reparation to her helpless mother and sisters she yields, with a fatalistic calm, to the inevitable.
  • 他宁愿要充实的生活而不想人头地。
    He chose quality of life over personal advancement.
  •  第三十条 国家外汇局可以根据国家外汇收支平衡的需要,对合格投资者汇本金及已实现收益的期限予以调整。
    Article 30. SAFE may adjust the timeframe required for QFII to repatriate its principal and proceeds, subject to the needs of China's foreign exchange balance.
  •  其他合格投资者汇入本金满一年后,可以委托托管人持规定的文件向国家外汇局申请分期、分批购汇汇本金。
    Other types of QFII can mandate their custodians, with the submission of required documents, to apply to SAFE to repatriate the principals by stages and by batches one years after their remittance of the principals.
  • 人民币特殊账户的支范围包括:买入证券支付价款(含印花税、手续费等)、境内托管费和管理费、购汇资金(用于汇本金及收益)。
    Expense articles in the RMB special account shall include: cost of purchasing securities (including stamp tax and commission charges), domestic custodian fee and management fee, and payment for purchasing foreign exchange (to be used to repatriate principals and proceeds).
  •  第二十九条 合格投资者需购汇汇上一会计年度经中国注册会计师审计的已实现税后收益,应当委托托管人提前十五个工作日持下列文件向国家外汇局提申请:
    Article 29. If QFII needs to purchase foreign exchange to repatriate their post-tax profits of the previous accounting year which have been audited by Chinese CPA, the QFII should mandate its custodian to apply to SAFE fifteen days prior to repatriation, together with the following documents: