  • 工人(雇在內)一般全無土地和工具,有些工人有極小部分的土地和工具。
    The worker (including the farm labourer) as a rule owns no land or farm implements, though some do own a very small amount of land and very few farm implements.
  • 該村是法定古跡,村內陳列傳統客傢人的傢具和具。
    The village, a declared monument, was furnished with traditional Hakka furniture and farming implements.
  • 此等雇不僅無土地,無具,又無絲毫資金,衹得營工度日。
    Having neither land, farm implements nor funds, they can live only by selling their labour power.
  • 這個意義,是在工民主共和國的口號裏x原來就包括了的,因為工人、民占了全民族人口的百分之八十至九十。
    This has been implicit in our slogan of a workers' and peasants' democratic republic, because the workers and peasants constitute 80 to 90 per cent of the population.
  • 因此,我談論業勞動時,通常便指直接和土地打交道的勞動,並且專指這種勞動,除非在上下文中另有說明。
    When I speak, therefore, of agricultural labour, I shall generally mean this, and this exclusively, unless the contrary is either stated or implied in the context.
  •  任何機關對民或者業生産經營組織進行罰款處罰必須依據法律、法規的規定。
    Any imposition of fines upon peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs must be based on the provisions of laws or regulations.
  • 第七條 國傢保護林的合法權益,依法減輕林的負擔,禁止嚮林違法收費、罰款,禁止嚮林進行攤派和強製集資。
    Article 7 The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of forest growers, alleviates their burdens according to the law, forbids law-breaking imposition of levies and fines on them, and forbids the imposition of contributions and mandatory fund-raising on them.
  • 民窮睏潦倒,走投無路。
    The farmers were impoverished, and went to the wall.
  • 少數民族、殘疾人和婦女,是中國村貧睏人口中的特殊貧睏群體。
    Ethnic minorities, the disabled and women are special groups among China's impoverished rural population.
  • 村的貧睏殘疾人中,30%生活在592個國定貧睏縣。
    Among the disabled poor in the rural areas, 30 percent lived in the 592 state-designated impoverished counties.
  • 這裏是指自己有一部分土地,同時租種一部分土地的貧
    This refers to the impoverished peasants who worked partly on their own land and partly on landed rented from others.
  • 尤其是廣大的比較貧苦的知識分子,能夠和工一道,參加和擁護革命。
    In particular, the large numbers of more or less impoverished intellectuals can join hands with the workers and peasants in supporting or participating in the revolution.
  • 通過對貧睏縣的集中有效扶持,帶動了全國村貧睏問題的解决。
    The state has driven forward the solution of poverty in the rural poverty-stricken areas across the country through concentrated and effective aid to the impoverished counties.
  • 2000年起,中國政府在西部和村貧睏地區實施為期二年的專項計劃,預計撥款2億元,用於降低孕産婦死亡率和消除新生兒破傷風。
    Beginning in 2000, the Chinese government has practiced a two-year special plan in the western region and impoverished rural areas with 200 million yuan earmarked to combat the maternal mortality rate and eliminate trismus nascentium.
  • 對於牧區和半半牧區的少數民族貧睏縣(旗),扶持標準分別為1984年至1986年三年平均牧民人均收入低於300元和200元。
    For the impoverished autonomous counties (banners) in pastoral areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas, the standard was less than 300 yuan and 200 yuan per peasant and herdsman, respectively, between 1984 and 1986.
  • 村尚未解决溫飽問題的貧睏人口由1978年的2.5億人減少到2000年的3000萬人,村貧睏發生率從30.7%下降到3%左右。
    The number of poverty-stricken people in rural areas with problems obtaining sufficient food and clothing decreased from 250 million in 1978 to 30 million in 2000; and the impoverishment rate there decreased from 30.7 percent to about three percent.
  • 多是鄉紳在村的即大又美的宅院,是他的不動産。
    a house (usually large and impressive) on an estate in the country.
  • “都”管轄的人口有一萬至五六萬之多,有獨立的武裝如團防局,有獨立的財政徵收權如畝捐等,有獨立的司法權如隨意對民施行逮捕、監禁、審問、處罰。
    The tu had jurisdiction over a population of from ten to fifty or sixty thousand people, and had its own armed forces such as the township defence corps, its own fiscal powers such as the power to levy taxes per mou of land, and its own judicial powers such as the power to arrest, imprison, try and punish the peasants at will.
  • 三是業生産條件差,財政收入水平低,公共投入嚴重不足。
    Third, poor agricultural production conditions, low revenue, and seriously inadequate public input.
  •  這個學派衹是由於對生産力的性質沒有作適當研究,對國傢情況不作綜合考慮,因此對於工商業、政治力量和國內財富作等比例發展的重要性,以及國傢特有各工業部門取得充分發展時這種工業力量的價值等方面,就格外地不重視。
    The popular school, inasmuch as it does not duly consider the nature of the powers of production, and does not take into account the conditions of nations in their aggregate, disregards especially the importance of developing in an equal ratio agriculture,manufactures and commerce, political power and internal wealth, and disregards especially the value of a manufacturing power belonging specially to the nation and fully developed in all its branches.
  • 我們許多領導同志,至今還沒有真正覺悟到這種業社會主義的破壞性是反動的罪惡的行為,對於人民的利益和黨的政治影響都是難以估計的損失。
    Up to now, only a few of our leading comrades have truly realized that this kind of agricultural socialism is destructive, reactionary and evil and that it is causing incalculable losses to the interests of the people and the Party's political influence.
  • 北鄉各區民禁止傢神老爺(儺神)遊香。
    In its northern districts the peasants have prohibited the incense-burning processions to propitiate the god of pestilence.
  • 比如:在兒童的醫療保健方面,中國村兒童的疾病發生率還較高,某些貧睏地區的兒童營養狀況還低於正常標準;
    Take medical care for children, for example. The incidence of disease among children in the countryside is high and in some poor areas children's nutrition is below the normal level.
  • 發佈、修訂了《鍋爐大氣污染物排放標準》、《危險廢物焚燒污染控製標準》、《生活垃圾焚燒污染控製標準》、《造紙工業水污染物排放標準》、《合成氨工業水污染物排放標準》、《輕型汽車污染物排放標準》、《用運輸車污染物排放標準》等污染排放控製國傢標準和《飲食業油煙淨化設備技術要求及檢測技術規範》。
    The national standards that have been issued and amended include Emission Standards of Atmospheric Pollutants of Boilers, Standards of Incineration Pollution Control of the Hazardous Wastes, Standards of Incineration Pollution Control of Domestic Garbage, Discharge Standards of Water Pollutants from Paper Industry, Discharge Standards of Water Pollutants from Synthetic Ammonia Industry, Emission Standards of Pollutants from Light Requirements of the Exhaust Purification Equipment in Restaurants Sector and Norms of Testing Technology
  • 農民抗議增加稅收。
    Farmers entered a protest against increased taxation.
  • 業生産資料價格指數
    price index of agricultural means of production
  • 民偶爾能用犁翻出古老的印第安人的遺物。
    Farmers occasionally plough up old Indian relics.
  • 歌珊美國印第安納州的北部一城市,南本德市的東南方偏東。它是業區的製造業中心。人口23,797
    A city of northern Indiana east-southeast of South Bend. It is a manufacturing center in a farming region. Population,23, 797.
  • 新塞美國印第安納州中東部城市,位於曼西南部。它是業地區的貿易中心。在這個地區有很多史前小山。人口17,753
    A city of east-central Indiana south of Muncie. It is a trade center in an agricultural region. There are prehistoric mounds in the area. Population,17, 753.
  • 埃文斯威印第安納州最西南端的一個城市,它位於俄亥俄河畔和肯塔基州邊界處。它是煤炭、石油的貨運和商業中心,同時也為一場區。人口126,272
    A city of extreme southwest Indiana on the Ohio River and the Kentucky border. It is the shipping and commercial center for a coal, oil, and farm region. Population,126, 272.
  • 我們把工作重點放在村,特別是中西部貧睏地區和少數民族地區,重點放在教育、婦幼衛生、改水改厠等重點難點指標和薄弱環節。
    Stress has been put on the rural areas, especially on the poor areas in the middle and west areas and minority nationality areas, and on important or difficult indices, such as education, maternal and child health care, improvement of water supplier and toilet facilities.
  • 在今天,堅持個人主義的小資産階級立場的作傢是不可能真正地為革命的工兵群衆服務的,他們的興趣,主要是放在少數小資産階級知識分子上面。
    Today, writers who cling to an individualist, petty-bourgeois stand cannot truly serve the masses of revolutionary workers, peasants and soldiers. Their interest is mainly focused on the small number of petty-bourgeois intellectuals.