  • 好的,先生,我知道了。你就在那边等着。救护车在10分钟之就会到。
    Ok, sir- just tight, and we'll have an ambulance there in about ten minutes.
  • 在一个月,艾米丽雅就可以驾驶一个叫凯尔的客机了。
    Within a month Amelia was flying aKinner Airster.
  • 在穿越了新几亚之后,艾米丽雅还有两千多英里的路程。
    After crossing New Guinea Amelia had only about 2,000 more miles left. She was right on course.
  • 与手术治疗相关、需要手术治疗或者可以用手术治疗,特别是与科相对。
    relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine.
  • 废除伪教皇贝迪克的训谕是从一道小门宣布的,他的那班传谕使者给人丑化,身披袈裟,头戴法冠,也是从这道小门出去游街,走遍巴黎大街小巷,向民众赔礼认罪,如今这道小门又在哪里?
    the wicket where the bulls of the anti-Pope Benedict were torn up, and through which the bearers of them marched out, mitred and coped in mock state, to publicly make the amende honorable through the streets of Paris?
  • 修改建议书初稿使之容更全面
    Amended the earlier proposal so as to make it more comprehensive.
  • ,当局修订《雇员补偿条例》,以修改可获发补偿的职业病的附表。
    The Employees' Compensation Ordinance was amended to revise the list of occupational diseases that are compensable.
  • ,城市规划委员会公布了两份新订分区计划大纲图,并修订了107份法定图则。
    During the year, two new OZPs were published by the board. The board also amended 107 statutory plans.
  • 我们认为现在已一切就绪,希望你方能在修改后期限交货。
    We think that everything is now in order and expect that the goods will be delivered within the amended time limit.
  • ,当局已修订法例,规定所有的士司机由一九九八年六月起,必须在乘客提出要求时,发出车费收据。
    During the year, the law was amended to require all taxi drivers to issue fare receipts to passengers on demand by June 1998.
  • ,城市规划委员会公布了四份新订分区计划大纲图和两份新订土地发展公司发展计划图、修订了37份现有图则和两份土地发展公司发展计划图。
    In 1998, four new OZPs and two new Land Development Corporation (LDC) Development Scheme Plans were published and 37 existing OZPs and two LDC Development Scheme Plans were amended by the TPB.
  • 针对多宗市民因进食受乙种促效剂污染的猪肉及脏而引发的食物中毒个案,政府修改了上述条例,以管制禽畜化学品的使用。
    The ordinance has been amended to control the use of veterinary chemicals as a result of food poisoning cases associated with the intake of pork or offal contaminated by beta-agonists.
  • 应该指出的是,中国的环境法制建设还需要进一步完善,如某些方面存在着立法空白、有些法律的容需要补充和修改、有法不依、执法不严的现象等。
    But it should be pointed out that China's environmental legislative work needs to be further improved. For instance, some areas still remain uncovered, some contents are yet to be amended or revised and there are still the phenomena of not fully observing or enforcing laws.
  • 任何人未经授权而在电影院、剧院或音乐厅管有摄录器材,即属违法;该条例同时修订《版权条例》中有关在贸易或业务范围侵犯版权的条文。
    It makes the unauthorised possession of video recording equipment in cinemas, theatres and concert halls an offence, and amends the Copyright Ordinance in relation to copyright infringement in trade or business.
  • 相信不少市民都和我有同样的经历,每隔一段时间回到地的大城市看一看,都会惊叹国家进步之神速。不论在市容、交通、建筑等硬件,还是在人才素质、服务态度、文化发展等软件方面,我们都会看见可喜的新气象。
    I believe that most people in Hong Kong have had the same experience of the Mainland as I have. During each of my periodic visits to the big cities on the Mainland, I am amazed by the tremendous pace at which conditions improve, both with regard to the "hardware" , such as civic amenities, transport systems, and infrastructure, and the "software", for example, the skills of the people, levels of service and the degree of cultural development. There are positive changes happening everywhere in China, which is something that should give us all reason to be optimistic.
  • 一个加利福尼亚流域说的美洲印第安语系的分支。
    a family of Amerindian language spoken in the great interior valley of California.
  • 由于经济衰退、外围环境欠佳,年非外汇基金票据及债券的发债活动减少。
    Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment.
  • 随着全球一体化的发展势头持续增强,尤其是香港与地经济渐趋融合,本港经济正进行结构重整,转向更先进和更高价值的活动。
    Amidst the increasing trend of globalisation generally and integration with the Mainland economy in particular, the Hong Kong economy is undergoing restructuring towards activities of even higher sophistication and value.
  • 此外,尽管本地的生产规模有所限制,但港商愈来愈多利用地的外发加工设施,使香港的生产力大大提高,从而协助维持本港产品价格的竞争力。
    Furthermore, the increasing use of outward processing facilities in the Mainland has enabled Hong Kong's productive capacity to expand by multiples even amidst the local capacity constraint, and hence helped maintain the price competitiveness of Hong Kong's products.
  • 在多种所有制发展的同时,公有制的主体地位依然稳定,据国家统计局测算,1997年公有制经济创造的国生产总值,占整个gdp的比重为75.8%。
    Amidst the development of diversified forms of ownership, the public ownership has maintained its status as the mainstay of the national economy. According to the State Statistical Bureau, in 1997 the GDP yielded by the public sector accounted for 75.8 percent of the national total.
  • 坚持扩大需的方针,实施科教兴国和可持续发展战略,实现速度和结构、质量、效益相统一,经济发展和人口、资源、环境相协调。
    We should press ahead with reform and development amidst social stability and promote social stability through reform and development.7. Persevere in the Party's absolute leadership over the army and take the road of fewer but better troops with Chinese characteristics. The people's army is a staunch pillar of the people's democratic dictatorship.
  • 组胺具生理活性的胺类,c5h9n3,发现于植物或动物组织。作为过敏反应的一部分由人体免疫系统细胞释放
    A physiologically active amine, C5H9N3, found in plant and animal tissue. It is released from cells of the immune system in human beings as part of an allergic reaction.
  • 氨基转换氨基在化合物部的转换
    Transposition of an amino group within a chemical compound.
  • 耳垂发育得不完全;如果练习得多一些,贝特小姐就不会完全弄错了——简·奥斯汀。
    The lobe was imperfectly developed; Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more- Jane Austen.
  • 约旦,阿曼分社(ap)报道:一丧心病狂的叙利亚人将一把手枪和几颗手榴弹藏在他5岁和3岁的孩子的背包前往德国,与他同时登上约旦喷气客机也有他的兄弟。
    AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - A Syrian desperate to reach Germany hid a pistol and grenade in the bags of his children, ages 5 and 3, as he boarded a Jordanian jetliner on which his brother was also a passenger.
  • 费拉德尔菲亚小亚细亚的一个古城,位于今天的约旦境、死海东北。亚扪人的主要城市,由费拉德尔菲斯·托勒密二世(公元前285-246年)建立并扩张,为纪念他就以他的名字命名,约旦的首都,阿曼现在就位于该城遗址上
    An ancient city of Asia Minor northeast of the Dead Sea in modern-day Jordan. The chief city of the Ammonites, it was enlarged and embellished by Ptolemy II Philadelphus(285-246 b.c.) and named in honor of him. Amman, the capital of Jordan, is now on the site.
  • 北京入天津境水质为劣ⅴ类。主要污染指标是氨氮、石油类、高锰酸盐指数、挥发酚。
    The quality of the water from Beijing to Tianjin is worse than Grade V. The key pollution indicators are ammonia nitrogen, petroleum, potassium permanganate index and volatile phenol.
  • 妇女怀孕15周后,从孕妇体抽出羊水来做诊断。
    extraction of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities.
  • 东京顺天堂大学的桑原教授进行了另一项研究,他的研究是从羊的体取出胚胎,然后放入装有保持体温的羊水液体里。
    A different approach has been taken by Yoshinori Kuwabara at Juntendo University in Tokyo. His team has removed foetuses from goats and placed them in clear plastic tanks filled with amniotic fluid stabilised at body temperature.
  • 当cpu失控时,称计算机程序或计算机崩溃。程序的进展乱了套,读写存储器中的任何容都有可能发生无法预料的改变。
    A computer program or a computer is said to crash when the CPU loses control. The program goes amok, and generally everything in read/write memory is subject to change without notice.
  • 代理持有者之间的部不和。
    an internecine feud among proxy holders.
  • 在计算机程序设计中,在一个小组进行有组织的讨论,以便对计算机程序的逻辑进行跟踪检查的一个过程。
    In computer programming, a process of tracing the logic of a computer program by a structured discussion amongst a small team.