  • 政府由一九九一年開始推行校本管理,基本原則是讓學校享有更大的靈活性和自主權,可因應學生的需要來管理學校的運作及資源。此外,校本管理設有讓所有與學校教育事務有關的主要人士參與的决策機製,以提高學校在决策和運用帑上的透明度和問責性。
    The Government has been promoting school-based management since 1991. The underlying principles of school-based management are to provide schools with enhanced flexibility and autonomy in managing their own operations and resources according to the needs of their students and, at the same time, to increase schools' transparency and accountability in their decision-making process and the use of public funds by providing for a participatory decision-making mechanism where all key stakeholders are involved.
  • 根據問責製,政府最高層的官員,包括政務司司長、財政司司長和律政司司長,以及所有决策局局長,全部都不會是務員,而是以合約方式聘用的問責製主要官員,合約年期為五年,但不超逾提名他們的行政長官的任期。
    Under the Accountability System, the upper echelon of the Government — the Chief Secretary for Administration, Financial Secretary, Secretary for Justice and all Directors of Bureaux — will no longer be civil servants, but will be appointed on contract terms as Principal Officials. They may serve for a term of five years, but not exceeding that of the Chief Executive who nominates them.
  • 表格中應包括下列品質:承擔責任、關愛、權利和義務意識、保護意識、勇氣、同情、耐力、寬恕、誠實、正直、正、忠誠、文靜、解决問題、目的感、尊敬、責任感、自律和智慧。
    Include traits such as: accountability,caring,citizenship, conservation, courage, empathy, endurance, forgiveness, honesty, integrity, justice, loyalty, peacefulness, problem solving, purpose, respect, responsibility, self? discipline and wisdom.
  • 富士山,海拔三千七百七十六尺。
    Mt. Fuji, 3776 meters above sealevel.
  • 我深信全體務員會積極迎接這項新的挑戰,致力於精簡架構,提高生産力,盡心竭力服務市民,並以此自豪。
    I am confident that the public service will respond positively to this challenge, and will come to pride itself on being lean and fit, while attaining high standards of accountability and productivity.
  • 從1996年開始,國傢開始在西藏實施長江上中遊防護林體係建設工程,截止2000年,共投入資金370多萬元,積極支持西藏地方因地製宜地開展人工造林、封山育林,纍计造林面積達1.3萬多頃,為改善當地群衆生産生活條件發揮了良好的作用。
    Since 1996, the State has begun to build a shelter-forest system along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River. By 2000, it had invested more than 3.7 million yuan in the project, actively supporting Tibet in building man-made forests and sealing off mountainous areas to facilitate afforestation as appropriate to local conditions. The afforested area has topped 13,000 ha, which, as a result, has played a positive role in improving local residents’ working and living conditions.
  • 主要着眼點是怎樣提高服務效率和成本效益、精簡現行的組織架構,提高政府在社區層面對衆的負責程度,以及鼓勵市民積極叁與社區事務。
    We have focused on the need to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness, to streamline the present organisational framework and to increase public accountability and public participation in community affairs.
  • 為了更能對衆負責,該署更定期與3個分別關註空運貨物、海運貨物及應課稅品的顧客聯絡小組舉行會議,檢討服務質素。
    To support better public accountability, the department regularly reviews the quality of its services with three customer liaison groups connected with air cargo, sea cargo and dutiable commodities.
  • “而且也是一名一流的海員,是在大海與藍天之間度過一生的——是負責莫雷爾父子司這種重要的司的最合適的人才。”騰格拉爾回答。
    "And a first-rate seaman, one who had seen long and honorable service, as became a man charged with the interests of a house so important as that of Morrel & Son," replied Danglars.
  • 運貨代理商的辦室;雇用海員的地方。
    the office of a shipping agent; an office where seamen are hired.
  • 反對已有權力的開叛亂(尤其是海軍和士兵反對他們的軍官)。
    open rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers).
  • 香港船務司會繼續資助學員和練習生,在海員訓練中心受訓。
    Hong Kong shipping companies continue to sponsor cadets and trainees joining the Seamen's Training Centre.
  • 使用一個共外特網的所有單位都必須確保他們做生意的係統和過程能做到天衣無縫般地結合。
    All organisations of a common extranet must ensure the seamless integration of their business systems and processes.
  • 問責製不會影響務員架構的穩定和延續。
    The continuity and the stability of the civil service structure will be preserved under the Accountability System.
  • 問責製是香港特區共行政體製演變的重要里程。
    The Accountability System is a momentous step forward in the evolution of Hong Kong's public administration.
  • 開信息將增加衆對政府的信任度和政府自身的責任感。
    Making this information available promotes government accountability and trust in the government by the public.
  • 四是不斷加強供水、供電、通訊、海港、機嘗鐵路、路、口岸等城市基礎設施建設,逐步完善城市功能。
    Finally, the Municipal Government is determined to ameliorate the infrastructure of the city, giving special attention to the water and power supply, telecommunications facilities, seaports, airport, highways and railways.
  • 您要我拿一份席爾斯司客戶資料的副本嗎?
    Would you like me to get a copy of the Sears Account?
  • 沒有人認為西爾斯的生存吉兇未卜。該司去年營業額為280億,非但有盈餘,而且頭寸充裕。
    No one suggests that Sears's survival hangs in the balance; the company, which had sales of $ 28 billion last year, remains profitable and generates huge amounts of cash.
  • 至於有報道說剋林頓政府找到了“證據”,這些“證據”是他們從losalamos李文皓的辦室搜查其電腦得來。但是,這個搜查行動發生在考剋斯報告已經發出之後,因此它不可能被收進去。
    As to the reports leaked by the Clinton Administration of the "evidence" they found when they searched Wen Ho Lee's computer at his office in a secure area at Los Alamos, that search happened after the Cox Report was 'filed ' and so could not have been included.
  • 《1979年國際海上搜尋救助約》
    International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue,1979
  • 當獵頭司及其客戶都清楚對方的需求時,他們之間的協作關係也就得到了加強。
    The working relationship between the searcher and the clients is strengthened when each knows exactly what the other expects.
  • 司所有帳目被證明為正確無誤。
    All the accounts of the firm were certified as correct.
  • 應急獵頭司衹有為客戶找到適當的人選時纔收取酬金;
    Contingency searchers are paid only when they have filled a position;
  • 共小巴分緑色和紅色兩類,從車頂的顔色可以識別。
    There are two types of PLBs: 'green' amd 'red' minibuses, whose roofs are coloured accordingly.
  • 需要新戰略,就必須放膽采納,把司結構換掉。
    If new strategies are required, companies must be bold enough to adopt them and change their organisations accordingly.
  • 請參照我方25日信函,交易已成,感謝貴司的合作。
    Ours 25th business conclude accordingly thanks cooperation
  • 不正當地不遵守規則地;不平地
    Not according to the rules; unfairly.
  • 由於季節性需求以及電腦元二千年數位問題的因素影響,在過渡千禧年期間提取現金的數額有所增加,港元貨幣供應m1在十二月份顯着上升8.8%,按年計增長率達15.2%。
    Reflecting an increase in cash withdrawals around the turn of the millennium due to seasonal demand and the Year 2000 factor, HK$M1 rose notably by 8.8 per cent during the month of December, implying a year-on-year growth of 15.2 per cent.
  • 從這些數字來看,我們的司經營得不錯。
    According to these figures, our company is doing well.
  • 這一突如其來的不幸消息一下子使這位平素在開場合處處表現鎮定自若、從容一迫的強硬政治傢失去了自製力。
    This sad news, so unperturbed seasoned politician off her balance.
  • 認的或可接受的標準或法則相一致的。
    in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles.