  • 條件反射使某器官對某一特定方式起反映的特性在該方式消失時然有效
    To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.
  • 煙嗆得我眼睛感到痛。
    My eyes are still stinging from the smoke.
  • 聖誕節前夕挂襪子的習俗然存在。
    The custom still prevails of hanging up stockings the night before Christmas.
  • 邁剋和我然每周六去小店幹活,從各個店收集不要的小人書。
    Mike and F kept our agreement by working in the store every Saturday and collecting all the comic books from the different stores.
  • 他從一幢十層樓房子的屋頂上摔下來,但然活著,真是奇跡。
    It is a wonder that he remains alive after dropping from the roof of a ten- storied building.
  • 事實證明,臺灣海峽局勢然存在着嚴重的危機。
    Facts prove that a serious crisis still exists in the situation of the Taiwan Straits.
  • 他對這項工作很生疏。
    He is still strange to the work.
  • 說起來很奇怪,最好的導電體像銅和銀都不能成為接近絶對零度能導電的超導電體。
    Strangely, the best electrical conductors, copper and silver, do not become superconductive.
  • 布什的努力全然無益。事實上,反而有害。他九月份奮力競選,民意測驗贊許率降低5點,目前是百分之三十七,在下降。
    Nothing Bush tries works. In fact, everything hurts. His strenuous September campaigning sliced five points off his approval rating, which is at37 percent and heading south.
  • 進一步發展西藏教育,是一個艱巨而緊迫的任務。
    Further development of education remains a strenuous and pressing task in Tibet.
  • 麥剋然偶爾同洛娜一起出去,但是我認為他衹是保留着與她的友情而已。
    Mike still occasionally goes out with Lorna but I think he's just stringing her along.
  • 然在與結核病搏鬥。
    He is still struggling with T. B..
  • 我們應當幫助那些然為獨立而鬥爭的人。
    We should help those still struggling for liberation.
  • 小屋夏熱鼕寒,一下雨,雨水便從屋頂上滴下來。但居裏夫婦不顧這些睏難,繼續工作着。
    The shed was hot in stunner and cold in winter and when it rained, water dropped from the ceiling.
  • 報紙不能報道這個案件,因此案再審理之中。
    The papers cannot report the case because it is still sub judice.
  • 但敵人然堅持其滅亡中國的基本政策,並用破壞抗日統一戰綫、加緊敵後“掃蕩”、加緊經濟侵略等方法,實行這種政策。
    But the enemy is still holding fast to his basic policy of subjugating China and is pursuing it by such means as undermining our anti-Japanese united front, intensifying his "mopping-up" campaigns in the rear areas and stepping up his economic aggression.
  • 市場對外匯基金債券的需求然殷切,二零零一年的平均超額認購倍數超過四倍。
    Demand for Exchange Fund Notes remained strong, with an average over-subscription rate at over four times in 2001.
  • 國內存在着古老的習俗。
    Old systems still subsist in the country.
  • 儘管民政部門對符合最低生活保障條件的睏難職工給予了最低生活保障,但有部分職工家庭生活睏難卻不能得到最低生活保障。
    Although Civil Affairs Departments have extended subsistence allowances to qualified employees in economic difficulty, there are still some families who do not receive subsistence allowances.
  • 要證明這一點,不外嚮日本、中國、國際三方面找根據。
    To prove the point, again we need only look for substantiation to Japan, China, and the international situation.
  • 減去食物與能源的費用以後——這兩項每月可能大幅變動——成品製造價格指數以略快的速度攀升百分零點四,相形之下,四月份僅上升零點二。
    After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of 1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.
  • 讀者請隨我穿過這小村子裏惟一的一條街,走進其中的一所房子裏,這所房子的墻外爬滿了頗具鄉村風味的藤類植物,陽光普照着那些枯死的葉子,上面塗上了一層美麗的色彩,房子裏面是用象西班牙旅館裏那樣千篇一律的石灰粉刷的。
    Our readers will follow us along the only street of this little village, and enter with us one of the houses, which is sunburned to the beautiful dead-leaf color peculiar to the buildings of the country, and within coated with whitewash, like a Spanish posada.
  • 關於太陽黑子的記載已保持100年左右,但這些記錄很少支持今天天文學家們的研究,相反,對於太陽黑子這一現象有許多廣阔的研究空間。
    Records of sunspots have only been kept for the last 100 years or so, leaving astronomers with little to back their research and much yet to discover about this phenomenon.
  • 可是伊麗莎白看出她們對待任何人然很高傲,甚至對待吉英也幾乎沒有兩樣,因此頗不喜歡她們;
    but Elizabeth still saw superciliousness in their treatment of every body, hardly excepting even her sister, and could not like them;
  • 當然,然可以設置一個造型,提醒自己留意,也使程序更清楚。
    However, you are allowed to use superfluous casts in to make a point or to make your code more clear.
  • 為警司及以下職級所有合資格的已婚本地警務人員提供房屋的政策繼續實行。
    The implementation of the policy to provide housing for all eligible married local Police officers of the rank of Superintendent and below continued.
  • 儘管朱迪業已是位超級明星,她然自己駕車,做飯,洗衣。
    Despite her superstar status, Jodie still drives, cooks and does her own laundry.
  • 今天這些迷信習俗已不復存在,可是其影響然存留在某些人的頭腦中。
    Today these superstitious practices are no more, but their influence lingers on in the minds of some people.
  • 直到一千年後的現在,他的名字為人們所熟悉,原因是人們相信一種迷信的說法。
    and even now, a thousand years later, his name is still familiar. The reason for this is a superstitious belief.
  • 毛澤東同志說:“在社會主義社會中,基本的矛盾然是生産關係和生産力之間的矛盾,上層建築和經濟基礎之間的矛盾。”
    He wrote: "In socialist society the basic contradictions are still those between the relations of production and the productive forces and between the superstructure and the economic base."
  • 他最好的價格高於其他供應商的價格。
    His best price is still higher than all the other supplier.
  • 在繼續支持恐怖主義。
    And this support continues.