  • 当维也纳爱乐乐团决定邀请他指挥2001年新年音乐会时,许多人都大为惊讶。这倒不是由于他不愿在公众场合露面的性格,而是由于这个最传统的交响乐团直对他的激进主义观点抱有疑虑。
    Many expressed surprise when the Vienna Philharmonic decided to invite him less because of his media? shy personality,more because this arch traditional orchestra has always been suspicious of his radicalism.
  • 她采取了个过激的、与众不同的方法。
    she took a radically different approach.
  • 这是场彻底改变了世界面貌的革命。
    It was a revolution that radically changed the face of the earth.
  • 达成一致意见
    Come to an agreement
  • 他的意见和我的致。
    His opinion is in agreement with mine.
  • 我们从前的切观念都正在改变,我们的工作肯定要有很大变动。
    All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
  • 他们在这个计划上意见致了。
    They have made an agreement about the plan.
  • 哈佛给学生的教育也大不样,强调学习的广度和知识在现实生活中的应用。
    Harvard also offers a radically different educational experience, stressing breadth of study and real world applications of knowledge.
  • 这就是为什么欧文斯和其他些人(包括我本人),再强调我们应当更快、更积极主动地进行实验。
    That's why Owens and others, myself included, have argued that we should experiment much more rapidly and much more radically.
  • 但是在个明天同今天根本不同并且根本无法与昨天相比的时代,最终结果只是种冷冰冰的安慰罢了。
    But eventuality can be cold comfort in an era when tomorrow is radically different from today and unr ecognizable compared with yesterday.
  • 工作场所的变化正迫使管理者们从根本上重新审视他们的角色并坚信卓有成效的人员管理是企业求得发展的唯途径。
    Changes in the workplace are forcing managers to radically reconsider their role and accept that effective people management is the only way forward.
  • 他正在制造种非常小的新的燃料电池,它可以代替个人电子装置,例如手机上使用的电池组。
    He is making a new, radically smaller fuel cell that could replace the battery packs in personal electronic devices such as cellular telephones.
  • 我们当中没有个人同意了他的计划。
    None of us agreed his plan.
  • 美国最发达的几家公司(包括安然、施乐、蒂科、全球有线通信公司,还有新近的世界通信公司)爆出了连串丑闻,从而急剧改变了公众的情绪。
    A string of scandals at some of America's most high-flying firms --including Enron, Xerox, Tyco, Global Crossing and, most re cently, WorldCom--has radically changed the public mood.
  • 网络计算机既有神秘的熟悉性、又有根本的差异性,可能代表了计算发展的下个浪潮、也可能像苹果公司newton那样(种称作为个人数字助理的手持式装置——译注)虎头蛇尾,不了了之。
    Both mysteriously familiar and radically different, the network computer may represent the next great wave of computing, or it may sputter and fizzle like Apple Computer Inc.'s Newton.
  • 事实上,这些网卡能为多个数据包发出单cpu中断——彻底地改变包/中断比率,从而消除老式网卡设计中固有的可扩性问题。
    In fact, these NICs can issue a single CPU interrupt for multiple data packets -- radically altering the packet/interrupt ratio, thereby eliminating the scalability problems inherent in older NIC designs.
  • 其足以加剧本国阶级对立和中国民族反抗的因素,即战争之退步性和野蛮性因素,亦尚未造成足以根本妨碍其进攻的情况。
    The reactionary and barbarous nature of his war, a factor which intensifies both class antagonisms within Japan and the resistance of the Chinese nation, has not yet brought about a situation which radically impedes his advance.
  • 西藏实施“八七”扶贫攻坚计划以来,由于政府采取了系列有针对性的特殊扶贫开发和救助措施,使西藏农村牧区长期贫困状况发生根本性变化,贫困人口由二十世纪九十年代初期的48万人减少到目前的7万多人。
    Since the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program was started in Tibet, with clear aims in view the government has adopted a sequence of special measures for poverty-alleviation. As a result, the situation of long-standing poverty in the rural and pastoral areas of Tibet has changed radically, and the impoverished population has decreased from 480, 000 in the early 1990s to just over 70,000.
  • 延伸好像个圆的半径。
    extend like the radii of a circle.
  • 光线的,射线的属于或关于光线或辐光线的,象光线或辐光线样排列的
    Of, relating to, or arranged like rays or radii.
  • 对权威不信任上他们达到了致。
    agreed in their distrust of authority.
  • 四分之圆,扇形体由九十度弧与两条垂直的半径围成的平面图形
    The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii.
  • 八分圆个被两条成45°角的半径及与之相交的弧所包围的区域
    The area enclosed by two radii at a45= angle and the intersected arc.
  • 我们就怎样试行取得了致意见。
    We agreed how to try it.
  • 由两个半径和两个半径中间的弧所形成的个平面形状。
    a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle.
  • 曲率个圆半径的倒数
    The reciprocal of the radius of a circle.
  • 些自然现象人类无法解释。
    Some phenomena of nature are still not within the radius of knowledge.
  • 他们一致同意。
    They agreed with on consent.
  • 以某半径所计的圆形地区。
    a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius.
  • 他们一致同意。
    They agreed to a man.
  • 在这点上他们的意见是致的。
    On this they were agreed.
  • 区段在个地区中为交通和航运规定了统速度的范围
    An area of a given radius within which a uniform rate is charged, as for transportation or shipping.