Chinese English Sentence:
  • 她周围总有许爱赶时髦的朋友。
    She has always been surrounded with fashionable friends.
  • "根据最近的一项调查,单上海就有250万外来民工。"
    "According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers."
  • 是的。中国人民保险公司目前在九十个国家和地区设有大约三百个验货代理和理赔代理,在这些代理处之中有很权在当地解决赔偿案件。
    The people's Insurance Company of China at present maintains about three hundred cargo surveying and claim settling agents in more than 90 countries and regions to conduct on-the-spot surveys.
  • 需要盐环境才能生长和存活的原始细菌。
    archaebacteria requiring a salt-rich environment for growth and survival.
  • 他比妻子活好年。
    He survived his wife for many years.
  • 我们没有食物和饮料就活不了久.
    We cannot survive for long without food and drink.
  • 幸存者为数不多。
    There were not many survivors.
  • 但当每种系统的价格像以往常见的那样降低时,竞争中的优胜者就成为成千上万更的不愿开最新式汽车的美国车手们可接受的汽车了。
    But as costs for each system fall, as they typically do, the survivors will become available to millions more American motorists who don't drive high-end cars.
  • 但不像恐龙,今天的鳄鱼与1亿年前一样,仍然非常善于伏击猎物,仍然是地球上幸存下来的最顽强者之一。
    Yet unlike dinosaurs, crocs today are much as they were more than a hundred million years ago -- masters at ambushing prey and one of Earth's most persistent survivors.
  • 苏珊封大数亲戚漠不关心。
    Susan was unenthusiastic about most of her relatives.
  • 据takeshi所说,很日本人喜爱的食品例如寿司已经出现在丹麦的宫廷菜单上。
    Japanese favourites such as sushi appear on the palace menu, said Takeshi.
  • 别人怀疑我们越,我们怀疑他们也越
    Others will suspect us the more, the more we suspect them.
  • 外科医生给小孩动手术时,我们焦虑地等了2个钟头。
    We were kept in suspense for over two hours when the surgeon operated on the child
  • 无知者多疑。
    The ignorant are suspicious.
  • 他很多疑。
    He is very suspicious.
  • 你何必多疑?
    Why should you be so suspicious?
  • 你何必多疑?
    Why should you is so suspicious?
  • 以下二章将告诉你更维系积极心态的原则。
    The next two chapters will teach you more principles that both support and sustain your PMA.
  • 到货所遭受的损坏比原来估计的要严重得
    The arrive goods sustained more serious damage than had been estimated.
  • 1984年自治区人民政府将档案馆保存的《甘珠尔》藏文大藏经拉萨版赠送给自治区佛协,并资助50万元开办了拉萨印经院,几年来已印出1000部《甘珠尔》藏文大藏经,供给区内外各藏语系佛教寺庙。
    In 1984, the autonomous region's people's government presented the Lhasa edition of the Gangyur of Tripitaka in Tibetan, which used to be kept in local archives, to the Tibet Buddhist Association. It offered 500,000 yuan to the latter for the establishment of the Lhasa Sutra Printing House which, in recent years, has printed more than 1,000 volumes of the Gangyur of Tripitaka in Tibetan for Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and temples located both inside and outside the autonomous region.
  • 他们多次横渡长江。
    They swam across the Changjiang River many times.
  • 这块沼泽地里有许蚊子。
    The swamp teemed with mosquitoes.
  • 的工作使我忙不过来。
    I am swamped with work.
  • 于是上帝创造出种类繁的大小鱼类及飞鸟。上帝见如此很好。
    God then created the great sea-monsters and all living creatures that move and swarm in the waters, according to their kind, and every kind of bird; And God saw that it was good.
  • 布朗小姐写的文章错误太
    The composition written by Miss.Brown swarmed with blunders.
  • 我有许朋友都使用文字处理机,可我还是爱用我的老式打字机。
    Many of my friends are using word processors but I still swear by my old typewriter.
  • 他在热带地方因出汗过而减轻了两镑体重。
    He sweated away two pounds in the tropics.
  • 嗯,他需要锻炼。你为什么不送给他汗衫?
    Well, he does need more exercise. Why don't you get him some sweats?
  • 出汗可以使身体降温,但如果天气过热,大量出汗就会失去过水分和盐而导致炎热状态下的浑身无力。
    The body cools by sweating, but if the weather's very hot, you risk losing too much fluid and salt and getting heat exhaustion.
  • 瑞典人会骄傲地答道:“两次,长官。”这样的练习进行了好天。
    The Swede would answer with pride: "Both, sir! " For many days this practice continued.
  • 瑞典人会骄傲地答道:“两次,长官。”这样的练习进行了好天。
    The Swede would answer with pride:"Both, sir!" For many days this practice continued.
  • “你大年岁?”他的朋友会问。瑞典人会答道:“二十三,长官。”
    "How old How old are you?" he would demand; and the Swede would answer, "would answer," Twenty-three, sir. would answer, "Twenty-three, sir."