  • 在同工会的谈判中,资方以每周增加工资5英镑换取了每次饮茶休息时间从20钟缩至10钟。
    In negotiations with the trade union, the management traded off an extra five pounds a week in wages for a reduction in the length of tea breaks from twenty to ten minutes each.
  • 农民以外的小资产阶级,包括广大的知识子、小商人、手工业者和自由职业者。
    The petty bourgeoisie, other than the peasantry, consists of the vast numbers of intellectuals, small tradesmen, handicraftsmen and professional people.
  • 虽然星期日是周末的一部,但传统上把星期日作为一周的第一天。
    Although part of a weekend, Sunday is traditionally the first day of the week.
  • 打击贩毒子的斗争无甚进展。
    Little progress has been made in the war against drug traffickers.
  • 平板卡车、拖车或载重运输汽车的一部
    The part of a truck, trailer, or freight car designed to carry loads.
  • 在新界乡郊地区发现的违例发展,大部均与露天存放车辆、货柜、建筑机械/材料、开设工场和货柜车/拖架停放场,以及填塘工程等有关。
    Most UDs in the rural New Territories related to the open storage of vehicles, containers and construction machinery/materials; workshops; container vehicle/trailer parks and pond filling.
  • 年内,当局在乡郊地区发现的违例发展新个案共有368宗,大部均与露天存放车辆、货柜、建筑机械/材料,以及开设工场和货柜车/拖架停放场有关。
    During the year, 368 new UDs were detected in the rural area. Most of them were related to the open storage of vehicles, containers and construction machinery/materials; workshops and container vehicle/trailer parks.
  • 比赛进行一半时,我们队落后了12,但最终我们还是赢了。
    At half time, our team were trailing by12 points, but were able to win in the end.
  • 半场时我队落后12,但到终场还是赢了。
    At half time our team were trailing by twelve points, but were able to win in the end.
  • 警察驾驶学校为警队提供主要的驾驶训练设施,每年培训约1800名人员,当中约有四一学员学习驾驶大型电单车(油缸容量750毫升),另有半数则参加各项不同的汽车训练课程。
    The Police Driving School is the Force's primary driver training facility and trains some 1 800 officers each year. Of these, approximately a quarter are trained to ride large motorcycles (750 c.c.) and half attend various four-wheel vehicle courses.
  • 由于这次落选,马拉多纳十痛苦,该教练也成为阿根廷公众争论的目标。
    Diego suffered a lot a lot for this unexpected exclusion and the Argentinian public opinion contested the trainer.
  • 明星们的健美教练萨拉·科尔曼说:“水喝得越少,身体就会感知缺水,于是就越易积存水。”
    “The less water you drink, the more your body wil think it's in short supply and so the more it hangs on to the fluid it does have,” says Sarah Coleman, fitness trainer to stars.
  • 在做事情之前充考虑。
    the trait of thinking carefully before acting.
  • 谢谢订货,但最低订数必须在2,000码以上,否则须加价20美
    Thanks your order but minimum quantity stipulate 2000 y d s otherwise 20c up.
  • 香港电车有限公司共经营6条部重叠的行车路线,包括全长13公里,由港岛北岸坚尼地城至筲箕湾的双程路轨,以及环绕跑马地长约3公里的单程路轨。
    The Hongkong Tramways Limited has six overlapping services, using 13kilometres of double track along the north shore of Hong Kong Island between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan, and about three kilometres of single track around Happy Valley.
  • 二零零一年十一月十二日,127813位仍然持有原本获配的盈富基金单位的合资格投资者,获配发第二批盈富基金特别红股基金单位。
    On November 12, 2001, the second tranche of TraHK Loyalty Bonus Units was allocated to 127 813 qualified investors who were still holding their original TraHK units on that date.
  • 你请先回避一钟左右,我与你兄弟有些私事要处理。
    Please leave us for a minute or so, I have some private business to transact with your brother.
  • 他们从这笔交易中享利润。
    They carved up the profit on the transaction.
  • 每笔交易我们都付给百之三的佣金。
    We'll give you a3% commission on every transaction.
  • 任何引起活化作用的介质;(生物)增加酶活性的子或加速基因生成物在dna转录中生成的蛋白质。
    any agency bringing about activation; (biology) a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription.
  • 她已调到我们在巴黎的部.
    She's being transferred to our Paris branch.
  • 再次保险,把受到保险的责任全部或部地转移到另一家保险公司。
    insure again by transferring to another insurance company all or a part of a liability assumed.
  • 一种流体(气体或液体),用于冷却一个系统,将各部的热量依次带走。
    a fluid (gas or liquid) used to cool a system; transfers heat away from one part to another.
  • 连动杆用铰链连接在另一部件任意一端的一横条或杆,可将运动从机器的一部传送到另一部
    A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.
  • 她过去十 腆,但在国外呆了一年以後完全变了
    She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad have completely transform her
  • 她过去十 腆,但在国外呆了一年以後完全变了。
    She used to is terribly shy, but a year abroad have completely transform her.
  • 伊梅尔特:我想充利用数字化的力量并改革公司的运营方式。
    Immelt: I want to take the power of digitization and transform the way the company is run.
  • 这些活性不会因为物理状态和化学成的改变而受到破坏。
    The activity is not destroyed by either physical changes of state or chemical transformations.
  • 暂态时域分析
    time-domain analysis of transient state
  • 电热器具比较少些,大部是晶体管收音机。
    Fewer electrical heating appliances, plenty of transistor radio sets.
  • 在运输中要允许有百之五的损耗量.
    You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.
  • 一部货物在运输途中受损。
    A part of the goods were damaged in transit.