  • 公司可定制套服。
    This company will tailor a suit to order.
  • 她经常去那裁缝店,因为她喜欢那里的风格。
    She often deals at that tailor, for she likes the style there.
  • 我正在街上徘徊,忽然看见了一服装店。
    I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor's shop.
  • 诊所根据患者不同的病情采取相应的治疗方法。
    The clinic tailors its treatment to individual needs.
  • 除两母外,都是自己人,怕人破费,不让训练所的学生们知道。
    Apart from the two sets of parents in-laws, everyone is from within the family. There is no wish to allow others to go to any expense and this will be kept from the students of the tailoring school.
  • 王平:专认为,一个国体育消费热的兴起,有三个方面的原因:消费者有充足的空闲时间;国民收入达到一定水平;政府的大力提倡。
    Wang Ping: The experts think that there are three reasons for the rising of the sports consumption fever of a country. They are: the con-sumers have enough spare time, the national income has reached a cer-tain level and the govermnent gives energetic supports for the people's participation.
  • 其二,自大心理与国优越感作祟,使人们对于自身的脆弱懵然无知或视而不见,却偏偏还带着有色眼光看待对于我国继续繁荣昌盛影响颇大的外来人才。
    Besides, conceit and a sense of superiority have either blinded us to our own weaknesses or made us ignore them. We go on viewing foreign talent who have much to contribute to our continued prosperity with tainted glasses.
  • 她在台北停留期间住在一四星级饭店。
    While in Taipei she stay at a four star hotel.
  • 拐角处有一中式外卖餐馆。
    There's a chinese takeaway round the corner.
  • 拐角处有一中式外卖餐馆。
    There 's a chinese takeaway round the corner.
  • 男人自己经过了幼年、少年、成年、老年等时期:开头是由人养育,后来转而养育人,到年老的时候又由人养育了;
    Man himself passes through the stages of childhood, youth, maturity and old age: first being taken care of by others, then taking care of others, and in old age again being taken care of by others;
  • 已经被一有实力的公司选为接受对象的公司。
    a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer.
  • 后来他又主动帮助新来的华人学拳术,看他那股认真劲,大更是喜上眉梢。
    Later, when he took his own initiative and helped some Chinese newcomers with taiji, we were all glad to see him taking it so seriously.
  • 作者认为我国对所谓“外来人才”应有更清楚的概念,以确保我们能够吸引到国所真正需要的人才。
    The writer believes that we need to have a clearer definition of "foreign talent". This is necessary in order for us to attract the right talents to suit our needs.
  • 他生来就有音乐的天赋。
    He is endowed by nature with musical talent.
  • 朱莉已有了天才艺术的美名。
    Julie has made name for herself as a talented artist.
  • 朱莉已经作为一个有天分的艺术而出名。
    Julie has got a name for herself as a talented artist.
  • 天才的艺术把这块树根雕成一件有趣的装饰品。
    The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.
  • 你怎么竟然说老师的坏话,你这个卑鄙的伙!
    What do you mean by telling tales about your teacher. You dirty dog.
  • 你们要赞扬他,他是一个优秀的演说
    You have to hand it to him , he is a good talker.
  • 一旦让这个伙谈起来,谁也不能让他停下来。他说起话来就像本书根本不像个人。
    Once let this fellow start talking, there was no stopping him. He talked like a book too, not like a human being.
  • 我全人的个子都很高。
    My family are all tall.
  • 中国的计划生育政策既考虑到国对控制人口增长的需要,又考虑到人民群众的实际困难和承受能力,是符合中国经济和社会的实际,符合全国人民的根本利益的。
    Such a population policy, taking into account both the state's necessity to control population growth and the masses' real problems and degree of acceptance, tallies with China's actual economic and social situation and conforms to the people's fundamental interests.
  • 中国的计划生育政策既考虑到国对控制人口增长的需要,又考虑到人民群众的实际困难和承受能力,是符合中国经济和社会的实际,符合全国人民的根本利益的。
    Such a population policy in China, taking into account both the state's necessity to control population growth and the masses' real problems and degree of acceptance, tallies with China's actual economic and social situation and conforms to the people's fundamental interests.
  • 由于这些期望,美国政界的性丑闻竟比起其他国的要平淡,这可真是荒谬。
    Because of these ex-pectations, American political sex scandals are ludi-crously tame compared with those in other countries.
  • 我常听人说这种狗是生来不驯服的。
    I often listen the household to speak that it is is not born tame that this kind of dog is.
  • 老子在他的《道德经》里始终看重不雕琢的石头,让我们不要干犯大自然吧,因为最优越的艺术品,和最美妙的诗歌或文学作品一样,是那样完全看不出造作的痕迹的作品,跟行云流水那么自然,或如中国的文艺批评所说的那样,“无斧凿痕”。
    Laotse, "The Old Boy, " always emphasized in his Taotehching the unearned rock. Let us not tamper with Nature, for the best work of art, like the best poem or literary composition, is one which shows no sign of human effort, as natural as a winding river or a sailing cloud, or as the Chineseliterary critics always say, "without ax and chisel marks."
  • 随着经济的发展,城乡居民庭财产日益增多。
    In tandem with the development of the economy, the household property owned by both urban and rural people in Tibet has increased steadily.
  • 甚至私下在中,越来越多拥有留声机的人用拉美音乐为探戈伴奏。
    Even in private houses, Latin American music was played for the tango, as more and more people owned gramophones
  • 如果他又灌醉了,谁开车送我们回呀?
    If he gets tanked up again, who will drive us home?
  • 他昨晚喝醉了之后,半夜才回了
    He was tanked up last night and went back home at midnight.
  • 有两三个伙已经来到酒吧间,正在大喝啤酒。
    A couple of the fellows were already at the bar, tanking up on beer.