  • 幕間休息時,我們去呼吸呼吸新鮮空氣吧。
    During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air.
  • 幕間休息時,我們去呼吸呼吸新鮮空氣吧
    During the intermission, let 's go out for some fresh air
  • 一連串的持續跳動以數量短促而突然的變化為特徵的一係列間歇性
    Any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity.
  • 突然現使(光)突然現或間歇閃耀
    To cause(light) to appear suddenly or in intermittent bursts.
  • 涓滴,細流陸續地或間斷地現、移動或緩慢、少量或不規則的數量的前進
    A slow, small, or irregular quantity that moves, proceeds, or occurs intermittently.
  • 內部化幫助研究人員就一個問題或者感興趣點進行交流,並針對已經通過外部化獲取的知識群體把它勾畫來。
    Internalization helps a researcher communicate a problem or point of interest and map that against the bodies of knowledge already captured through externalization.
  • 外部化是要找相似知識群體的存在,而內部化是試圖找與用戶的一個特定需求有關的知識群體。
    Whereas externalization seeks to discover the existence of similar bodies of knowledge, internalization tries to discover bodies of knowledge relevant to a particular user's need.
  • 轉儲,轉將(儲存在計算機內中的數據)未經處理而從一處轉入另一處,如從存儲器轉入打印輸
    To transfer(data stored internally in a computer) from one place to another, as from a memory to a printout, without processing.
  • 由於階級的現,幾千年來人類的生活中充滿了戰爭,每一個民族都不知打了幾多仗,或在民族集團之內打,或在民族集團之間打。
    For several thousand years since the emergence of classes, the life of mankind has been full of wars; Each nation has fought countless wars, either internally or with other nations.
  • 在這個地球上表現的所有的國際主義當中,我毫不猶豫地宣告,奧林匹剋精神是最明智、最富有成效的。
    Of all the internationalism manifesting themselves on this planet, I do not hesitate to proclaim Olympism as the wisest and the most effective.
  • 國際公認的船衹或飛機發的需要幫助的信號。
    an internationally recognized signal sent out by a ship or plane indicating that help is needed.
  • 同時,中國政府在國內和國際掃雷方面作了積極努力。
    In addition, the Chinese government has made strenuous efforts in mine clearance, both domestically and internationally.
  • 受國際保護人員在港席各項盛事的期間,特警隊也肩負重要任務。
    It was also heavily committed during the visits by various Internationally Protected Persons attending major events.
  • 雖然這一點十分明顯,但這並非是以國際合作為基礎的研究工作取得傑成就的惟一原因。
    Although most apparent, this is not the only reason for the remarkable success of internationally based research.
  • 網際網絡和與網際網絡有關的産品和企業正在不斷繁衍,而大量新的詞彙、術語和概念將隨着現。
    With the proliferation of Internet and Internet-related products and businesses, we can expect a myriad of new phrases, terminology and concepts.
  • 諮詢委員會在二零零一年一月嚮政府提交第一份報告書,提一係列建議,例如改善學生在傳統技能以外的軟技能,以及增加實習計劃的名額。
    The Advisory Committee submitted its first report to the Government in January, recommending a series of measures, such as improvement of students' soft skills and an expansion of the internship programme.
  • 但是新現的一類應用需要遠比此更好的交付係統,這就是實時人員間通信。
    But a far better delivery system is required for an emerging class of applications: real-time interpersonal communications.
  • 我的人際交往能力很強。在我工作的上個公司,我熟練掌握了工作流程,而且我具有團隊精神和色的人際關係技能。
    I have excellent communication skills and I am familiar with the procedures for the last company I worked for. Besides, I am a team player and have great interpersonal skills.
  • 共同訴訟在共同訴訟中提請求
    To submit one's claim to the process of interpleader.
  • 國在外的美國人有時發現很難解釋當地人的眼神。
    Americans abroad sometimes find local eye behaviors hard to interpret.
  • 下面幾節將對實驗1和實驗2的結果給解釋。
    We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections.
  • 面無表情的臉,不動聲色的臉一張缺乏任何可作解釋表情的臉,就象一個精於玩撲剋牌的老手的臉
    A face lacking any interpretable expression, as that of an expert poker player.
  • 他並沒有把這首詩的意義真正揭示來.
    The meaning of the poem doesn't really come out in his interpretation.
  • 對某事提一種解釋。
    To put an interpretation on something.
  • 人大常委會其後在一九九九年六月二十六日做解釋。
    Subsequently the Standing Committee gave an interpretation on June 26.
  • 每隔很短時間就開的火車
    trains leaving at short intervals
  • 在一劇的兩部分中間,常有幕間休息。
    In between parts of a play, there is often a interval.
  • 兩年後,他胖得看不腰來。
    He has no waist after two years' interval.
  • 當中時間一個與另一個現間的時間;間隔
    The time between one occurrence and another; an interval.
  • 這該是那些頭腦清醒和心地善良的人們面幹預的時候了。
    It's time that men of good sense and good will to intervene.
  • 這兩個孩子之間的爭論變得如此激烈以致於他們的父親不得不面調停。
    The argument between the two boys became so fierce that Dad had to intervene.
  • 其目的在於使戰爭的雙方互相消耗,然後自己臺干涉。
    Their aim was to step forward and intervene when the belligerents had worn each other out.