| - 金管局在接手管理銀行同業結算係統後,也同時負起為暫時出現流動資金短缺情況的銀行提供貸款的責任。
By assuming responsibility for the interbank clearing system, the HKMA also became responsible for the provision of lending to any banks experiencing day-to-day shortages of liquidity. - 至於超出總數一半的藉款,超出部分則須按基本利率加五釐,或當日的港元隔夜銀行同業拆息(以較高者為準)支付利息。
For the next 50 per cent, however, the charge is the Base Rate plus 5 per cent, or the overnight Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate (HIBOR) of the day, whichever is higher. - 十一月份,由於出售盈富基金反應熱烈,以及中美就中國加入世貿的條件達成協議,引發對港元資産需求增加,銀行同業流動資金顯着上升。
Interbank liquidity increased notably in November in the face of increasing demand of Hong Kong dollar assets, driven by the favourable reception of the sale of the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong and the conclusion of the Sino-US agreement on the terms of the Mainland's entry into the World Trade Organisation. - 律師答應為那囚犯說情,放他出獄。
The lawyer has promised to intercede for the prisoner, hoping to free him from prison. - 在緊急防汛期,國傢防汛指揮機構或者其授權的流域、省、自治區、直轄市防汛指揮機構有權對壅水、阻水嚴重的橋梁、引道、碼頭和其他跨河工程設施作出緊急處置。
During the emergency flood reason, the state flood control headquarters or its authorized flood control headquarters in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall have the right to take emergency measures against bridges, approaches, wharves and other engineering structures across a river which seriously intercept or block water. - ⑥1959年前西藏社會歷史情況,參見《中國西藏社會歷史資料》,五洲傳播出版社1994年版。
For social and historical conditions of Tibet before 1959, see Social and Historical Materials Concerning China's Tibet, China Intercontinental Press, 1994. - "把他們交出來,"他們喊道,"我們要讓他們嘗嘗我們的厲害。"
"Bring them out, " they shouted, "so that we can have intercourse with them." - 由於純科學和應用科學之間互相依賴,很容易看出這個係統會給科學的未來帶來相當大的危險。
Owing to the interdependence between pure and applied science, it is easy to see that this system carries considerable dangers for the future of science. - 你的精彩報告引出了幾個重要問題。
Your interesting report raises several important queries. - 他主動提出一些有趣的建議。
They volunteered some interesting suggestions. - 更有意思的是,接近地面的貨架上的物品比放在頂層貨架上的更易於出售。
And interestingly, products near the floor do beter than those on the topj shelf. - 接口的物理失效是由丟失行信號指示出來的。
Physical failures of the interface are indicated by a loss-of-line signal. - bloop[在收音機信號裏發出高而刺耳的幹擾音]。
Bloop[ to make the high-pitched sound of interference in a radio signal, ]. - 1990年以來,美國等西方國傢無視中國政治穩定、經濟發展、社會進步、民主與法製日益完善、人民生活水平不斷提高的現實,在聯合國人權委員會連續五次拋出反華提案,粗暴干涉中國內政,企圖破壞中國穩定,遏製中國發展,進而改變中國的發展道路和社會制度。
Since 1990 the United States and some other Western countries, disregarding China's political stability, economic development, social progress, daily perfection of democracy and the legal system and constant improvement of people's living standards, have concocted five anti-China proposals, wantonly interfering in China's internal affairs by trying to change China's development path and social system through sabotaging its stability and preventing it from going forward. - 今天我坦率地說,如果真的出現這樣的情況,我們不認為這是什麽私人代表,而是一種正式的政府與政府之間的關係。
Today I shall put it frankly that if this does take place, we shall not interpret this as a matter of sending a private representative, but rather as the establishment of a formal intergovernmental relationship. - (4)本聯盟任何國傢如有異議,可以在收到通知後十二個月內經由國際局嚮有關國傢或政府間國際組織提出。
Any country of the Union may, within a period of twelve months from the receipt of the notification, transmit its objections, if any, through the intermediary of the International Bureau, to the country or international intergovernmental organization concerned. - 該研究預計將於一九九九年九月完成,並會在此之前提出中期建議。
The study will be completed in September 1999, with interim recommendations on the most urgent projects before then. - 年內,法院共發出3071項破産令、四項有關個人自願安排的臨時命令,以及795項清盤令。
During the year, the court made 3 071 bankruptcy orders, four interim orders regarding individual voluntary arrangements and 795 winding-up orders. - 二零零一年,法院共發出9151項破産令、六項有關個人自願安排的臨時命令,以及1066項清盤令。
During the year, the court made 9 151 bankruptcy orders, six interim orders in individual voluntary arrangements and 1 066 winding-up orders. - 大會還請秘書長就2003年國際淡水年的籌備活動嚮大會第五十七屆會議提出臨時報告。
The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its fifty-seventh session an interim report on the activities undertaken in preparation for the Year. - 儘管pci-x性能有大的改進,它還是定位在一項中期的技術,這三傢公司開發了更長期的輸入/輸出總綫結構,稱作futurei/o。
For all its performance gains, PCI-X is being positioned as an interim technology while the three vendors develop a more long-term I/O bus architecture called Future I/O. - 我剛提出籌集基金的問題,他急忙插嘴說問題已經解决了。
When I bring up the question of fund, he quickly interject that it have been settled. - 任何象海星的動物,其纖細且復雜分支交錯的臂從圓盤中部伸出。
any starfish-like animal of the genera Euryale or Astrophyton or Gorgonocephalus having slender complexly branched interlacing arms radiating from a central disc. - 在行與行間為詞或短語作出解釋。
provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases. - 舞蹈不應衹是歌麯間的穿插表演而應成為獨立的藝術形式這一主張,首先由英國人約翰·韋弗提出。幾十年後,讓·喬治·諾弗爾——芭蕾史上最重要的人物之——在其著名的《關於舞蹈和芭蕾舞論》(1760年)裏,宣傳廠不少同樣的想法。
The idea that dance should not be just an interlude between songs but should be self-sufficient was first Put forward by the Englishman John Weaver, Jean-Georges Noverre, one of the most important figures in the history of ballet, propagated much the same idea a few decades later in his famous Letters on Dancing arid Ballet(1760). - 埃德蒙斯頓指出"與傳統的西南部和西部聚居區相比,居住在各族混居地區的亞裔和拉美裔美國人異族婚姻的比例非常高。
"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas [of concentration] in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out. - 儘管社會學家能迅速指出猶太人和其他少數民族群體的差別,他們還是承認猶太人在發現和正視這種美國的種/民族融合過程中,他們對異族婚姻態度的演變也許能為整個國傢提供一個範例。
Although sociologists are quick to point out the differences between Jews and other minority groups, they nonetheless acknowledge that the evolution of the Jewish approach to intermarriage may provide a model for the nation as a whole as it discovers, and then confronts, the racial and ethnic blending of the United States. - 這部車的中速檔出了毛病。
The intermediate gear on the car has a problem. - 按工業生産所需原材料和製成品進出口額占工業産值比重來測算,改革初期中國工業與國際經濟的融合度衹有15%,而改革後的今天已達40%,接近了世界中等發達國傢的水平。
In accordance with the calculation based on the proportion of raw materials needed by industrial production and the import and export volume of manufactured goods to total industrial output value, the amalgamating level of China's industry with the international economy has increased from 15 percent in the early stage of reform to the present 40 percent. This rate approaches that of intermediately developed nations worldwide. - "我過去的那臺計算機沒完沒了地出故障,它從未好好地運行過。"
I had interminable problems with my last computer; it never worked well. - 我上次的那輛車子沒完沒了地出故障,它從未好好地行駛過。
I had interminable problems with my last car; it never worked well. - 找到我們主席的唯一辦法是,等着他從漫長的會議結束出來。
The only way to catch our chairman is to lie in wait for him as he leaves one of his interminable meetings.