  • 不久的时间内,全省当有几万所学校在乡村中涌来,不若知识阶级和所谓“教育家”者流,空唤“普及教育”,唤来唤去还是一句废话。
    Before long tens of thousands of schools will have sprung up in the villages throughout the province;this is quite different from the empty talk about "universal education", which the intelligentsia and the so-called "educationalists" have been bandying back and forth and which after all this time remains an empty phrase.
  • 可以理解的语言。
    the utterance of intelligible speech.
  • 解码器能将编码后发射来的信号解码成接收设备可读的信号的一种电子仪器
    An electronic device that decodes a scrambled transmission into a signal that is intelligible to the receiving apparatus.
  • 下个月的一次国旅行
    An intended trip abroad next month.
  • 我昨天想提帮助他。
    I intended to help him yesterday.
  • 我希望这会儿你不是准备去。
    I hope you aren't intending to go out just now.
  • 中国政府在采取何种方式处理本国内部事务的问题上,并无义务对任何外国或图谋分裂中国者作承诺。
    The Chinese Government is under no obligation to undertake any commitment to any foreign power or people intending to split China as to what means it might use to handle its own domestic affairs.
  • 突然很快地,剧烈地发;扫了一眼。
    send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly;shoot a glance.
  • 美洲鼬科哺乳动物,特征是受惊吓时喷有浓烈臭味的液体;在一些分类中作为鼬科中一个独立的子科。
    American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae.
  • 迪基对势利小人是深恶痛绝的。虽然他有一辆大车子,但他极难得乘坐一次,常常宁愿步行外
    Dickie disliked snobs intensely. Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot.
  • 许多英国人外旅行到一些国家时,常有被人盯着而颇感不安的经历,这是因为他们从小受到的教育和他们的文化都表明盯着他人看是无礼的、不友好的行为。
    Many English people traveling to some countries find being looked at intensely an unnerving experience because of this early training and their culture's definition of it as being rude and unwelcoming.
  • 这首诗表现强烈的激情。
    The poem showed great intensity of feeling.
  • 戏表现了强烈的感情。
    The play shows great intensity of feeling.
  • 在进行了深入的调查之后,科学家日前得了这样一个结论:政客们原来尽是满嘴谎言。
    After intensive research, scientists have concluded that politicians lie.
  • 你在苦思冥想些什么?说来吧!
    What are you thinking of so intensively? Out with it!
  • 我打算出国深造。
    My intention is to further my study abroad.
  • 在培养坦白的说话态度时,你就已经在实践有意的诚实方面,跨了重要的一步;
    By cultivating frankness of speech,you are already taking an important step in practicing intentional honesty;
  • 除非你能以公正的态度对待他人,否则即无法培养吸引入的个性,而且也无法达到明确目标,正义感的一项不可或缺的根本要素,就是“有意的诚实”。
    Unless you deal justly with others you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose.The essential component of a keen sense of justice is a dedication to intentional honesty.
  • 死球冰球运动中故意将球打防守方区外的行为
    The act of intentionally shooting the puck far out of defensive territory in ice hockey.
  • 一种穿孔卡片,其上偶然地或故意地穿上了一些超所用字符集孔模式的孔。
    A card punched accidentally or intentionally with holes in excess of the hole patterns of the character set used.
  • 提供帮助是自善意的举动。
    It was a well-intentioned effort to help.
  • 他常常是好心办不好事。
    He's well-intentioned but not very good at getting things done.
  • 那些别有用心的人提的所谓反腐败的口号,我们也要当好话来接受。
    We even had to accept as well-intentioned the so-called anti-corruption slogans of the bad individuals.
  • 昨天晚上,在几位好心朋友的大力劝说下,我数月来首次走书房参加一场鸡尾酒会,换言之,席了一次社交聚会。
    Last night,pressured by well intentioned friends,for the first time in months,I came out of writer's seclusion1 and attended a cocktail party which is another word for a social gathering.
  • 委员会在众人中间特别提应该提拔他。
    the committee recommended, inter alia, that he be promoted.
  • 广大台湾同胞为发展两岸关系作了很大的努力。
    On their part, Taiwan compatriots have contributed tremendously to the development of inter-Straits relations.
  • 当然这些北大学生是从中国广大人口中筛选来的精英,但是如果不是基于北大的历史与传统,他们不会有足够的信心跟美国总统进行有效的对话。
    Of course, the students of Beida are very intelligent because they are selected from a large population base. But without the sense of Beida's history and tradition, they would not have this confidence to interact effectively with the American President.
  • 我的工作在企业中与他人的关系如何?你每天都与谁互动?你协助谁,谁又协助你?你该如何让你的经理的工作更顺利?诸如此类的问题能够帮助你看清你在自己岗位中应做的贡献--以及如何能做得更多。
    How does my job relate to others in the organization?Whom do you interact with everyday?Whom do you support,and who are the people who support you?How can you make your manager's job easier?Questions like these help you to see the contribution you make in your position and how you can expand it.
  • 但它真正革命的特性能够在其相互影响的潜力方面表现来。
    But its truly revolutionary character can be seen in its interactive potential.
  • 除健康讲座外,委员会于年内安排一崭新的互动教育剧在129所中小学巡回演
    In addition to health talks, a newly developed interactive education drama had toured a total of 129 primary and secondary schools during the year.
  • 当今世界,文化与经济和政治相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突
    In the present-day world, culture is interactive with economic and political activities, and its status and functions are becoming more and more outstanding in the competition in overall national strength.
  • 为了进一步加强就业服务,劳工处在就业服务网站上推互动就业服务,让使用者在全日任何时间内,通过互联网寻找工作和招聘员工。
    To further strengthen its employment service, the department launched an Interactive Employment Service on its Employment Service web site to provide for job hunting and staff recruitment on the Internet around the clock.