  • 这个缺陷在六十年代还看不来,那时我们还年轻。
    It is an institutional defect which was not evident in the sixties because we were then in the prime of life.
  • 此外,也向法庭、各覆检委员会和惩教机构管理当局提供专业意见,以协助有关人士在治疗和管理犯人方面作决定。
    Professional consultation is offered to the courts, review boards and institutional management to facilitate decision making on the treatment and management of offenders.
  • 改革要从实际发,整体推进,重点突破,循序渐进,注重制度建设和创新。
    The reform must be promoted realistically, comprehensively and progressively with breakthroughs made in key areas and emphasis placed on institutional improvement and innovation.
  • 一九八三年十月推联系汇率制度时,并无要求香港的银行在货币发行局开设结算户口的制度性安排。
    In October 1983, when the linked exchange rate system was introduced, there was no institutional arrangement whereby banks in Hong Kong maintained clearing accounts with the currency board.
  • 一九八三年十月推联系汇率制度时,在制度上并无要求香港的银行在货币发行局开设结算帐户的安排。
    When the linked exchange rate system was introduced in October 1983, there was no institutional arrangement whereby banks in Hong Kong maintained clearing accounts with the currency board.
  • 你们讲科研机构要成果、人才,教育战线也应该这样。
    You have said in your discussions that scientific research institutions must produce results and train able personnel. Educational institutions should do so, too.
  • 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提诉讼者。
    Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
  • "在接到把车开城的指令后,我开始信心十足了。"
    "After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence."
  • 我会通知你我们发的时间。
    I will instruct you when we will start.
  • 他命令他们出发。
    He instructed them to start.
  • 通知他第二天上午庭。
    He was instructed to appear in court the next morning.
  • 当叫我将车驶城外时,我开始有了信心。
    After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.
  • 指导员说,新兵将要进行的袭击课目的目的,是将从中挑选最好的。
    The instructor said that the assault course the recruits were about to attempt was designed to sort out the men from the boys.
  • 鼓声由这种乐器发的声音
    A sound produced by this instrument.
  • 我们的艺术指导大费唇舌请来管弦乐队为我们演
    Our artistic director is instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come and play for us.
  • 我们的艺术指导大费唇舌请来管弦乐队为我们演.
    Our artistic director was instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come and play for us.
  • 克劳塞维茨,卡尔・冯1780-1831普鲁士军官和军事理论家,提了总体战概念和战争是政治的工具。其论著战争论在其死后版(1833年)
    Prussian army officer and military theorist who proposed the doctrines of total war and war as an instrument of policy. His treatise On War was published posthumously(1833).
  • 通融票据利用筹款需要的时间间隔开不足的资金的银行支票
    A bank check drawn on insufficient funds to take advantage of the time interval required for collection.
  • 人生是从不充分的前提引申充分的结论的艺术。
    Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises.
  • 生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得充足的结论。(巴特勒)
    Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.( S. Butler)
  • 木棉一种绢状纤维,从木棉树的果实中提取来,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕头,褥垫和救生用具中的垫料
    A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk-cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows, mattresses, and life preservers.
  • 可是全世界数百万觉得拉什迪的某些语言带污辱性的穆斯林,有十足的权利要他负文责。对于拉什迪和他的版商来说,抗议、杯葛、谴责,都是适当的。
    But millions of Moslems around the world who find Rushdie's particular words insulting have every right to hold him accountable. Protests, boycotts, condemnations, for both Rushdie and his publishers, are all in order.
  • 他退保险,获得一笔退保金。
    He surrendered his insurance policy.
  • 他向保险公司提索赔。
    He submitted a claim to the insurer.
  • [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险公司],以便将该州最大保险公司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
    State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of10% to15%.
  • 例如分析从一根头发上所提取的基因样品的基因排列足以使未来的雇主和保险公司推断此人可能得的遗传病从而对是否录用他或接受其投保持审慎或保留态度。
    The DNA from a single human hair, for example, may be sufficient to alert a prospective employer or health insurer to a person's genetic predisposition to disease.
  • 由几家保险公司分担风险;由其他公司估算的保险风险的一部分作为保险对象交纳的保险费的部分偿付。
    sharing the risk by insurance companies; part or all of the insurer's risk is assumed by other companies in return for part of the premium paid by the insured.
  • [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险公司],以便将该州最大保险公司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
    State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of 10 % to 15 %.
  • 新泽西州最大汽车保险公司allstate保险公司说:由于政府规定太多无法营利,现从该州撤;州长和他的幕僚说该州正被要胁提高保险费。
    The Allstate Insurance Company, New Jersey's biggest automobile insurer, says it is pulling out of the state because over-regulation makes profitable business impossible; the Governor and his aides say the state is being blackmailed for higher rates.
  • 但是这种口困难,不是完全不可克服的。
    But the difficulties of sending goods out are not entirely insurmountable.
  • 起义军的首领们在新攻占的城里四奔走,招募新兵。
    The leaders of the insurrectionary army beat up the newly captured town for recruits.
  • 下面列int部分的输:
    The output for the int portion looks like this: