  • 英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作他最伟大的诗篇.
    The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry.
  • 这篇文章显然是在别人授意下写来的。
    That was obviously an inspired article.
  • 这一场面启发他画“向阳花”。
    The scene inspired his painting"The Sunflowers."
  • 自然赋予他灵感,使他写如此优美的诗句。
    Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.
  • 她以她色的外貌使这个艺术家得到了灵感。
    She inspired the artist by her outstanding appearances.
  • 具有、表现或者鼓起希望。
    having or manifesting or inspiring hope.
  • 尽管按揭利率大幅下调以及市民的负担能力亦见提高,但碍于市民对就业前景和入息是否稳定仍有忧虑,加上新推的楼宇供应充裕,购买意欲仍然受到抑制。
    Notwithstanding substantially reduced mortgage rates and improved affordability, buying interests were restrained by concern over job security and income instability, and by the ample supply of new flats in the pipeline.
  • 制造厂商对所售的中央处理设备的分类,能使客户在进行设备功能升级时,无需更换设备的其它硬件或软件。
    A manufacturer's range of central processing units marketed to enable a customer to upgrade an installation with a more powerful unit without having to change the rest of his installation or programs.
  • 制造、售和安装照明设备的行业。
    an industry devoted to manufacturing and selling and installing lighting.
  • 这些文件目前正在马德里展,文件的最后一页写着要把英国女王伊丽莎白一世处死,立他自己的女儿为英国的新女王。
    The last page of these documents (on display in Madrid today) deals with the execution of Queen Elizabeth and the installing of his daughter as the new queen of England.
  • 经期月经的例子或
    An instance or occurrence of menstruation.
  • 录音带一就马上成为畅销带。
    The tape became an instant bestseller.
  • 没有人提反对意见,我心里暂时松快了一些。
    For an instant I was relieved, nobody had raised any objection.
  • 不久列宁在台上现了,那种热烈的欢呼是我从未见过的。列宁先静静地站了几分钟,让欢呼声继续着,然后用手在胸前横挥一下,喝彩声马上终止,于是连一根针落地的声音你都可以听得到。
    After a while Lenin came out on the stage. The ovation was unlike anything I have ever seen. Lenin let it continue for a few minutes, standing absolutely still, then with a single motion of his arms across his body stopped the uproar instantaneously and you could have heard a pin drop.
  • 货物一旦发,我会立即投保。
    Once the cargo has been shipped, insurance can be covered instantaneously.
  • 像“多样性”这样的通俗电影通过模糊一个事实来强化这些梦魔,这个事实就是克隆技术不可能马上制造一个成年人。
    Popular films such as Multiplicity feed these nightmares by obscuring the fact that cloning cannot instantaneously yield a copy of an existing adult human being.
  • 那是我一眼就能认得的面孔。
    It's an instantly recognizable face.
  • 我一看见她就把她认来了。
    I recognized her instantly I caught a glympse of her.
  • 中国肯定要做相应的反应。
    Instead, China will certainly make an appropriate response.
  • 现在74%的案例是由女人提离婚诉讼的。
    In 74 percent of cases it is women who now instigate divorce proceedings.
  • 美炮制《考克斯报告》是煽动反华情绪、破坏中美关系的一闹剧
    The US-Concocted "Cox Report": A Farce to Instigate Anti-China Feelings and Undermine Sino-US Relations
  • 校长的发点很平实,只是想通过藏书票这个古老的印刷方式,结合美的教育和阅读习惯,让学生通过一种更轻松有趣的认知过程,加强学习效果。
    The principal's idea stemmed from a plain desire. With the aid of the time-honoured art of block print, he hoped to instil in the children a love for reading and appreciation of beauty, so that they can enjoy fun and pleasure while they learn and study.
  • 一九九六年九月起在学校施行的《学校公民教育指引》,目的在加深学生对《基本法》和"一国两制"的认识,使他们对香港特别行政区产生归属感、对祖国认同和对国际社会作承担。
    The Guidelines on Civic Education which have been implemented since September 1996 aim to enhance students' understanding of the Basic Law and the concept of 'One Country, Two Systems', and to instil in students a sense of belonging to the HKSAR, identity with China and undertaking of the global community.
  • 不用思考的;自本能的。
    unthinking; as if prompted by instinct.
  • 本能的本能的,与本能有关的,于本能的
    Of, relating to, or prompted by instinct.
  • 他做这件好事是于本能。
    He does this good thing from his instinct.
  • 女性对事物具有惊人的天性:只有显而易见的东西看不见,其他任何事物她们都能够发现来。
    Women have a wonderful instinct about things; they can discover anything except the obvious.
  • 对官僚于直觉的不信任
    An instinctive mistrust of bureaucrats.
  • 对官僚于直觉的不信任;提供帮助就像呼吸一样是一种本能。
    an instinctive mistrust of bureaucrats; offering to help was as instinctive as breathing.
  • 法国人特别擅长于一件事--可能是于天性吧,他们无需刻意思考--就是如何生活。
    One thing the French do well -- probably because it's instinctive and they don't need to think about it -- is live.
  • 固然那时她戴着面纱,但换了在两年以前,尽管她戴着面纱,我都能一眼认她来,就是猜也把她猜来了。
    She was wearing a veil, it is true; but two years earlier, however many veils she had been wearing, I would not have needed to see her to recognize her: I would have known her instinctively.
  • 盈富基金于十月二十五日开始首次推发售,分为香港零售认购和国际机构发售两部分,零售认购在十一月四日截止申请,机构发售则于十一月五日截止申请。
    The initial offer of TraHK, comprising a Hong Kong retail offer and an international institutional offer, commenced on October 25. The retail offer closed on November 4, 1999 and the institutional offer closed on November 5.