  • 未用白色、色或灰色冲淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量。
    The measure of hue and saturation of a colour, undiluted with white, black or grey.
  • 给…以模糊的形式
    To give a darker hue to.
  • 一条船的船体突然太太地在雾中出现。
    The hull of a ship loomed up suddenly through the fog.
  • 植物生长在色的土壤里,这种色土壤叫腐殖上。
    Plants grow in soil which has a dark colour. This dark soil is humus.
  • 腐殖上下面的土壤并不,这种浅色土壤很像沙子,它是由碎石变成的。
    The soil under the humus is not dark. This lighter soil is rather like sand; It is made of bit of rock.
  • 比刚才更加阴沉的云布满了驼背人的脸,他笑得很凄惨,然后那笑也消失了。
    A cloud, darker than before, covered the hunchback's face again; and his smile became sad, and then faded away.
  • 石蜡一种棕黄粉至色或绿色的碳氢化合的蜡状物,发现于不规则沙石的岩脉中,并用来制作电绝缘和上光剂
    A yellow-brown to black or green hydrocarbon wax, found in irregular veins in sandstones and used in making electrical insulation and polishes.
  • 一种含铁、镁、钙、锂、钠的复合铝硼硅酸盐和氢氧化铝,常为色,透明有色的可用作宝石。
    a mineral that is a complex borosilicate and hydroxide of aluminum containing iron and magnesium and calcium and lithium and sodium; it is usually black but occurs in transparent colored forms that are used as gemstones.
  • 土狼一种生长于非洲南部和东部的哺乳动物(羽毛状土狼土狼属),形状象鬣狗,长有夹杂色条纹的灰色绒毛,主要以白蚁和昆虫的幼虫为食
    A mammal(Proteles cristatus) native to southern and eastern Africa that resembles the hyena, has gray fur with black stripes, and feeds mainly on termites and insect larvae.
  • 夜的序曲是开始于夕阳西下的音乐,开始于它对难以形容的暗所作的庄严的赞歌。
    The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its solemn hymn to the ineffable dark.
  • 埃及獴产于非洲和南欧的一种大獴(埃及獴),有灰色毛皮和色尾毛
    A large mongoose(Herpestes ichneumon) of Africa and southern Europe, having a gray coat and black tail tufts.
  • 深棕色到色的云母,发现于火成岩与变质岩中。
    dark brown to black mica found in igneous and metamorphic rock.
  • 煌斑岩任一种含有长石和铁镁矿物中型的色岩石,呈现为岩脉或侵入岩
    Any of several intermediate igneous rocks constituting feldspar and ferromagnesium minerals that occur as dikes and minor intrusions.
  • 光滑冬青一种北美洲东部的(冬青属光滑冬青)灌木,有色的象浆果的果实
    A shrub(Ilex glabra) of eastern North America, having black, berrylike fruit.
  • 市上非法地买卖。
    sell illegally, as on the black market.
  • 青壮年文盲从6000多万人下降到3500万人。北京、天津、上海和吉林、龙江、辽宁、广东等省已基本扫除青壮年文盲。
    the number of young and middle-aged illiterates decreased from 60 million to 35 million, Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai and the provinces of Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guangdong have basically wiped out illiteracy among young and middle-aged people.
  • 超倍显微镜一种高强度照亮的显微镜用来研究非常细小的物体,如散射光线并在色背景下显明亮的斑点的胶质微粒
    A microscope with high-intensity illumination used to study very minute objects, such as colloidal particles that scatter the light and appear as bright spots against a dark background.
  • 黑夜是死亡的象征
    Night as an image of death.
  • 玻璃干版照相把底片放在有色背面的玻璃板上成像的早期照片
    An early type of photograph made by imaging a negative on glass backed by a dark surface.
  • 演员使用的用来扮演人的化装品(通常用焦土)。
    the makeup (usually burnt cork) used by a performer in order to imitate a Negro.
  • 色涂料一种制剂,如鞋油或炉擦亮剂,用于上
    A preparation, such as a shoe or stove polish, that is used to impart a black color.
  • 他接通泛光灯,漆的夜间一下子像白昼一样通明。
    He switched on the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day.
  • 半知菌纲的一科其菌丝或分生孢子成暗色。
    family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia.
  • 称呼人为Negro是不礼貌的。
    It's impolite to call the black people Negros.
  • 人的价值观与情感是由人的基本的人生观所决定的,他的潜意识的最终程序员就是哲学——就是那些“情感论者”们认为无力影响或渗透他们感觉当中色神秘的一门科学。
    The ultimate programmer of his subconscious is philosophy -- the science which, according to the emotionalists, is impotent to affect or penetrate the murky mysteries of their feelings.
  • 一个瘦的家伙正透过窗户仔细张望,很没有礼貌地咧着嘴笑。
    a lean, swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently.
  • 要争取一个安定团结的政治局面,没有人民民主专政不行,不能让那些颠倒是非、混淆白、造谣诬蔑的人畅行无阻,煽动群众。
    There is no way to ensure continued political stability and unity without the people's democratic dictatorship. People who confuse right and wrong, who turn black into white, and who start rumours and spread slanders can't be allowed to go around with impunity stirring the masses up to make trouble.
  • 这张期票向所有人承诺——不论白人还是人——都享有不可让渡的生存权、自由权和追求幸福权。
    This note was a promise that all men would be guarranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • 他注意到这点,就用他的铲子头戳戳一扇门,不出声的表示如果我要改变住处,就非走这儿不可。
    He noticed this, and thrust at an inner door with the end of his spade, intimating by an inarticulate sound that there was the place where I must go, if I changed my locality;
  • 他从那无法补救的缺口不停地望着这世界的外面,而所见的只是一片暗。
    He gazed incessantly beyond this world through these fatal breaches, and beheld only darkness.
  • 格里格,埃德瓦·格卢1843-1907挪威作曲家,其作品,如为彼尔·金特写的戏剧配乐,包含有挪威民间音乐的因素
    Norwegian composer whose works, such as the incidental music for Peer Gynt(1876), incorporate Norwegian folk music idioms.
  • 银镶嵌由硫和铜、银或铅构成的深墨色合金,用来注入另一金属表面所雕刻的花纹图案中
    Any of several black metallic alloys of sulfur with copper, silver, or lead, used to fill an incised design on the surface of another metal.