  • 以重大工程带动件产业发展;
    Major projects will drive the development of software industry;
  • 件都是使用程序设计语言创造出来的。
    Software is created through the use of programming languages.
  • 不用修正就可以在不同计算机上运行的件。
    software that can run on different computers without modification.
  • 件符合规定的需求的程度。
    The extent to which software meets its specified requirements.
  • 极易车削的软木
    A softwood that turns easily.
  • 谁会想到他原来是这样一个骨头。
    Who'd have thought he'd turn out to be such a softy.
  • 谁会想到他原来是这样一个骨头。
    Who'd have thought he'd turn out to he such a softy.
  • 厚鞋根在鞋底的内层及外层之间用皮革或木制成的厚层,可以增加高度
    A thick layer, as of leather or cork, between the inner and outer soles of a shoe, giving added height.
  • 速记员:先进的语音识别件将会取代法庭上的书记员及许多秘书和行政助理。
    Stenographers: Sophisticated voice-recognition software will replace court reporters and lots of secretaries and executive assistants.
  • 他的个性软弱。
    He has a weak character.
  • java是炙手可热的internet件技术中的一种,而这些技术孕育了worldwideweb、“内部网”一类令人敬畏的词儿以及名片上和电视广告中那些怪模怪样的地址。
    Java is one of the hyped-up Internet software technologies that have spawned the World Wide Web, awful words like "intranet", and those strange-looking addresses on business cards and TV commercials.
  • timesten性能件公司已在率先向主存数据库方向前进。
    TimesTen Performance Software has been spearheading the MMDB movement.
  • 在特定情况下,cni提供实施ss7所需的硬件和件。
    Specifically, the CNI provides the hardware and software needed to implement SS7.
  • 信令点(sp)是那些被指定装载ss7件的网络节点。
    or 襰ignaling points.?Signaling points (SPs) are network nodes specifically loaded with SS7 software.
  • 国务院还颁布了《计算机件保护条例》,规定了保护计算机件的具体实施办法。
    The State Council has, moreover, promulgated the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software, providing the specifics whereby the laws protecting computer software will be implemented.
  • 生长在松湿地上的一种半水生植物;大部分是单子叶亚纲植物:莎草、泥炭藓、香蒲等;有时生长于灌木丛生的荒野。
    a semi-aquatic plant that grows in soft wet land; most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc; possibly heath.
  • 疣任一种长在脸部或身体的其他部位的呈现为柔圆形肿块的皮肤病
    Any of various skin diseases in which soft, spherical tumors form on the face or other part of the body.
  • 件开发上,两种对立的哲学已经将旷日持久的战火烧到世界其他地区,而迄今最引人注目的标志就是opencola。
    OpenCola is the most prominent sign yet that a long-running battle between rival philosophies in software development has spilt over into the rest of the world.
  • 这是一块海绵。它是的。
    This is a sponge. It's soft.
  • 没有蛋黄的松的海绵蛋糕。
    a light sponge cake made without egg yolks.
  • 木头是硬的,但海绵是的。
    The wood's hard, but the sponge is soft.
  • 海绵是的,但木头是硬的。
    The sponge is soft, but the wood is hard.
  • 木头是硬的,但海绵是的。
    The wood 's hard, but the sponge is soft.
  • 石头上长着一些柔的苔藓。
    There grows some spongy moss on the stone.
  • 雨后的草地柔湿润。
    The grass is spongy after the rain.
  • 缠在木轴上的几百英尺长的照相片;用于电影。
    photographic film several hundred feet long and wound on a spool; to be used in a movie camera.
  • 掉地方的苹果全部都被剔除。
    All apples with soft spots are rejected.
  • word一类的应用程序可以利用来自excel应用程序的ole服务器,运行excel数据表。
    An application like Microsoft Word can run a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet using the OLE server from an Excel application.
  • 褥垫,床垫通常为长方形的棉布垫,内装柔材料或排列好的弹簧,常用于床上
    A usually rectangular pad of heavy cloth filled with soft material or an arrangement of coiled springs, used as or on a bed.
  • 他们走在草皮上,觉得很松
    The turf felt springy under their feet.
  • 最后,对于件生产商和标准化组织来说,注册一个规范的相关信息,然后用该规范的的tmodel来查找兼容的web服务的实现,能帮助他们的客户真正获得使用被广泛应用的设计规范所带来的好处。
    Finally, for standards organizations, the ability to register information about a specification and then find implementations of web services that are compatible with a standard helps customers immediately realize the benefits of a widely used design.
  • 之所以被叫成“瘦”,是因为它们通常没有pc机复杂,也便宜,支持它们的费用也低,它们都是“无主”的机器,依靠服务器存储所有易失性数据和件。
    They're called "thin" because they are generally less complex and less expensive than PCs.They also cost less to support;and they're "stateless" machines that rely on servers to store all volatile data and software.