  • 他没有准确地明那项改革的各个阶段。
    He does not accurately represent the stages of that transformation.
  • 他对我们这些树必须锯倒。
    He told us that these trees had to be sawn down.
  • “为了我的职业名誉,”萨克斯顿先生,“我在接案子时特别谨慎。越是有可能导致窘境的案子,我越不想接手。”
    "For the sake of my professional reputation," said Mr Saxton, I am very careful about accepting a case. The more it looks like a Queer Street, the more I an inclined to leave it alone.
  • 我偶然听到他他要到法国去。
    I overheard him say/saying he was going to France.
  • 女士:“我想知道你是否有什麽话要。”
    "I wonder if you have anything to say," says the Dame.
  • 我们不船的重量为多少千吨,而船的排水量是多少吨位。
    Instead of saying the ship's weight is so many thousand tons , we say its displacement is that many tons.
  • 我们会好的很容易。但要把这种法付诸实施却相当难。
    It is easy to say that we will be good. It is harder to put the saying into practice.
  • 新闻、杂志记者们之所以出他们知道并非真实的事情,是因为指望:只要长期下去就可以成为真实。
    Journalist say a thing that they know is not true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will is true.
  • 新闻、杂志记者们之所以出他们知道并非真实的事情,是因为指望:只要长期下去就可以成为真实。
    Journalist say a thing that they know is not true, in the hope that if they kept on saying it long enough it will be true.
  • 他能准确流利地英语。
    He can speak English fluently and accurately.
  • 胡雪牌车子如何好,我毫不反对,他就不得不把话停住了。
    If he says the Whose-It is best and I say sure it is,he has to stop.
  • 一位专家:"最起码我们应该告诉孩子们,'别把灯关上'。"
    "At the very least," says one of the expert, "maybe we should say, 'Leave the lights on.'
  • :"我想,我们每个人都很脆弱,需要得到别人的支持和爱。
    "I'd say we're all fairly vulnerable and needy, and need someone to cling to and love," she says.
  • 圣约翰过,如果你爱上帝却不爱你的邻人那你就是一个撒谎者。
    St. John says that you are a liar if you say you love God and you don't love your neighbor.
  • 警察局该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。
    The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
  • “你显得很(他想“老”)……很不错,“他
    “You’re looking very…(he want to say old)……well,” he said.
  • 以精确的细节再现大萧条的小
    A novel that evokes the Depression in accurate detail.
  • 生物降解绷带在疗伤药品竞争中不敢首屈一指,如果其功能真如广告所宣传的那样,那么至少治愈的伤口不会留下疤痕是指日可待的。
    Biodegradable scaffolds might not win the healing race, but if they live up to their promise, at least there won't be a scar in sight.
  • 要正确出伤亡人数是不可能的。
    It was impossible to state with accuracy the number of casualties.
  • 零售12元5角的入场券昨天售价高达50元一张。可是黄牛周末价钱更高,假期票价将会高入云霄。
    The tickets, which retail for $12.50, were fetching as much as $50 apiece yesterday. But scalpers said that weekend prices are higher and holiday-time prices will go through the roof.
  • 有些人这是[罗斯福总统的]新政和[约翰逊总统的]大社会以来最大胆的计划。也有些人这是一个漫天大谎,克林顿就是在数字上动手脚。
    Some say it's the boldest plan since the New Deal or the Great Society. Others say it's a colossal scam and Clinton is just cooking the books.
  • 今年对商业罪案调查科来是另一个忙碌的年头。应付的案件包括传统类型的欺诈以至手法先进的诈骗案。
    The Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) had another busy year, with a mixture of traditional types of fraud and more modern scams.
  • 社会福利局,该局在去年舞弊发生不久,即开始调查此一丑事,但骗徒在案发之前已有数月时间准备(优势)。
    The Department of Social Services said it began uncovering the scams relatively soon after the frauds began last year but that the cheaters had a head start of several months.
  • 事实的精确度;事实的明。
    factual accuracy; a factual account.
  • 他母亲叫他不要跟街上的流氓话。
    His mother tell him not to talk to the scamp on the street.
  • 他母亲叫他不要跟街上的流氓
    His mother told him not to talk to the scamp on the street
  • 我们知道汤姆很调皮,但他的情况并不像人们的那么厉害,他也有一些非常好的优点。
    We know Tom is a scamp; but the devil is not so black as he is painted, and Tom has some very good points.
  • 市政会把那所漂亮的古老建筑拆毁了,我感到非常震惊。
    I am absolutely scandalizing to hear that the council has demolished that lovely old building.
  • 无论如何也不准受影响的有多少。
    It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many are affected.
  • 公元700年前的斯堪的那维亚人的西德语。
    the Germanic language of Scandinavia up until about 700.
  • 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下
    A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.
  • 杜卡基斯先生有一次曾坦白地他喜欢一本关于瑞典土地使用计划的书。像这样一位候选人,在到处皆是德国及斯堪的那维亚人的州里,是容易被接受的。这些人很多仍崇信社会民主政治中的一个观念-公理是有计划、有秩序的。
    A candidate like Mr. Dukakis, who once confessed to enjoying a book on Swedish land use planning, went down well in a state full of Germans and Scandinavians, many of whom still adhere to the notion of planned, orderly justice that is embodied in social democracy.