  • 在森林里我们碰到一雉鸡。
    In the forest, we came upon a flock of pheasants.
  • 我们看见一鹅在湖里游水。
    We see a flock of geese swimming in the lake.
  • 他有一羊和一牛。
    He has a flock of sheep and a herd of cattle.
  • 一群羊在路边吃草。
    A flock of sheep were grazing by the side of the road.
  • 我们看到一羊,由一个骑马的牧民放牧着。
    We saw a flock of sheep, watched by a herdsman on horseback.
  • 船只驶入港口时,一海鸥在船上方盘旋。
    A flock of gulls circled overhead as the boast sailed into the port.
  • 羊走遍了山坡找寻牧草。
    A flock of sheep ranged over the mountain slope in search of pasture.
  • 当汽车行经村庄时,我看到了一羊。
    I saw a flock of sheep when the car passed through a village.
  • 羊闯进了花园,踩倒了他的秋海棠。
    A flock of sheep had got into the garden and trampled down his begonias.
  • 羊撞进花园把他的花全踩烂了。
    A flock of sheep had got into the garden and trampled down his flowers.
  • 物以类聚,人以分。
    Birds of a feather flock together, people of a mind fall into the same group.
  • 慕尼黑的旅馆简直无法容纳因观看奥运会而大量涌入的人
    Munich hotels were unable to cope with the huge numbers flocking in for the Olympic Games.
  • 当那位流行歌手离开剧院时,一大人紧跟其后。
    Crowds are flocking after the popular singer as he left the theatre.
  • 它们本该成结队地飞往辽阔的大海,但现在,成千上万的海鸥却盘旋在加州橘郡普里马的垃圾堆上空不肯离去。
    They should be flocking to the ocean, but every day thousands of sea gulls fly to the Orange county's Prima landfill.
  • 边缘的半水生植物
    a marginal subaquatic flora.
  • 新热带植物和动物
    Neotropical flora and fauna.
  • 地球的以植物和动物分布来划分的区域。
    an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna.
  • 基拉戈岛美国佛罗里达州南部的狭窄岛屿,是佛罗里达珊瑚岛中最大的岛屿
    A narrow island off southern Florida. It is the largest of the Florida Keys.
  • 佛罗里达和佛罗里达南部珊瑚岛的大型白色鹭。
    large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys.
  • 比佛罗里达鲳鲹较小;西印度岛常见。
    smaller than Florida pompano; common in West Indies.
  • 人民众的觉悟性、积极性、创造性愈是发展,工人阶级的事业就愈是发展。
    The greater the awareness, enthusiasm and creativity of the masses become, the more the cause of the working class will flourish.
  • 但是,如果要我们的多元种族社会,进一步发扬光大,个别族就有必要学习了解和欣赏彼此的生活方式。
    But for any multi-racial society with multi-culturalism to flourish, it is essential that its ethnic components must strive to understand and appreciate each other's way of life.
  • 茂盛的作物;活泼的小鸡;茁壮成长的孩子;繁茂的野草;兴旺的鹿
    flourishing crops; flourishing chicks; a growing boy; fast-growing weeds; a thriving deer population.
  • 电影明星到达时,人中发生了一阵骚动。
    A flurry of excitement went round the crowd as the film star arrived.
  • "流行歌曲明星们到达时,观众人中发生了一阵骚动。"
    A flurry of excitement went among the audience as the popular singer stars arrived.
  • 总统走进来,大厅一端的人,一下子激动起来。
    There was a flurry of excitement at the end of the hall, and in walked the President.
  • 成群地迁徙或飞行
    To migrate or fly in flocks.
  • 我们的羊离开羊走失了。
    Our sheep have strayed from the fold.
  • 群山为雾所笼罩。
    Hills are folded in mist.
  • 群山被云笼罩着。
    The mountains were folded inclouds.
  • 追随者或者狂热者。
    a group of followers or enthusiasts.
  • 他带着一大随从走出来。
    He came out with a troop of followers.