  • 亨利·艾伦的妻子要他把垃圾扔掉,并狗点儿东西吃。
    Henry Allen's wife asked him to dispose of the garbage and give the dog something to eat.
  • 艾伦太太又坐下来。“如果你愿意的话,可以我拿一小杯来。”
    Mrs Allen sat down again. "You may bring me a small glass too, if you will."
  • 我们本想出其不意地送玛丽一件生日礼物,可是艾伦问玛丽喜欢什么,一语泄露了天机。
    We wanted to surprise Mary with a birthday gift, but Allen let the cat out of the bag by asking her what she would like.
  • 美国世界纪录保持者查利·帕多克赢得100米短跑冠军,但是在200米比赛中意外地败队友艾伦·伍德林。伍德林是在最后一刻才入选美国代表队的。
    World record holder Charley Paddock of the U.S.won the 100 meters,but was upset in the 200 by teammate Allen Woodring,who was a last-minute addition to the team.
  • 他讨厌别人他照相。
    He is allergic to having his picture taken.
  • ernie’s……过敏……啊,green先生讲完电话了,要不要我转接您?
    Ernie 's... allergic to - oh, Mr. Green is off the phone now. Shall I transfer you?
  • 我马上你安排作过敏试验以及验血。
    We'll schedule you for the allergy test as well as a blood test right away.
  • 我马上你安排作过敏试验以及验血。
    We 'll schedule you for the allergy test as well as a blood test right away.
  • 医生她注射以减轻疼痛.
    The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
  • 医生她注射以减轻疼痛
    The doctor gives her an injection to alleviate the pain
  • 初步研究显示,通过将猪胎脑细胞移植患者大脑,可以消除帕金森氏症的症状,一种相关技术也可以应用于比较流行的糖尿病,目前,糖尿病依靠胰岛素来进行治疗,这离理想的治疗还差得很远,并且它根本就不能治愈。
    Preliminary research has shown that it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease by transplanting fetal pig brain cells into a patient's brains. A related technique may be applied to diabetes, another widespread disorder. Currently diabetics rely on insulin therapy, which is far from being an ideal treatment and is certainly not a cure.
  • 我们若要杜绝孩童劳工的话,不单要对付那些剥削孩子们的恶人,还要拟定一项减轻贫困的计划。这就是这个事件所我们的教训。
    The moral of the story is that in order to wipe out child labour we need a positive agenda of poverty alleviation as well as an agenda of targeting the evil people who exploit children.
  • 将中央处理机(cpu)时间分配指定作业。同dispatch。
    To allocate time of a CPU to a specific job.
  • 将一资源轮流分配每一个申请资源者,但同时有二个以上申请者,例如,在多道程序设计系统中将处理时间分配不同的程序,在多路复用通信系统中将线路的使用权分配不同的终端。
    To allocate a resource in turn to each of two or more claimants; for example, to allocate processing time to different programs in a multiprogramming system or to allocate line use to different terminals in a multiplexed communications system.
  • 我们正在考虑,是不是调点粮食一些城市的郊区养点猪,比如调五亿斤粮食,养五百万头猪。
    We are presently considering whether we can allocate some grain to the suburbs of a few cities for the raising of pigs. For instance, we might allocate 250 million kilogrammes of grain for the raising of five million pigs.
  • 特区政府将会在本年度增加36亿元拨款房屋协会,为额外六千名首次置业人士提供贷款;
    The SAR government will allocate funds for the Housing Society to increase the loan to "home starters" this year by HK$3.6 billion for an additional 6,000 first-time property buyers.
  • 我们拨了这个团体一些钱。
    We allocated the society some money.
  • 我们每个人都分配了工作。
    He allocated each of us our tasks/allocated tasks to each of us.
  • 我已经把这间房分你了。
    I have allocated this room to you.
  • 分配某项工作的钱款。
    a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose.
  • 被留下某人工作的区域,如在办公室里。
    space allocated for your work (as in an office).
  • 带宽必须分配实时应用。
    The bandwidth must be allocated to the real-time application.
  • 她根据指定将部分信任了她的教堂。
    she allocated part of the trust to her church by appointment.
  • 政府已经拨受灾地区一千万英镑。
    The Government has allocated ten million pounds to the stricken area.
  • 工作空间被用来或留下某人工作的区域,如在办公室里
    An area used or allocated for one's work, as in an office.
  • 经费总数的四分之一已拔公用事业。
    A quarter of the total expenditure has been allocated to the public services.
  • 有些系统中,指的是一部分已分配后台作业使用的主存(空间)。
    In some systems, a part of main storage that is allocated to background jobs.
  • 这些医药用品有一半已经分配地震区的灾民。
    Half of the medical supplies have already been allocated to the victims of the earthquake.
  • 为进行这项计划,当局把将军澳及佐敦谷的两幅土地拨房屋协会。
    Two sites in Tseung Kwan O and Jordan Valley have been allocated to the HKHS.
  • 公司利润中配发每份普通股未偿份额的收益。
    the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock.
  • 我们已经把今年拨我们的全部经费都花光了。
    We've spent our entire allocation for the year.
  • 战争时期糖是配的。
    Sugar is under allocation during war time.