  • 一阵然刮来的风把她桌上的文件吹落到地上。
    A sudden gust of wind wafted the papers off her desk.
  • 一阵风一阵短促而然的风
    A short, sudden gust of wind.
  • 突然的一股风;飑
    A sudden gust of wind; a squall.
  • 强风一阵然的强风或气流
    A very strong gust of wind or air.
  • 然一阵大风把门吹得关上了。
    A sudden gust of wind blew the door shut.
  • 从窗口然吹进来一阵风,把蜡烛吹灭了。
    A sudden gust of wind from the open window puffed the candle out.
  • 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;寒冷、狂风大作的一天;然狂风大作的暴风雨。
    blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia; a cold blustery day; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind.
  • 在最令人难忘的体育项目中,体操显得更为出,这是因为一个名叫娜迪亚·科马内奇的14岁女学生在正式的体操比赛中获得了第一个满分,即10分,之后她再接再厉共获得了7个满分。
    Of the most memorable of all athletic events, gymnastics stood out as Nadia Comaneci, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, captured the first perfect score, a 10, in official gymnastics competition. Later, she went on to register seven perfect scores.
  • 河马非洲的一种大型水生食草型哺乳动物(河马河马属),皮厚且黑,几乎无毛,短腿,有四个脚趾,口鼻宽阔
    A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal(Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle.
  • 小灰蝶蝴蝶亚种灰蝶的一种,翼下有横的条纹,后翼有细毛状
    Any of numerous butterflies of the subfamily Theclinae, having transverse streaks on the undersurface of the wings and fine, hairlike projections on the hind wings.
  • 那中卫假装向前跑,接着然变向朝左跑,把球带向另一边。
    The halfback pretended to run forward, then cut back to his left and took the ball the other way.
  • 嗜眠病以然的和不由自主的,虽然通常短暂的深度睡眠发作,有时伴随有麻痹和幻觉为特征的一种紊乱
    A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.
  • 拳头的然锤打把保卫打倒;脚在走廊的锤打。
    the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard; the pounding of feet on the hallway.
  • 切勿以定期会议取代成员之间的频繁接触,打电话、写留言条或是在走道上的谈话,都可以使成员获得会议时所需要的资讯,如此一来,便可在会议中迅速解决发状况。
    Do not let the regular meetings take the place of frequent contact between the members.Telephone calls,notes,and even conversations in a hallway will keep the alliance primed for action when it meets in full,so that sudden developments can be addressed quickly.
  • 突然中断;停止
    To come to an abrupt halt; stop.
  • 火车突然停了下来。
    The train was brought to a sudden halt.
  • 中断在前进的运动或过程中然停止;中断
    An abrupt stop in forward movement or progress; a halt.
  • 他在马路当中然停了下来。
    He came to a sudden halt in the middle of the raod.
  • 那个年轻人然从她手抢走手提包。
    The young man switched the handbag out of her hand.
  • 然,我觉得我的手提包轻了很多。
    All of a sudden, I found my handbag lighter a lot.
  • 然记起包是在哪里丢的了。
    It suddenly came back to me where I lost my handbag.
  • 少数击队员能悄悄越过敌方的防线。
    Only a handful of commandos could infiltrate into the enemy's defensive positions.
  • 直到现在他才真正过上了舒适的生活,有了他叔叔留给他的那笔可观的遗产,一切然都变得称心如意了。
    He has never really lived a comfortable life until now, but with the handful legacy his uncle has left him, suddenly everything's coming up roses.
  • 这个酒瓶子有两个耳柄出来。
    The wine bottle has two handles sticking out.
  • 工艺精美是这些工艺品的出特点。
    Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork's.
  • 他认为英国革命在望,之后然发现你会坏他的事。你可能会将他驱逐出境,甚至可能吊死他。
    He thought the English revolution was just around the corner. Then suddenly he found you were the nigger in the woodpile. You could have got him run out of this country. Maybe even got him hanged.
  • 三氮污染在全国各地区均较出,矿化度和总硬度超标主要分布在东北、华北、西北和西南等地区,铁和锰超标主要在东北和南方地区。
    The pollution of nitrogen is rather significant in various regions in the whole country. The unattainment of mineralization and total hardness is mainly located in north-east, north China, north-west and south-west regions. The unattainment of iron and manganese is mainly located in north-east and south regions.
  • 当我们深入山林的时候,它然挥手叫我们停下来听一种奇怪的声音。
    When we went deep into the wooded hills, all of a sudden he waved us to stop and told us to hark to a queer sound.
  • 然意识到,埃尔顿先生向哈里特献殷勤实则是冲她而来,而她有意鼓励埃尔顿追求自己女友的举动,却被他看成是鼓励他向自己求婚的表示。
    She suddenly realized that what she had taken for gallantries to Harriet had been meant for herself, and what she had intended as encouragement to his suit of her friend, he had taken as encouragement to aspire for Emma's hand.
  • 收获工作已经完成了;这件事已经完了、结束了、终止了;然终止的访问。
    the harvesting was complete; the affair is over, ended, finished; the abruptly terminated interview.
  • 匆匆离去;突然离开
    To leave hastily; run off.
  • 急速或然地进入状态或参与活动;简一起就餐了。
    to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; Jane threw dinner together, throw the car into reverse.