  • 由于其它机器不会不耐烦地等待传输介质闲,所以fddi包的长度可以超过以太网,可长达20,000字节,虽然多数常见的配置采用4,500字节长度的包,这还是比以太网包长了3倍。
    Because other machines aren't impatiently waiting for the media to be free, FDDI packet sizes can be larger than Ethernet's -- as large as 20,000 bytes, though the most common configuration uses 4,500-byte packets, still three times bigger than Ethernet's.
  • (计算机科学)磁盘上包括需要被格式化的间的总的字节数。
    (computer science) the total number of bytes on a disk including the space that will be required to format it.
  • 光盘上每分钟的音乐大约需要10兆字节的存储间,通过28.8k位/秒的调制解调器下载要花一小时不到一点的时间。
    Each minute of music on a compact disc needs approximately 10M bytes of storage space and takes a bit less than an hour to download via 28.8K bit/sec. modem.
  • 中国国际航公司(简称国航)711航班下午3点20分离港。
    CA Flight 711 departs at 20 p. m.
  • 一辆马车驶了过来,萨拉·伯恩哈特下了车。
    An empty cab drive up, and sarah berbnhardt get out.
  • 一辆马车驶了过来,萨拉·伯恩哈特下了车。
    An empty cab drove up, and Sarah Bernhardt got out.
  • cab的规章制度不仅有益于航公司,也保护了乘客。
    The CAB regulations not only benefit the airlines, they also protect the passengers.
  • 例如,在美国,不得到cab的许可,没有一家航公司可以经营某一条航线。
    For example, in the United States, no airline may operate on a route until the CAB gives permission.
  • 限制在一个很小的间里,如小屋。
    confine to a small space, such as a cabin.
  • 机舱被密封了;密封太服。
    the airplane cabin is pressurized; pressurize a space suit.
  • 中缆绳,吊车道一种悬挂缆索,用于缆索车的通道
    A suspended cable used as a track typically for a cable car.
  • 统一规划和建设基础通信管线,合理利用传输通道间资源,保证各类奥运会通信网络光(电)缆线的铺设;
    we will plan and construct the basic communications facilities on a unified basis, use the transmission resource in a rational manner, and guarantee the optical or electrical cabling of the communications network for the Olympic Games.
  • 换句话说,对应于地址间的同一个位置,如果该位置的数据被缓存入高速缓存,则其内容必须和主存中的一致。
    The cache and main memories must be kept in step(coherent). In other words, if a word of main memory is held in one or more locations in cache, then the system must make sure that the contents of cache and memory are the same.
  • 一种有毒的油质液体,蒜味,含两个卡可基原子团,在干燥的气中自燃。
    a poisonous oily liquid with a garlicky odor composed of 2 cacodyl groups; undergoes spontaneous combustion in dry air.
  • 仙人掌需要干热的
    The cactus loves hot, dry air.
  • 香港民航处与内地及澳门的民航管理部门在发展飞行程序及航交通协调的安排上一直保持紧密的联系。
    The CAD has maintained close liaison with the civil aviation authorities of the Mainland and Macau in relation to the development of flight procedures and ATC co-ordination arrangements.
  • 这些物质包括铅、汞、银屏、铁、铜、镍、铬和镉,能使气、水体和土壤受到污染。
    These contaminants can pollute air, water, and soil. They include lead, mercury, silver, zinc, iron, copper, nickel, chromium and cadmium.
  • 然而,此时才发现原来自己是只可怜的小鸟,几十年在铁笼里的挣扎,几十载在石缝下“苦心竭力”奋斗未足今日高飞翔所必备的条件,不知如何提升自己。
    But it is also at this juncture that I discover that I am just a pitiful little bird. For many years, I had struggled hard in my caged home and taken a lot of pains to learn Chinese. Yet all these efforts were not enough to prepare me to reach high up into the sky. (%s)How can I improve?
  • 然而,此时才发现原来自己是只可怜的小鸟,几十年在铁笼里的挣扎,几十载在石缝下“苦心竭力”奋斗未足今日高飞翔所必备的条件,不知如何提升自己。
    But it is also at this juncture that I discover that I am just a pitiful little bird. For many years, I had struggled hard in my caged home and taken a lot of pains to learn Chinese. Yet all these efforts were not enough to prepare me to reach high up into the sky. How can I improve?How do I raise my standard?
  • 姐和医生在机舱里忙着照顾病人。
    In the cain the hostesses and the doctor were busy attending to the sick.
  • 期望失败了,野心落了;企图捕获加莱失败;许多失意的诗人都成为嗜烟教师终老一生;他所有的努力都白费了。
    disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions; their foiled attempt to capture Calais; many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers; his best efforts were thwarted.
  • --积极推动亚太地区间技术与应用多边合作,利用间技术促进区域经济发展以及环境和灾害监测。
    - Actively enhancing multilateral cooperation in space technology and applications in the Asian-Pacific region, and promoting regional economic growth and environmental and natural calamity monitoring with space technology.
  • 在这种情况下,超过自己需要而占有的气,就会成为占有者的财富,因而乍看起来,如此巨大的灾难反倒似乎增加了人类的总财富。
    In such a case, the possession of it, beyond his own wants, would be, to its owner, wealth; and the general wealth of mankind might at first sight appear to be increased, by what would be so great a calamity to them.
  • 谢谢您打电话来法国航公司。
    Thank you for calling Air France.
  • 他很傲慢,有时也冷漠;旷的地方有时也为丛生的树木所阻断;他们有时来纽约;她不时将心爱的书从书架上拿下来给我们读一番;我们一起开着车,美丽的风景不时吸引着他的注意。
    he was arrogant and occasionally callous; open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees; they visit New York on occasion; now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us; as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention.
  • 威廉对火箭及太很感兴趣,他贪婪地学习他所能读到的所有有关材料。
    William is interested in rockets and space, and he laps up al he cam read about them.
  • 暴风雨来临时,天转暗。
    The sky turned dark as the storm came near.
  • 他的计划落空了。
    His plans came unstuck.
  • 格雷先生,坎贝尔先生现在正在跟人谈话呢。他很快就会有。您可以等一等吗?
    Mr. Gray, Mr. Campbell have someone with him at present. He shall be free soon. Will you mind to wait?
  • 格雷先生,坎贝尔先生现在正在跟人谈话呢。他很快就会有。您可以等一等吗?
    Mr. Gray, Mr. Campbell is having someone with him at present. he shall be free soon. will you mind waiting?
  • 天狼星大犬星座中的一颗星,是天中最明亮的星,距地球大约8。6光年
    A star in the constellation Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky, approximately8.6 light-years distant from Earth.
  • 没有气人就不能生存。
    Man cannot exist without air.