  • 《强制戒毒办法》对强制戒毒场所的建设、管理、戒毒措施、生活保障等面作出了明确具体的规定。
    Specific and concrete provisions are formulated in the Procedures for Compulsory Drug Addiction Rehabilitation on the construction, administration, rehabilitation measures and welfare provisions of compulsory rehabilitation centers.
  • 信息战争利用了我们对自动化和现代计算机工具的依赖和沉迷。信息战争袭击的是我们的生活式。
    Information Warfare takes advantage of our reliance on, indeed our addiction to, automation and modern computerized niceties. Information Warfare attacks our very way of life.
  • 和医务界正试图彻底控制正在增长的青年嗜毒的风潮。
    The police and the medical profession were trying to stamp out the increasing wave of drug addiction in young people.
  • 如保险公司接受,可以安排投保一切险和战争险以外的险别。额外保费由买承担。
    Risks other than All Risks and War Risk can be arranged, if the insurance company accepts, and then the extra premium should be borne by buyer.
  • 解毒疗法一种净化酒精或瘾君子体内毒素的受医疗监督的治疗案。该案是克服生理或心理中毒的第一步
    A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction.
  • 以危险的、冒险的式。
    in a dangerously risky manner.
  • 这是一种技术含量很高风险也极大的法。
    It is a skilled and risky technique.
  • 你为何为了获利把钱糟蹋在这种冒险的式上?
    Why did you throw your money away on such a risky way to get interest?
  • 由几项在特定的未来事件中会受到相反向影响的资产组成的投资组合会比由独立的几项资产构成的投资组合风险更小。
    A portfolio consisting of assets that are affected in opposite directions by given future events is less risky than are the assets that compose it when taken individually.
  • 1934年国际奥委会雅典会议决定,恢复古奥运会旧制,运动会期间,在主体场燃烧奥林匹克圣火,而且采取火炬接力的式把火种传到主办国。
    In 1934, the Athens Con-gress of the Olympic Committee decided to resume the ancient rite to light the flame of the Olympics during the Games. The Olympic flame would be lit in the main stadium, and the kindling would be carried to the host country by torch relay.
  • 他们通过这个赌博游戏发现,实验参加者血液流向大脑的式和向瘾君子注射可卡因时或让正常人服用少量吗啡时血液流向大脑的式很相似。
    They found that in the gambling experiment, blood flow to the brain changed in ways similar to that seen in other experiments during an infusion of cocaine in subjects addicted to that drug and to low doses of morphine in drug-free individuals.
  • 切腹自杀以前日本武士所采用的一种仪式性的通过自剖其腹而死的自杀
    Ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by Japanese samurai.
  • 在实践中,课程内容是进行一系列仪式化的训练,它强调日本传统的销售式,认为付出的努力与效率是同等的重要。
    In practice, the program is a series of ritualized drills that reinforce the traditional way of selling in Japan, where effort is as important as efficiency.
  • 这一点在锡蒂塔弗恩显而易见,这个地位于旧金山奢华的马里纳地区,它是20来岁的人向往的地
    It's evident at City Tavern, a mecca for 20-somethings in San Francisco's ritzy Marina district.
  • 指责对国家实行贸易保护主义
    Accuse rival countries of protectionism
  • 他们以叫喊声压倒对的意见。
    They shouted down rival opinions.
  • 在舞台设计面他堪称第一。
    He rival the best in stage designing.
  • 我量对候选人的主张。
    I weighed the claims of the rival candidates.
  • 球迷之间发生了骚乱。
    Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans.
  • 商店之间在橱窗陈列是否好看面相互竞争。
    The stores rival each other in beautiful window displays.
  • 当这两开始竞争起来,你将看到,这是一场各显神通的角斗。
    When these two come into rivalry, you will see it will be a case of pull devil, pull baker.
  •  明朝第三个皇帝明成祖(1403—1424年在位),以西藏佛教和政治合为一体,大小派别各踞一,为有利于治理,给西藏各地宗教领袖封以“法王”、“王”、“灌顶国师”等名号。
    The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu (reigned 1403-1424) saw the advantage of combined Buddhist religious and political power in Tibet and rivalry between sects occupying different areas. So he conferred honorific titles on religious leaders in various parts of Tibet such as the "prince of Dharma," "prince" and "national master in Tantrism."
  • 明朝第三个皇帝明成祖(1403—1424年在位),以西藏佛教和政治合为一体,大小派别各踞一,为有利于治理,给西藏各地宗教领袖封以“法王”、“王”、“灌顶国师”等名号。
    The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu (reigned 1403-1424) saw the advantage of combined Buddhist religious and political power in Tibet and rivalry between sects occupying different areas. So he conferred honorific titles on religious leaders in various parts of Tibet such as the "prince of Dharma," "prince" and "national master in Tantrism", etc.
  • 添加,增加通过添加的式以使增多
    An increase by means of something added.
  • 说,一名加州的少数民族学生按原先的照顾少数民族学生的政策可能被加州大学的伯克利分校录取,而现在却只能进入里弗赛得分校,而后者是一所较容易考进的差一些的大学。
    For instance, a minority student in California who would have been admitted to Berkeley under the old system may now end up at Riverside, a less selective college.
  • 从"大同和小康"的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学、《道德》的哲理,"送元二使安西"送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激昂,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲哀。以不同的式,不同的角度,反映不同的社会,表达不同的情操,但同样的引人入胜。
    From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterisation of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"; to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q"; these works portray different societiesand sentiments using different styles and different angles, but they are all equally riveting.
  • 位于法国东南,地中海沿岸的一个君主国。
    a constitutional monarchy on the French Riviera.
  • 加个缓冲;解决案。
    add a buffer to; of solutions.
  • 法国里维埃拉的一个港口城市和旅游胜地;是举行一年一度国际电影节的地
    a port and resort city on the French Riviera; site of an annual film festival.
  • 山中的一条蜿蜒的道路;充满惊奇的弯道;在拐弯的时候必须掌好向盘。
    a tortuous road up the mountain; winding roads are full of surprises; had to steer the car down a twisty track.
  • 路基土石方调配
    distribution of road earthwork
  • 他们报告中的各面材料根本串不起来。
    The various facts in their report just don't add up.