  • 巴里博士说“这就是所谓的小人综合症。
    "This is the little woman syndrome." says Dr. Berry.
  • 巴里博士说她的一个顾客曾抱怨“我丈夫不再响应我做爱的要求。
    Dr. Berry says that one client complained to her: "My husband is not responsive to me sexually anymore.
  • 巴里博士和其他婚姻问题咨询专家都认为,当前许多妇对做妻子和婚姻的责任并不那么热衷。
    Dr. Berry and other marriage counselors say many women are less thrilled about being wives and all that marriage entails.
  • 作为在同一届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的同时获得最佳男演员奖的黑人艺员,丹尼尔·华盛顿和哈利·贝里的成功象征着有色人种社会地位的改善,尽管主流社会对于他们演技上的承认还取决于他们所扮演的角色是否贴近其本种族的真实面目。
    The double victory for Washington and Berry - who became the first Blacks to win best actor and best actress trophies in a single year - was one of those symbolic triumphs that signal social watersheds, even though their recognition was for the kinds of roles they played as much as for the facts of their race.
  • 罗切斯特解释说,这个人是梅森的姐姐,伯莎,十五年前他在牙买加被骗娶了她。她出身于一个满是疯子和弱智者的家庭。
    Rochester explains that the creature is Mason's sister Bertha whom he had been tricked into marrying fifteen years before in Jamaica and who comes from a family of lunatics and degenerates.
  • 出羊毛衫之外,我们还出售各式的式衬衫。
    We sell different kinds of blouse besides sweater.
  • 588团的兵曾一度冒着敌人高射机枪的阻击,连续40天向一个被德军围困的苏军阵地空投食品,直至阵地守军的同志们胜利突围。
    The women of the 588th once rescued a besieged Soviet garrison by airlifting food supplies through heavy German machine gun fire for 40 days until their male comrades on the ground escaped.
  • 亿万妇在“四自”口号和十项目标的鼓舞和激励下,正在推动社会的发展和进步中实现自身的发展与进步。
    Inspired by them, millions of Chinese women are realizing their own betterment and progress in the course of propelling society forward.
  • 亿万妇在“四自”口号和十项目标的鼓舞下,正在推动社会的发展中实现自身的发展与进步。
    Inspired by the "four selfs" slogan and the 10-point goal, millions of women are realizing their own betterment and progress in the course of propelling society forward.
  • 1989年以来,中华全国妇联合会联合十几个政府部门,在全国农村各族妇中开展了“学文化、学技术,比成绩、比贡献”的“双学双比”竞赛活动,在城镇开展了“做‘四有’(有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律)、‘四自’(自尊、自信、自立、自强)性,为‘八五’计划建功”的“巾帼建功”活动。到1993年底,全国有1.2亿农村妇参加“双学双比”活动,其中9000万人接受了各种实用技术培训,1000万妇在双学中脱盲;51万妇获得了农民技术员职称;在老少边穷地区,举办了扶贫培训班250期,建立扶贫联系点4500个,联系点的贫困户中80%解决了温饱问题。有3776万城镇妇参加了“巾帼建功”活动,4672人被评为省级以上“巾帼建功标兵”,15132人获省级以上能手称号。
    Since 1989, the All-China Women's Federation, together with over 10 governmental departments, has launched several campaigns for the betterment of women themselves. One aimed at promoting cultural and technical studies and achievements among women of different ethnic groups in the countryside. By the end of 1993, more than 120 million rural women had joined in and 90 million of them had received practical technical training. Another 10 million had learned to read and write, while 510,000 gained the title of agro-technician. In poverty-stricken areas, mostly old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority areas and border regions, 250 training classes have been held and 4,500 aid stations have been set up to help the impoverished. Nowadays, 80 percent of the poor families covered by these stations have adequate food and clothing. About 37.76 million urban women took part in an ACWF-initiated project to contribute to the Eighth Five-Year Plan, and 4,672 of them were dubbed pacesetters, and another 15,132 were awarded at provincial level or above the title of "Able Woman". The above-mentioned project embraced a call for women to have high ideals, high moral standards, education and discipline (briefly known as "four haves") as well as to strive for self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-strengthening (briefly known as "four selfs").
  • 过着放浪形骸的生活;爱赌博的人;嗜赌的混蛋;爱赌博的笨蛋;嗜好赌博的绅士和他们的人。
    led a dissipated life; a betting man; a card-playing son of a bitch; a gambling fool; sporting gents and their ladies.
  • 所有的孩子看到贝蒂的漂亮衣服都发出赞叹的声音。
    All the girls sighed over Betty's beautiful dress.
  • 他们给他们的儿起名伊丽莎白,但我们叫她贝蒂。
    They named their daughter Elizabeth, but we call her Betty.
  • 看,一群女人来了。
    Look, there comes a bevy of ladies.
  • 看那边来了一群男青年。
    There came a bevy of youths and maidens.
  • 洛佩兹还力挫一群顶尖星,在史蒂文·索德博格1998年的色情犯罪片《逃离视线》里赢得主角一席。
    Lopez beat out a bevy of A? list actresses to land the female lead in Steven Soderbergh's steamy19 1998 crime film Out of Sight.
  • 那个老巫用魔法迷住了公主,使她长眠不醒。
    The wicked old woman bewitched the princess, and she fell into a long sleep.
  • 邪恶的妖对王子施魔法,将他变成一只青蛙。
    The wicked fairy bewitch the prince and turn him into a frog.
  • 邪恶的妖对王子施魔法, 将他变成一只青蛙.
    The wicked fairy bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog.
  • 令人迷惑的子被认为令人着迷的人或少
    A woman or girl considered bewitching.
  • 一个会使主教将彩色玻璃窗踢个洞的金发碧眼郎。
    A blonde to make a bi- shop8 kick a hole in a stained glass window.
  • 在实践中,实施该项法令的重担落在了单个儿的妇身上;但要证明这种社会偏见并非偶然现象绝非易事,尽管也取得了一些成功,例如,最近法院裁定给予12名控告公司在薪水和升职机会上歧视她们的妇160万美元的奖励。
    In practice,the burden of enforcing the law falls on the individual woman,and demonstrating systematic bias has proved difficult despite some successes,like a recent ruling upholding the award of $ 1.6 million to 12 women who charged that their company discriminated against them in pay and promotions.
  • 共有8个项目进入了该次冬奥会赛程:冬季两项(越野滑雪和长枪射击)、长橇和冰壶(首次)、冰球(首次包括了子冰球)、雪橇(亦名toboggan)、花样滑冰、速滑和滑雪(首次将滑雪板列为一项奖牌项目)。
    A total of eight sports were included in the winter Olympics in biathlon (cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship),bobsled, curling (for the first time), ice hockey (which included women's hockey for the first time), luge (toboggan), figure skating, speed skating, and skiing (which, for the first time, included snowboarding as a medal sport ).
  • 小孙一早起来就向外祖母道早安。
    The little girl bid her grannie good morning as she gets up in the morning.
  • 这个被谋杀的人;在被谋杀的林肯的棺材上放上一个花圈。
    the murdered woman; lay a wreath on murdered Lincoln's bier.
  • 不管是否自相矛盾,他拒绝对他重婚罪的指控,认为自己是无辜的,因为他并未和5个人办理正式结婚手续。
    Not minding the contradiction, he also claims he's innocent on charges of bigamy because he and his women aren't legally married.
  • 为更有效地制止家庭暴力、遏制重婚纳妾、完善家庭财产制度,保护妇的婚姻家庭权利不受侵犯,全国人大动员社会各界进行认真研究,积极开展《婚姻法》的修订工作,并于2001年1月将《婚姻法(修正草案)》向全社会公布,广泛征求意见,展开讨论。
    To curb domestic violence, bigamy and taking concubines more effectively, perfect the family property system and protect women's rights in marriage and the family against infringement, the NPC mobilized people of various circles to conduct serious research for the revision of the Marriage Law, and publicized the draft amendments to the Marriage Law in January 2001 for public discussions.
  • 男孩往往比孩子的个子大。
    Boys tend to be bigger than girls.
  • 身著黑色比基尼的性感星实在令人大饱眼福。
    The sexy starlet is a real eye-popper in her black bikini.
  • 身著黑色比基尼的性感星实在令人大饱眼福
    The sexy starlet was a real eye - popper in her black bikini
  • 人把她们身上其他部位的大部分毛发都脱掉了,包括有着迷人婉称的“比基尼线”周边漏出的那点毛发。
    Women remove most of their other hair, including the bits that stick out around what is charmingly euphemised as 'the bikini line'.
  • 随后的单曲《孩要什么》成了2000年公告牌100首红歌中的第一名。
    The follow-up single,What A Girl Wants,reached the top of Billboard's Hot 100 # 1 slot1 for 2000.