  • 美国人就像孩子似的:吵吵闹闹,好,不能保守秘密,体会不到微妙之处,在公共场所还常常举止不当。
    Americans are like children: noisy, curious, unable to keep a secret, not given to subtlety, and prone to mis-behave in public.
  • 韦尔,威廉·亨利1850-1934美国病理学家和细菌学家。他发现了引起坏疽的细菌
    American lawyer who represented the U.S. Army during the1954 Senate subcommittee hearings concerning charges of subversion brought by Senator Joseph McCarthy.
  • 蒙太电影中不同影像或镜头的快速连接
    A rapid succession of different images or shots in a movie.
  • 这一刻是兄弟俩第二次生命的开始:当死亡降临时,救援者来了,兄弟俩迹般地融入到大自然之中。
    The moment is a second birth: where death is expected, succor is given, and the children are miraculously born into the order of nature.
  • 从山上居高远望, 日出景象蔚为观.
    The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle.
  • 从山顶您可观赏日出观。
    From its peak you can watch the magnificent view of sunrise.
  • 最后这种对地球目空一切的鄙视态度,是文化上一种很特的产品,尤其是某些宗教的产品。
    This last attitude of supercilious contempt toward our own planet is a very curious product of civilization and of certain religions in particular.
  • 对自己怀有特的优越感
    Fantastic ideas about her own superiority.
  • 不属于现世的;超自然的;神
    Not of this earth; preternatural; supernatural.
  • 控制另外一个人电脑妙之处在于:你能够冒他/她的名在网上冲浪。
    The great thing about controlling another person's computer is you can surf the Web as if you were him or her.
  • 我们在敌人睡觉时袭他们。
    We surprised the enemy while they were sleeping.
  • 他的到来使我感到惊
    His coming surprised me.
  • 我惊地看他,没想到又见到他了。
    I looked at him in surprise - I didn't expect to see him again.
  • 真令人惊!真想不到!
    What a surprise it is! How surprising (it is)!
  • 尤用於感叹句,表示惊
    Esp in exclamations expressing surprise
  • 我对他的行为感到惊
    I am surprised at his act.
  • 这自然使我们都很惊
    This of course surprised us all.
  • 我们对他的到来感到很惊
    We were surprised at his arriving.
  • 怪的异常的,令人惊讶的;怪诞的
    So unusual as to be surprising; uncanny.
  • 这帐是怎麽加在一起的, 真怪.
    It's surprising how the bills tot up.
  • 公司负债毫不怪 - 它的经营管理一直很不得法。
    It's not surprising the company's in debt - it's been completely mismanaged.
  • 这并不奇怪。
    This is not surprising.
  • 怪的、不可思议的事情引发的情绪。
    the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising.
  • 他们输掉这场比赛并不足为
    It's not surprising that they lost the game.
  • 这有什么可怪的呢?我看没有。
    Is there anything surprising about it? I don't think so.
  • 他失败了,这没什麽怪。
    He failed, and small wonder, ie it is not surprising.
  • 情况在预料之中,不让人感到惊
    ordinariness as a consequence of being expected and not surprising.
  • 安妮:真是个具有惊人毅力的人!
    Annie: He is a extraordinary man with a surprising will power!
  • 作为惊的原因;惊
    As a cause for surprise; surprisingly.
  • 毫不怪,我真的成了一名公立小学的教师。
    Not surprisingly, I did become a public-school teacher.
  • 我自己也感觉出的好,我朝她笑笑,点点头。
    Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed.
  • 这些产品现在可以开出更高价格,也一点不怪。
    Not surprisingly, Japanese products are now able to command high prices!