  • 酪蛋白一種由凝乳酶從牛奶中沉澱來的白色、無味、無臭的蛋白質。是製作奶酪的原料,也用來製作塑料、膠粘劑、油漆和食品
    A white, tasteless, odorless protein precipitated from milk by rennin. It is the basis of cheese and is used to make plastics, adhesives, paints, and foods.
  • 她比她的堂妹受優待;生於受優惠的階層。
    she is more advantaged than her cousin; born into the favored classes.
  • 她試圖用那幅畫冒充雷諾阿原作售。
    She tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir.
  • 古董商試圖用那幅畫冒充雷諾阿的原作售。
    The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir.
  • 顯示或者引起最大的利益。
    displaying or setting off to best advantage.
  • 賣某人(尤指為個人利益)
    Betray sb, usu for one's own advantage
  • 義和團分子中國秘密組織成員,該組織曾於1900年試圖用暴力將外國人驅逐去並迫使中國基督徒放棄他們的宗教信仰,但以失敗告終
    A member of a secret society in China that unsuccessfully attempted in1900 to drive foreigners from the country by violence and force Chinese Christians to renounce their religion.
  • 我們既然要把迪涅的這位主教據實地寫來,就應當提到他曾幾次這樣說過:“叫我不用銀器盛東西吃,我想是不容易做到的。”
    And since we are now painting the Bishop of D---- as he was in reality, we must add that he had said more than once, "I find it difficult to renounce eating from silver dishes."
  • 即使對於參加過叛亂的農奴主和他們的代理人,衹要放棄反動立場,確有所長也給予適當安排,使他們有機會為國傢、為人民力。
    Appropriate arrangements have also been made even for those serf-owners and their agents who participated in the rebellion, giving them the chance to contribute to the state and people if they renounce their reactionary stand and possess real skills.
  • 充分的顯示,使優點突
    bring out fully or to advantage.
  • 著名演員;著名音樂傢;著名科學家;傑法官;著名歷史學家;著名畫傢。
    a famous actor; a celebrated musician; a famed scientist; an illustrious judge; a notable historian; a renowned painter.
  • 甚至在你嚮他報做這一工作可能的最低價後,他仍以吝嗇名。
    He's renowned for his cheese paring even after you have quoted him your lowest possible price for the job.
  • 知名經濟學者高希均教授在對話會上除了就經濟與政治課題提令人深思的見解之外,也展現了他幽默的一面。
    The renowned Taiwanese economist Professor Charles Gao raised some thought-provoking observations that range from economic to philosophical issues and peppered his speech with humor.
  • 知名經濟學者高希均教授在對話會上除了就經濟與政治課題提令人深思的見解之外,也展現了他幽默的一面。
    The renowned Taiwanese economist Professor Charles Kao provided some thought-provoking observations that range from economic to philosophical issues and peppered his speech with humour.
  • 第二、一些國際知名的西方媒體,過去曾因為誹謗新加坡領袖,必須作道歉和付巨額賠償。最近的一個例子是彭博社。
    Second, several world-renowned Western media, over the years, had to apologise to Singapore leaders and pay heavy damages for falsely libelling them, the most recent being Bloomberg News.
  • 我們的房子衹按月租。我們不能損失十月份的房租。
    We only rent on a monthly basis and we can not lose the october rent.
  • 對於計算機程序,如果有關程序本身並非租的主要標的,則不適用本條義務。
    In respect of computer programs, this obligation does not apply to rentals where the program itself is not the essential object of the rental.
  • 一間房住主人,另外三間租。
    one owner-occupied and three rental apartments.
  • 你能提供給我一輛租車嗎。
    Can you accommodate me with a rental car?
  • 這些租的滑雪鞋有點緊。
    These rental ski boots are a little small for me.
  • 這些租的滑雪鞋有點緊。
    These rental ski boots is a little small for me.
  • 在租約或租協議下擁有;貨物或服務。
    hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services.
  • 我要開一個租錄像帶的店,賺大錢!
    I'm going to have a video rental shop and make a bomb!
  • 房屋委員會於一九九九年七月推可租可買計劃,讓公屋準租戶在獲配屋時,可改為購買單位。
    The Buy or Rent Option (BRO) was launched by the HKHA in July 1999 to allow prospective public rental housing tenants the option of buying rental flats when their turn comes for flat allocation.
  • 非常感謝你。有關球鞋租的消息,我會留話給你。
    Thank you very much, and I'll leave a message about the rental shoes.
  • 大部分人在當地電影租或影像商店裏所看到的dvd被稱為dvd-5。
    What most people find at the local movie rental or video store is called a DVD-5.
  • 截至一九九八年十二月止,共批貸款22443宗及每月補助金1387宗,並收回租住公屋單位13913個。
    Up to December 1998, 22443 loans and 1 387 subsidies were granted and 13913 public rental flats were recovered.
  • 政府也會以折讓地價,批地予香港房屋協會,俾其興建住宅發售計劃、租屋區及夾心階層住屋單位;
    at reduced premium to the Hong Kong Housing Society for its Flats-for-Sale Scheme, rental estates and Sandwich Class Housing;
  • 截至一九九七年底,入境事務處收到入籍成為中國公民申請書30份,退中國國籍申請書兩份,而並沒有收到恢復中國國籍申請書。
    By the end of 1997, 30 applications for naturalisation as Chinese nationals, two applications for renunciation of Chinese nationality and no applications for restoration of Chinese nationality had been received.
  • 通常幀窗口大於包窗口,以便數據流允許窗口重新打開之前讓更多的幀送去。
    The frame window is normally larger than the packet window, allowing more frames to be transmitted before data flow allows the window to be reopened.
  • 在工人們把飛機跑道上的灰燼清理幹淨之後,機場昨天重新對外開放。不過火山發的隆隆巨響和火山口噴的濃煙極有可能迫使機場第三次關閉。
    It reopened yesterday after workers had cleared debris from the runway, but explosive booms and smoke from the crater could yet force it to close for a third time.
  • 要求的提出
    The advancing of a claim.