  • 由于历史的原因和社会经济文化水平的制约,妇女在参与社会生活方面还存在一些不容忽视的问题,特别是多数妇女受教育程度还较低,女童受教育的权利在部分农村特别是边远地区尚未得到分保障。
    Owing to historical reasons and the constraints of the level of social, economic and cultural development, some problems continue to impede women's full participation in social life and must not be ignored. In particular, the majority of women have a low level of education and in some rural areas, especially in remote or border regions, female children are not being fully guaranteed their right to education.
  • 他企图冒军官, 但当场被抓获.
    He was caught trying to impersonate a military officer.
  • 他被指控冒充警官
    He is charged with impersonation of a police officer.
  • (八)不顾主客观条件,犯着革命的急性病,不愿意艰苦地做细小严密的群众工作,只想大干,满着幻想。
    8.Some comrades, disregarding the subjective and objective conditions, suffer from the malady of revolutionary impetuosity; they will not take pains to do minute and detailed work among the masses, but, riddled with illusions, want only to do big things.
  • 实,深远意义意义、意味或含义丰富的性质或状态
    The quality or condition of being rich in significance, import, or implication.
  • 3.他配备人员的原则是:不仅要把当前工作做好,而更重要的是,要保证公司的人力资源分发挥作用,使事业日益兴旺发达。
    3. He staffs not only to get today's job done but, more importantly, to insure the manpower resources of the form to fully play the role in order to prosper their course.
  • 更重要的是能够由此在香港社会带动和创造出满活力和健康的精神气氛。对於香港社会上和青少年当中的一些不健康的问题,也会得到很好地解决。
    More importantly, it is to create an atmosphere and promote an attitude of correctness and vitality in the local community, thereby resolving satisfactorily the unhealthy problems prevailing in Hong Kong and among the youth.
  • 随着新机场及有关工程合约完成,为新机场及有关工程而设的特别输入劳工计划已于一九九九年三月一日结束。政府目前只推行补劳工计划。
    Since the Special Labour Importation Scheme for the New Airport and Related Projects was wound up on March 1, with the completion of the new airport and related works contracts, the Government currently operates only the Supplementary Labour Scheme.
  • 除对专利方法的保护延及到该专利方法直接得到的产品外,还明确规定进口专利产品必须得到专利权人同意,使得对专利权人权益的保护更加分;
    In addition to extending the protection of a patented process to include products directly produced by that process, the law clearly stipulates that the importation of patented products requires the permission of the patent holder, thereby giving more effective protection to the rights and interests of patentees;
  • 三是进一步强化了对专利权的保护,除对专利方法的保护延及到该专利方法直接得到的产品外,还明确规定进口专利产品必须得到专利权人同意,使得对专利权人权益的保护更加分;
    Third, the protection of patent rights has been further strengthened. In addition to extending the protection of a patented process to include products directly produced by that process, the law clearly stipulates that the importation of patented products requires the permission of the patent holder, thereby giving more effective protection to the rights and interests of patentees.
  • 最后笔者再就嫉妒之情泛泛补几句。在人类所有情感中,嫉妒是一种最纠缠不休的感情,因其他感情的生发都有特定的时间场合,只是偶尔为之;
    We will add this in general, touching the affection of envy; that of all other affections, it is the most importune and continual. For of other affections, there is occasion given, but now and then;
  • 这幅画分体现了作者的个性.
    The drawing is impregnated with the artist's personality.
  • 充满病菌的空气
    air impregnated with disease-germs
  • 使讲演充满乐观主义
    Impregnate a speech with optimism.
  • 用香味注入或者满。
    fill or impregnate with an odor.
  • 用臭氧处理,使满臭氧进行臭氧处理或注入臭氧
    To treat or impregnate with ozone.
  • 注入使…满,如某种品质;注入
    To infuse, as with a quality; impregnate.
  • 用石蜡使满、使饱和或涂抹
    To saturate, impregnate, or coat with paraffin.
  • 使渗碳,碳化使与碳一起处理,使与碳混合或使满碳,如将钢的表面粹火硬化
    To treat, combine, or impregnate with carbon, as when casehardening steel.
  • 污秽的满臭的或不净的东西;糟粕的
    Full of foul or impure matter; fecal.
  • 他的解释不充分。
    His explanation is inadequate.
  • 以不分的方式;或没有达到分的程度。
    in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree.
  • 分的训练;人手不够;她不能胜任这个工作。
    inadequate training; the staff was inadequate; she was inadequate to the job.
  • 完全没有颜色或者只有不足的颜色。
    having little or inadequate color.
  • 因不分而不能让人满意。
    unsatisfactoriness by virtue of being inadequate.
  • 不用语言来表达;特别是因为话语会不合适或不分。
    expressed without speech; especially because words would be inappropriate or inadequate.
  • 由疾病、感染或不分的血液供应而引起的骨的分解过程。
    lysis of bone caused by disease or infection or inadequate blood supply.
  • 这一思想没得到分的阐述。
    The idea was inadequately represented.
  • 一九七二年九月,中日两国签署联合声明,宣布建立外交关系,日本承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府,分理解和尊重中国政府关于台湾是中华人民共和国领土不可分割的一部分的立场,并且坚持遵循《波茨坦公告》第八条规定的立场。
    In September 1972, China and Japan signed a Joint Statement, announcing establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and that Japan recognizes the government of the PRC as the only legitimate government of China, fully understands and respects the Chinese government's position that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the PRC, and promises to adhere to the position as prescribed in Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation.
  • 我们指出由于征调方式的不当,而可能产生的不好结果与影响,其意义不在于消极的批评,而在于如何去纠正,采取好的动员方式,使前线能够得到源源不绝的补,益能组织足够数量的新军队。
    Pointing out the inappropriateness of the recruitment methods and the bad results and effects they may lead to is not meant to be passive criticism, but is designed to encourage people to work out ways to correct them and adopt appropriate methods, so as to provide the front with a steady flow of replenishments and organize enough new troops.
  •  这个学派只是由于对生产力的性质没有作适当研究,对国家情况不作综合考虑,因此对于农工商业、政治力量和国内财富作等比例发展的重要性,以及国家特有各工业部门取得分发展时这种工业力量的价值等方面,就格外地不重视。
    The popular school, inasmuch as it does not duly consider the nature of the powers of production, and does not take into account the conditions of nations in their aggregate, disregards especially the importance of developing in an equal ratio agriculture,manufactures and commerce, political power and internal wealth, and disregards especially the value of a manufacturing power belonging specially to the nation and fully developed in all its branches.
  • 事实分证明,中国共产党不愧为伟大、光荣、正确的马克思主义政党,不愧为领导中国人民不断开创新事业的核心力量。
    Facts have fully proved that the Communist Party of China is worthy of a great, glorious and correct Marxist political party and that it deserves to be the force at the core that leads the Chinese people in the incessant efforts to break new ground.