  • 要不要在散热器里注入些防冻剂?
    Shall I put some anti - freeze in the radiator?
  • 种在散热器和发动机体之间的复杂管道。
    a flexible hose between the radiator and the engine block.
  • 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨著散热器把身子缩成团。
    Tom is cold so he huddle up against the radiator.
  • 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨着散热器把身子缩成团.
    Tom was cold so he huddled up against the radiator.
  • 螺旋管个螺旋管或系列螺旋管,如在电热器中
    A spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes, as in a radiator.
  • 她把它们放在张纸上,放到暖气上去烤。
    She placed them on a piece of paper to warm on the radiator.
  • 水箱上部开口的个帽儿,从这里可以加上冷冻剂。
    cap on the opening in the top of a radiator through which a coolant liquid can be added.
  • 为此,迁入新居后父亲最先对房舍采取的措施之就是把楼上卧室中的暖气搬走,说这样做是为了节省取暖费用。
    Therefore, one of my father's first acts of home improvement was to remove all the radiators from the upstairs bedrooms. This was to save on heating costs.
  • 种三价基,由丙三醇去掉三个羟基获得。
    a trivalent radical derived from glycerol by removing the three hydroxyl radicals.
  • 连上个碳原子的用另外个原子或原子团来替代混合物中某原子或原子团的过程的或与此有关的
    Relating to the replacement of one of several atoms or radicals in a compound by another atom or radical.
  • 在瑞士,共产党人支持激进派,但是并不忽略这个政党是由互相矛盾的分子组成的,其中部分是法国式的民主社会主义者,部分是激进的资产者。
    In Switzerland they support the Radicals, without losing sight of the fact that this party consists of antagonistic elements, partly of Democratic Socialists, in the French sense, partly of radical bourgeois.
  • 乙基价烃基的c2h5
    A univalent organic radical, C2H5.
  • 达成一致意见
    To come to an agreement.
  • 他们缔结了项协议。
    They have contracted an agreement.
  • 计划中个根本的错误。
    a radical flaw in the plan.
  • 个煽动革命的过激分子。
    a radical who agitates for reform.
  • 元的有个可置换原子或原子团的
    Having one replaceable atom or radical.
  • 通过条约或者协议连接在起。
    joined by treaty or agreement.
  • 从甲苯衍生而来的价化学基。
    the univalent radical derived from toluene.
  • 同意的实例;一致
    An instance of agreement; concord.
  • 从乙烯衍生而来的价化学基。
    a univalent chemical radical derived from ethylene.
  • 从甲烷衍生而来的价基ch。
    the univalent radical CH3- derived from methane.
  • 从苯甲酸衍生而来的价化学基。
    the univalent radical derived from benzoic acid.
  • 大致相似;相近一致
    Rough similarity; approximate agreement.
  • 只有个金属离子或正基的
    Having only one metal ion or positive radical.
  • 他在这计划中做了个彻底的更改。
    He made a radical change in the plan.
  • 致地全体同意地;致地
    In complete agreement; unanimously.
  • 乙烯基从乙烯分子中得到的价化学基ch2ch
    The univalent chemical radical CH2CH, derived from ethylene.
  • 一价原子或一价基
    An atom or a radical with a valence of1.
  • 全体一致同意。
    There was universal agreement.
  • 脱羧酶酶的种,可水解羧基酸
    Any of various enzymes that hydrolize the carboxyl radical.
  • 他们达成致的意见。
    They reached unanimous agreement.