  • 从特纳的早年经历可以看,在他那些标志性的狂热行为背后,隐藏着的是一种永久的危机感和极度的不安全感。
    It isn't hard to see how Turner's childhood might have instilled this sense of permanent crisis,of desperate insecurity,behind the frenzied activity that is his trademark.
  • 电视训练来的手“周末小手枪”的新一代的业余歹徒们,使得政府关于职业罪犯的统计数字猛增狂涨,并成为社会治安不宁的主要根源。
    The new wave of TV-trained amateurs, with Saturday-night specials in their hands, have greatly swelled the government statistics of crime professionals and constitute the chief source of social insecurity.
  • 插入在某一连续演中插入或导致被插入
    To insert or cause to be inserted into the sequence of a performance.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中的一种动作,从某个文件资料中检索某个已规定好的文字块,并把它插入正在建立或修改的文件资料中去。
    In word processing, the act of retrieving of a defined block of text from a document and inserting it into the document being created or revised.
  • 在这本新书里,他对美国人性格的描写表现惊人的洞察力。
    In this new book he hits off the American temperament with amazing insight.
  • 显示洞察力或清晰而深刻的理解力的。
    exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception.
  • 她的小说显示她对人性的敏锐洞察力。
    Her novel shows her keen insight into human character.
  • 洞察,认识;识别表现很强的识别力和很好的判断力的行为或过程
    The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment.
  • 对这种状况,中国天主教和基督教界级为不满。一些有识之士早在本世纪二十年代,就提了中国教会自传、自养、自立的要求,但在旧中国未能实现。
    Chinese Catholic and Protestant circles resented this state of affairs and, as early as in the 1920s, some insightful people proposed that the Chinese church do its own missionary work, support itself and manage its own affairs. But these proposals were not realized in old China.
  • 都市是如此壮观伟大,而她却如此渺小,这不能不使她产生感慨。
    Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her.
  • 美国西南部多刺的发枝的每年落叶的灌木,有不明显的黄白色的花丛,现在叶子前面,有吸引人的黑色的象浆果似的果实。
    spiny branching deciduous shrub of southwestern United States having clusters of insignificant yellow-white flowers appearing before leaves followed by attractive black berrylike fruits.
  • 反恐中心正努力做着以前做不到的事情,即从大量往往是无关紧要的数据中拣少量令人费解的信息,然后把这些信息联系起来,以挫败某场重大的新攻击。
    The center is trying to do what it could not do before:pluck obscure bits of information from the flood of often irrelevant or insignificant data and connect the dots to foil a major new attack.
  • 是真实的或相信没有的东西。
    insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have.
  • 过急售物太急于或坚持想售某物
    To be too eager or insistent in attempting to sell something to.
  • 资助人——一般是以傲慢的态度钱而赚回恭维话的可怜虫。
    Patron: commonly a wretch who supports with insolence, and is paid with flattery.
  • 资助人——一般是以傲慢的态度钱而赚回恭维话的可怜虫。
    Patron: commonly a wretch who support with insolence , and is pay with flattery.
  • 当你犯了错误的时候,就要更加横蛮无礼,还要做自己就是受害人的样子。
    When you have do a fault, is always pert and insolent, and behave yourself as if you be the injure person.
  • 当你犯了错误的时候,就要更加横蛮无礼,还要做自己就是受害人的样子。
    When you have done a fault, be always pert and insolent, and behave yourself as if you are the injured person.
  • 当你犯了错误的时候,就要更加横蛮无礼,还要作你自己就是受害人的样子。
    When you have done a fault, be always pert and insolent, and behave yourself as if you were the injured person.
  • 哲学:是对难以解释的问题作的难以理解的答案。
    Philosophy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems.
  • 哲学:是对难以解释的问题作难以理解的答案。
    Philosophy: unintelligible answer to insoluble problem.
  • 显然难解的问题;人民财政…现的问题长期以来都不能解决或至少未解决。
    an apparantly insolvable problem; public finance...had long presented problems unsolvable or at least unsolved- C.L.Jones.
  • 根据外判计划,这些清盘从业员由破产管理署署长委任,以代替署长本人任临时清盘人;他们的酬金由公帑资助,但资助款额不超过他们投标时提的限额。
    Under the scheme, these insolvency practitioners are appointed by the Official Receiver as provisional liquidators in place of the Official Receiver and their remuneration is subsidised by government funds up to the limits submitted in their tenders.
  • 一批资源枯竭的矿山和严重资不抵债、扭亏无望的企业,通过关闭、破产退市场。
    A number of mines having exhausted their deposits and insolvent enterprises with little hope of recovery declared bankruptcy and closed.
  • 太平绅士调查投诉、视察膳食、并就犯人的居住和工作环境作报告。
    They investigate complaints, inspect diets and report on living and working conditions.
  • 届时,我们会检验四千幢楼宇的电力装置,找需要改善的地方。
    We will also inspect electrical installations in 4 000 buildings in 1999 so as to identify necessary improvements.
  • 口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品。
    The exporters have the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line.
  • 第三章口商品的检验
    Chapter III Inspection of Export Commodities
  • 巡视者在检查楼房时查了一些毛病。
    The inspector find some defect during their checking of the building.
  • 这位稽查员,显露一种最常见到的人性的弱点。
    This tax inspector was demonstrating one of the most common of human frailties.
  • 高标准激发别人对你的信心与信任,有助于创造你获得成功所需要的条件。
    High standards inspire the confidence and trust of others, helping to create the conditions you will need to be successful.
  • 如果你能在繁忙的工作中挤时间去正确地饮食和锻炼,你便能够鼓励他也这样做。
    If you can find time in your busy schedule to eat right and exercise, that may inspire him to do so too.