  • 对这个团体的各个成员提的信息进行的讨论
    A discussion with input from all members of the group.
  • 所有的输人一输设备都将通过网络与智能随机存储器们连接。
    All input-output devices will be linked to them via networks.
  • 信号计算机从特定的输入中产生的信息
    The information produced by a computer from a specific input.
  • 连接输入输设备到系统的一种单向封闭的信号通路。
    A closed unidirectional signal path connecting input/output devices to a system.
  • 用矩阵的形式表示输入、文件以及输之间关系的一种表示方法。
    A representation of the relation between inputs, files, and outputs in matrix form.
  • ·交换矩阵,在物理上或逻辑上连接输入与输
    ·A switching matrix, which physically or logically connects inputs and outputs.
  • 一种逻辑电路,只有当所有的输入全为“0”时才有输
    A circuit that has an output only when all inputs are down.
  • 在真值表中为x的输入或输,表示该状态是无关状态。
    Inputs or outputs that appear in truth tables as X,meaning that the state is irrelevant.
  • 3.输端数量:栅门的输端通常与一个或一个以上的其他设备的输人端相连。
    3. Fan-out: The output of a gate is usually connected to one or a number of other devices' inputs.
  • 选通电极,门电路具有多个输入端和一个输端,只有当一套指定的输入端受到脉冲时才有能量
    A circuit with multiple inputs and one output that is energized only when a designated set of input pulses is received.
  • 端数量就是指在不削弱其功能的前提下,输栅门所能连接的标准荷载的数量。
    Fan-out refers to the number of standard loads (inputs) that the output of a gate can be connected to without impairing its normal operation.
  • 作为“模块”,它们是一些黑色的盒子。当通电时,它们就能以这种形式工作,对逻辑信号进行处理,并输结果。
    As modules, they are black boxes, in the sense that they will perform desired functions when voltage levels, corresponding to logic states, are presented at the inputs.
  • 而从输栅门所能输的信号是有限的,因此每个输栅门只能与有限的输人接口相连。
    The amount of current supplied from the output of a gate is limited. Therefore the output of a gate can only be connected to a limited number of inputs.
  • 质问者提问题的人;询问者
    One who asks questions; an inquirer.
  • 感谢你方1992年5月10日来函,询问我公司对口商品的保证问题。
    Thank you for your letter of May10,1992 inquiring about the warranty on our products exported.
  • 感谢你方1992年5月10日来函,询问我公司对口商品的保证问题。
    Thank you for your letter of May 10, 1992 inquiring about the warranty on our products exported.
  • 我们对此商品,已提询盘。
    We make inquiry about the goods.
  • 我们已向该公司提询价(询盘)。
    We addressed our inquiry to the firm.
  • 我们期等着贵方对我方询盘做答复。
    We expect your reply to our inquiry.
  • 近年来人们重新对此感兴趣,提了一些有益的普通原则,如:好的语言学习者自觉性强,勤学好问,接受外语与母语的差异,严于律己,讲求实际,乐于实践,积极参与,计划周到等。
    The revival of interest in this in recent years has led to some good general principles being proposed, such as that good language learners are self-aware, inquisitive, tolerant of differences between their own and the foreign language, self-critical, realistic, willing to experiment, actively involved, organized.
  • 在磁性存储设备中存储数据或从中检索数据的过程中,由于读到以前未曾记录过的一个二进制字符而检测来的一种错误。注:引起这种混杂信息的原因通常是在磁表面层中有缺陷或在其表面上存在微粒杂物。
    An error detected by reading of a binary character not previously recorded, in storing, or retrieving data from a magnetic storage device.Note: Drop-ins are usually caused by defects in or the presence of particles on the magnetic surface layer.
  • 被告的律师说他想提案发时被告精神失常这一理由,为被告不需负法律责任进行辩护。
    Counsel for the accused said that he intended to plead insanity, ie that his client was insane and therefore not responsible for his actions.
  • 精神病的精神错乱的,显示或受精神病折磨的
    Of, exhibiting, or afflicted with insanity.
  • 被告的律师说他想提案发时被告精神失常这一理由,为被告不需负法律责任进行辩护
    Counsel for the accused said that he intended to plead insanity
  • 被告的律师说他想提案发时被告精神失常这一理由,为被告不需负法律责任进行辩护。
    Counsel for the accused say that he intended to plead insanity.
  • 一旦合伙人死亡、退或精神失常,从法律上讲,合营关系也随之终止。
    A partnership is legally ended upon the death, withdrawal, or insanity of a partner.
  • 遭受了"9·11"的痛苦以后,大人们纷纷把目光转向宗教类书籍,想要从中寻求精神的寄托,而孩子们则表现了对魔法世界冒险的无穷渴望。这些,都为版商带来了巨大的收益。
    The search for spiritual sustenance after last year's September 11 attacks has boosted the profits of religious publishers while children have demonstrated an insatiable appetite for the exploits of a boy wizard.
  • 关于、类似于或适合浮士德的,尤指为了获得知识和权力甚至卖自己的灵魂。
    pertaining to or resembling or befitting Faust or Faustus especially in insatiably striving for worldly knowledge and power even at the price of spiritual values.
  • 末页通常置于书尾部分的记录,说明该书的版事项
    An inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts about its publication.
  • 他那神秘莫测的面孔看不在想什么。
    His inscrutable face does not show what he is thinking.
  • 刺猬猬家族中任何一种小的食虫性哺乳动物,产于欧洲,非洲和亚洲,背上长有浓密、竖立的刺,其特点是现了危险便卷成球状进行自我保护
    Any of several small insectivorous mammals of the family Erinaceidae of Europe, Africa, and Asia, having the back covered with dense, erectile spines and characteristically rolling into a ball for protection.
  • 当我年青的时候,我想去控制是于恐惧,是缺乏信任和不安全感。
    When I was younger, my need to control arose out of fear, a lack of trust, insecurity.