| - 1994年,中国提出亚太安全的三个基本目标:保持本国的稳定与繁荣;维护长期和平稳定的周边环境;在相互尊重和平等基础上开展对话与合作。
In 1994, China presented three basic objectives for the region's security: maintenance of stability and prosperity in China, safeguarding long-term peace and stability in its surrounding environment, and initiating dialogues and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and equality. - 这份出版物旨在对有兴趣主动和有效率地在国家、省和地方级别执行各项宣传运动和方案,以提高公众对为了可持续发展节约淡水此一重要性认识的国家提供指导。
The publication aims at providing guidance to the countries interested in initiating and efficiently carrying out campaigns and programmes at the national, provincial and local levels to raise public awareness of the importance of freshwater conservation for sustainable development. - 从计算机发出指令到开始从存储器单元传送数据之间的时间。
Time lag between completion of instruction staticizing and the initiation of the movement of data from its storage location. - 但真正严格意义上的扶贫,是在改革开放以后提出并大规模实施的。
However, in the strict sense, the help-the-poor program was put forward and implemented on a large scale only after the initiation of the reform and opening-up. - 这样制订出来的政策就不能调动积极性。
Policies formulated on this basis cannot arouse the people's initiative. - 这一形势使他的积极性和勇气全部激发出来。
It was situation that called forth all his initiative and courage. - 你要尽力在演出中倾注一点热情。
Try to inject a bit of enthusiasm into your performance. - 特区政府早前拨款5亿元,为从事出口的中小型企业作信贷保证,现在再注资20亿元,协助所有类型的中小型企业取得贷款,以利营运。
In addition to the HK$ 500 million credit guarantee offered to small and medium enterprises engaged in export, the SAR government will inject HK$ 2 billion to assist all kinds of small and medium enterprises in securing credit. - 在学习、工作中,难免与他人之间出现误解和紧张关系,但幽默感作为“安定剂”可以给这种微妙棘手的情形注人一个轻松的音符,比愤怒的言辞和争吵能更快地缓和问题。
It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humor can, as a “pacifier”, inject a light note into the touchy situation to ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. - 他获得阻止公司出售他汽车的禁令。
He get an injunction prevent the company from selling his car. - 公司提出申请要求获得阻止他们竞争者出售类似产品的禁令。
The company applied for an injunction to stop their competitor from marketing a similar product. - 把汽车残骸破开才救出了受伤的司机
The injure driver was rescued from the wreckage of his car - 火车出轨时,数百人受伤。
Hundreds of people is injure when the train go off the rail. - 他显出一种受了伤害的样子。
He had an injured look. - 装出一付吃了亏的样子
Donned the air of the injured party. - 她装出一副无辜受累的样子。
She assumed an air of injured innocence. - 但法律提出了更高的要求,要求所有供水企业供应卫生的水。“卫生”不只是指“无害”,而且还有“促进、有益于健康”的意思,所以为提高水的质量就要改变饮用水的化学成分。
But the law demands more than that , and requires all water undertakings to provide a supply of wholesome water, "wholesome" means more than simply "not injurious": it means "promoting or conducive to health", so the chemical constituents of the water may be changed to improve its drinking quality. - 人们对这种不公正表示出强烈不满。
The people are crying out against this injustice. - 计划性建的这条铁路将为这个内陆国提供一条向东出海的通过。
The projected line will provide the inland country with an eastern outlet to the sea. - 通过从入口到出口逐渐增加气压来发展转矩的带有桨叶的涡轮。
a turbine with blades arranged to develop torque from gradual decrease of steam pressure from inlet to exhaust. - 客栈老板微微一笑便出去了。
The inn keeper smiled and immediately went out. - 汤姆连同他随身带的行李一起被赶出了旅社。
Tom was cleared out of the inn, bag and baggage. - 他一出现在观众面前就呆住了。
When he got inn front of the audience, he froze up. - 掏出鸡的内脏(以备烹调)
Pull a chicken, ie remove its innards before cooking it - 毕竟,天才不总是天生的。如果一个天资出众的人没有找到适合的环境并发展自身,那么他就会一事无成。
Innate genius isn't always so innate, after all, coming to nothing if the person born with the potential for excellence doesn't find the right environment and blossom in it. - 如果没有breakouter语句,就没有办法在一个内部循环里找到出外部循环的路径。这是由于break本身只能中断最内层的循环(对于continue同样如此)。
If not for the break outer statement, there would be no way to get out of the outer loop from within an inner loop, since break by itself can break out of only the innermost loop. - 你仅以三分得到出局。
you only get 3 outs per inning. - 一局有几次出局?
How many outs are there in an inning? - 每一队在一局中有三次出局。
Each team has three "outs" in an inning? - 汤姆:等他们也被杀出局三人时,就再交换攻守。攻一次,守一次叫做一局。
When the second team has been retired the "inning" is over. - 约翰尼在第2局击出左外野本垒打。
Johnny hit a home run over the left field wall in the second inning. - 在最后一局的决定性关头,汤姆击出一支全垒打。
Tom hit a home run in the last inning of the game when the chips were down.